Salisbury Plugins Tonebox v1.0 x64 x86 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Introducing Tonebox, a powerful saturation and tone shaping tool that brings together the best of vintage warmth and modern precision. Designed for today’s producers and engineers, Tonebox allows you to shape your audio with the analog soul and digital precision needed to make recordings shine. At the heart of Tonebox…

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Full Bucket Music Oxid (ARP Omni-2) v1.0.1 x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 CLAP AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Oxid is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VSTi2/VSTi3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VSTi2/VSTi3/CLAP/AU) simulating the classic ARP Omni-2 Polyphonic Synthesizer from the 1970s. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: Close simulation of the original hardware 64 voices polyphony String…

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Bertom Air Shelf (Dynamic EQ) v1.2.6 x64 x86 VST3 AU AAX LiNUX WiN MACOs [FREE]

Air Shelf is a dynamic EQ plugin designed to shape very high frequencies, mostly above 10kHz. Use the Boost knob to get more highs, and the Tame knob to keep high frequency transients under control. Boost: A 1st order high shelf centred at 20kHz, fully decramped up to 21kHz. Tame:…

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Bertom Denoiser Classic v3.0.7 x64 x86 VST3 AU AAX LiNUX WiN MACOS [FREE]

Denoiser Classic is a zero-latency noise reduction plugin for music, post-production and live use. Features: Traditional workflow. Low CPU usage. Zero latency. No FFT and associated artefacts. Not limited to voice processing. Fully automatable. Changelog: 3.0.7, 22/07/2024 # fixed : crash with very small buffer sizes (incorrect pointer calculation) #…

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Stone Voices DReverb (Algorithmic Reverb) v2.0 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

DReverb 2.0 — is a free plugin for creating high quality algorithmic reverbs, the basis of which is modified Dattorro’s algorithm. A feature of this plugin, like other reverbs from Stone Voices, is a wide range of reverb times (up to 100 seconds), as well as low CPU consumption. The…

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Attila M. Magyar MPE Emulator v1.0.0 Win Linux VST VST3 JSFX [FREE]

A VST plugin for enhancing non-MPE MIDI streams with MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) capabilities based on user-defined mappings and rules, for Linux and Windows. MPE Emulator is a MIDI proxy: an intermediary plugin which turns non-polyphonic, single channel aftertouch (channel pressure), pitch bend, or any MIDI Control Change (CC) message…

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Bertom Audio Vocal Compressor v1.0.2 x64 x86 VST3 AU AAX LiNUX WiN MACOS [FREE]

Vocal Compressor is a simple compressor plugin optimized for speech and singing voice. It is heavily inspired by how mastering limiters work and features the same kind of lookahead (about 1ms) and program dependency but in a soft knee compression context. Additionally, the „HF Sens“ sidechain filter allows you to…

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Bertom Audio EQ Curve Analyzer v2.0.3 x64 x86 VST3 AU AAX LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

EQ Curve Analyzer is an analyzer and signal generator plugin to see the frequency response (magnitude and phase) of any plugin or hardware. Insert the plugin you want to analyse between two instances of EQ Curve Analyzer, the first one set as a signal generator and the second one as an…

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Magical 8bit Plug 8-Bit Synth Plugin by Ymck x86 x64 VSTI VSTi3 Au Windows MacOS

Magical 8bit Plug 2 is a software-synthesizer developed by Yokemura@YMCK which generates primitive electronic sounds like the old 8bit game consoles. It can be used as a plug-in for the host applications that support Audio Units or VST. Magical 8bit Plug 2 can produce the 8bit-specific sounds, namely pseudo triangle and…

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JX220 by Jxplugins x86 vsti windows free download

JX220 analog synth. Oscillator with variable waveform SubOscillator 2 Pole resonant Low Passdigital IIR filter LFO Sine Wave, Range 1-10 Hz Unison Full midi control 8 Polyphonic channels 128 presets and 140 programs per synth Editor’s note: Was one of the standard plug-ins in Cubase SX 1/2 and 3 at the…

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Silver Orbit by HG Fortune x86 vsti windows free download

Silver Orbit is a 2 oscillators synthesizer with 8 waveforms each and option to modify the waveshape plus one oscillator with 5 waveforms, the latter one can be frequency modulated which is synced to osc. 2 thus FM will result in getting harmonic content. 2 oscillators X 8 waveforms. 1 24dB Lowpass…

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Airwindows Consolidated v2024-07-20 (All Plugins Bundle Suite) x64 x86 VST3 AU CLAP LV2 STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

All nearly-400 Airwindows plugins For many years, I’ve built up a library of DSP effects, executed in a stripped-down, retro-friendly format that is impossibly light and efficient compared to how plugins usually are. It’s also completely overwhelming at nearly 400 plugins all with their own names (or iterations like Channel6,…

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HY-Plugins HY-MPS3 (Block Base Sequencer/Arpeggiator) Free Version v1.0.4 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

It’s block base sequencer/arpeggiator plugin. The plugin consists of 3 parts, the “Block Chainer”, “SEQ/ARP block” and “Midi FX”. There are 8 SEQ/ARP blocks available. And you can set the parameters differently per a block. The Block Chainer will trigger these blocks with various options, and this will bring unique…

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Stylophone by superwave x86 vsti windows free

Over 40 years old, the Stylophone pocket synthesizer made popular by David Bowie (Space Oddity) is now available in VSTi. The Stylophone is a monophonic synthesizer with one sound only, with the option to add vibrato enhancement. The Stylophone VSTi has a sample based oscillator using samples recorded from an original Stylophone,…

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Leo McCormack Sparta (Spatial Audio Real Time Applications) v1.7.1 x86 x64 VST VST3 LV2 Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

A collection of open-source VST/LV2 audio plug-ins for producing and reproducing spatial sound scenes.Spatial Audio Real-Time Applications (SPARTA) [1]. A collection of VST/LV2 audio plug-ins for spatial audio production, reproduction and visualisation. Developed using JUCE and the Spatial_Audio_Framework. Plug-in descriptions: AmbiBIN – A binaural Ambisonic decoder (up to 10th order)…

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Reducktion Synth Plugin by Dead Duck Software x86 x64 VSTI Windows free

Dead Duck Reducktion is a 32-voice polyphonic software synthesizer for use in audio hosts that support the VST 2.4 plugin format. It available for Windows operating systems in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Features Three multi-mode oscillators: – Wave: continuously variable between saw, square, triangle and sine waveforms. – Pulse:…

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Nils Schneider Kawai K1v v1.26 x86 x64 vsti vsti3 au Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Nils‘ K1v is a rompler that emulates a Kawai K1, a famous japanese classic from 1988. Features: Very accurate emulation of all parameters Includes 968 Single presets and 384 Multi presets, the original factory bank + all ROM cards + all 200 Kawai PHm Pop Synth Module Singles. Organized in…

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Warmonger Warmy’s Supersaw v2.0 x86 VSTI Windows [FREE]

The Supersaw is practical synth dedicated to hi-energy leads and dreamy pads, essential part of every trance and dance track. All the features were tuned with only that purpose in mind. This synth successfully reproduced a variety of classic trance leads, which are included in presets. Features: 2 independent supersaw…

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Cedr by Saltline x86 vsti windows free download

Cedr is a 2 oscillator subtractive synthesizer with a 16 step pitch sequencer. The sequencer can also be fed to several other of the synthesizer’s controls. Cedr was created with chip tune in mind. This is reflected in the look and feel of the instrument and of course, most importantly the…

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The Usual Suspects OsTirus (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.3.15 x86 x64 vsti vsti3 clap lv2 fx MultiOS + ROM’s [FREE]

Motorola DSP563xx Emulation. thats official release, see their discord annoucement. Working Access Virus ROM included: Virus Ti Snow Virus TI2 Changelog: Framework: – [Imp] Patches can now be imported via drag & drop. You can drag .mid, .syx, .vstpreset, .fxb, .fxp files into the plugin to load them. You can…

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MS-01 by Midinaut x86 VSTI Windows Free Download

MS-01 is a pitch and filter 16 step sequencer synth. Mono/poly mode with glide. 2 syncable oscillators (each with own envelope) plus noise. Up to 16 steps pitch and filter sequencer. Switchable low and hipass filter (with envelope). 2 LFOs (free or syncable) with different modulation destinations. Can be triggered in…

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Caelum Audio KingKey (Realistic Keyboard) v1.0.0 x64 x86 VSTI3 AU AAX Windows MacOS [FREE]

NOW you can play the hyper realistic sounds of a keyboard while playing ON your keyboard. International Joke Day 2024 First came the piano keyboard, then along came the computer keyboard… Then, you could play your keyboard with your keyboard… NOW you can play the hyper realistic sounds of a…

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Slappy Delay Plugin by denise x86 x64 vst vst3 au aax Windows MacOS free

Create a smooth, classic, 50’s slapback delay effect on guitars, vocals, and drums with Slappy. Highlights: Classic effect: Slapback delay is a timeless effect nearly as old as rock and roll itself. No high end harshness: Our hysteresis algorithm emulates the saturation of an old reel-to-reel tape machine, smoothing out high…

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MPE Emulator MPE Emulator Plugin by Attila M. Magyar x86 x64 VST VST3 Windows Linux Free

MPE Emulator is a VST plugin for enhancing non-MPE MIDI streams with MPE (MIDI Polyphonic Expression) capabilities based on user-defined mappings and rules. MPE Emulator is a MIDI proxy: an intermediary plugin which turns non-polyphonic, single channel aftertouch (channel pressure), pitch bend, or any MIDI Control Change (CC) message into…

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INTRO by BK SynthLab x86 VSTI Windows Free download

INTRO is a stereo wavetable synth, using waforms and oscillators. Mono/polyphonic (6 voices) 4 Oscillators, 64 built-in waveforms Noise generator (white and pink) 2 Filters. Select from 1 to 8 stages Gain Compensation option for LP, HP and BP1 filter types. Individual Frequency, Resonance Level, Pan, Keytrack controls for each filter….

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STS-17 by HG Fortune x86 VSTI Windows free download

STS-17 featuring the Wave-Transition method for absolute unique soundscapes and textures. A very straight userinterface with 3 „Lazy“-Buttons for randomizing different sets of parameters so programming this synthesizer is incredibly easy. The Transition method adds a stunning new dimension and motion for an evolving sound changing completely it’s characteristics. Although this is…

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Music Society presents „Spirit of the age – Free Vsti“ by Mira-Katharina – Gui by Achim Ortmann x86 Windows Free for registered User

  2 x double Oscillators with each: 2 displayed Knobs for the different OSC waveforms (Sine, Saw, Ramp, Soft Ramp, Peak Ramp, Square, Triangle, Peak, Octava, Cluster 1 and Cluster 2) 1 none-displayed Button for the Octaves 1 Fine-Tuning 2 Knobs for the OSC Harmonics 1 Button for the OSC-Mix…

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Drumsynth (Port) by cz-10xv x86 VSTI Windows rare free download

Features Additive Drum Synthesizer Drum parameters for:Tone, Overtone A & B with wave-type select freq‘, filter, freq balance, and freq‘-mod routings as well as A+B sum, noise, noise band A & B with selectable center-freq and width, pitch-shift & timestretch etc.. Import, export in .DS format Library of drum-sounds e.g….

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