Chowdhury DSP releases Chowdhury DSP guitar pedal effect plugin

Chowdhury DSP releases Chowdhury DSP guitar pedal effect plugin Chowdhury DSP has released CHOW Tape, free klon centaur guitar pedal plugin for Windows, Linux and Mac VST/VST3/AU/LV2. ChowCentaur is a digital model of the Klon Centaur guitar pedal. The pedal emulation is created using a variety of circuit modelling methods including nodal…

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Haunted Guitar Lite by Electronik Sound Lab

Haunted Guitar Lite by Electronik Sound Lab Haunted Guitar Lite is a multi-sampled Fender Stratocaster Plus Deluxe electric guitar rompler. Each preset contains 28 samples processed with various high quality effects to achieve dark and spooky guitar sounds. 8 Presets. 224 Samples. ADSR. HP / LP Filter. LFO Modulation. Filter type selector. Voice…

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