• BeatNet

Tropicana Fun Caribbean rhythmic synth Plugin by Fanan Team x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 Windows Free

Tropicana Fun is a free rhythmic synth based on it’s bigger brother Tropicana. It’s crafted for producing the caribbeans musical style arpeggios. It based on 2 independent wavetable \ pad oscillators combined with innovative modular arpeggiator design. All the oscillators can perform together or independently. The synthesis section provides a…

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EarQuiz Frequencies Ear Training by EarQuiz Windows MacOS StandAlone free

EarQuiz Frequencies is a Free and Open Source software for ear training on equalization. Its goal is to help musicians and other audio professionals or students learn how to hear frequency bands, and to adjust an EQ consciously. Whether you make a living from music or this is your hobby; whether…

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Elemental Child – Fragments

“A piece of art comes to life, when we can feel, it is breathing, when it talks to us and starts raising questions. It may dispel biased perceptions; make us recognize ignored fragments and remember forsaken episodes of our life story.“

„Ein Kunstwerk erwacht zum Leben, wenn wir spüren, dass es atmet, wenn es zu uns spricht und Fragen aufwirft. Es kann voreingenommene Wahrnehmungen zerstreuen, uns ignorierte Fragmente erkennen lassen und uns an vergessene Episoden unserer Lebensgeschichte erinnern.“ – Erik Pevernagie

Musik & Produktion by Elemental Child © 2024