TranceDrive by yedey

3 main oscillators each main oscillator supports 6  waveforms: sine, saw, triangle, pulse, saw7, cry the waveform “saw7″ is a supersaw with 7 detunable sub oscillators the waveform “cry” is an experimental waveform, it is built up with several hardsynced saws main oscillator 2 has an additional unisono mode, when…

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Graphite by Sporesound

Graphite is a wavetable synthesizer. You can use wavetables with 2048 samples in wav format, for example you can export wavetables from Node directly to Graphite. Just put the wavetables in Tables folder. On Windows it will be in documents/Spore Sound/Tables, on Mac in Library/Audio/Presets/Spore Sound/Tables/ 2 filters, whitch work…

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Decomposer Sitala v1.0 x64 x86 VST AU AXX WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]

Sitala is a free drum plugin and standalone app Sitala‘s beauty is simplicity. It‘s fast and musical. Six knobs. Sixteen pads. Drag and drop. Playable like instrument. New in Sitala 1.0 — Released December 11, 2020: • Editable sample start and end points With automatic silence detection, playback starts where the…

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W.A. Production releases Puncher 2 Lite free audio effect plugin

The CPU-friendly little brother of Puncher 2 combines a transient shaper, multiband compressor and paralell compressor in a single effect, featuring real-time visual feedback and pop and click free bypass. „Without diving into the complexities of audio processing, sometimes you just want a quick and easy way to make your…

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Modcat v.2.0 by miniSoftmusik[win][32Bit][free] – No longer available

Modcat is a virtual analogue synthesizer inspired by the Octave Cat hardware analogue synthesizer. „Here is my new synthi.It is inspirated from a analog darling . BEWARE , it comes without any FX and pls read the info in the left upper corner.“ Version 2 features: – 8 voices – New…

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Sampleson SUB Analog Drums v1.6 x64 x86 VST AU WiN MAC [FREE]

RAW ANALOG DRUMS + SUB BASS OSC. NO SAMPLES. JUST GOOD OLD SYNTHESIS. SUB is a vintage analog drums module recreating many classic drum sounds and a Sub-frequency oscillator for extra fun. The magic of using synthesis (instead of sampling vintage hardware) is that sounds can be tweaked in a…

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music-society presents Spirit of the Age by Mira-Katharina

4 x Oscillators Two of them are normal oscillators with waveforms and harmonics function and the other two oscillators are spectral oscillators with noise functions. 2 x VCA Envelope (ADSR) 2 x VCF Envelope (ADSR) 2 x VCF (each have 9 filter mods, Cutoff, Resonance, Velocity, Tracking) 2 x LFO…

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Rainbow by BigTick[win][x86][free]

VSTi & Standalone versions. FM, AM, additive and subtractive synthesis. 1 to 4 oscillators per voice. Up to 24 voices (CPU dependant). Selectable shape (sine, saw, square, triangle, noise). Coarse / Fine tuning knobs, with selectable keyboard tracking mode. LFO mode. Distortion (Waveshaping knob). APDSR (Attack/Peak/ Decay/ Sustain/ Release) level…

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Monique – Bass and Lead Synthesizer by Monoplugs

Monique – Bass and Lead Synthesizer by Monoplugs Monique is a unique synthesizer for deep basses and aggressive lead sounds. This synthesizer comes with a very special morphing feature that gives you the capabilities of up to 8 different programs in one. It’s a perfect instrument for jamming and live performances —…

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Sound Magic releases piano one free plugin instrument

piano one Piano One comes from the Yamaha C7 concert grand, a true workhorse in the professional piano world, appearing on famous concert stages, in international competitions and in prestigious music events throughout the world.   By utilizing the Sound Magic Hybrid Modelling Engine, Piano One offers both the Realistic…

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Kilohearts kHs One v1.1.23 VST AU AAX WIN OSX [FREE limited time]

Kilohearts kHs One v1.1.23 VST AU AAX WIN OSX [FREE limited time] Kilohearts is offering its software synthesizer kHs ONE as a free download. The straight-forward subtractive polyphonic synthesizer is available in VST, AU and AAX plugin formats for Windows and Mac. kHs ONE was not designed to be a…

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Surge Synth Team releases Surge v1.8.0 free plugin synth

– New skins, including the lovely “Royal Surge” skin and greatly improved Classic and Dark skins – New filters, with multiple new filter models – A complete implementation of a multi-segment envelope generator (MSEG) as a modulation source – A large number of Airwindows FX available in the FX chain…

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Music-Society presents DOREMI by

Music-Society presents DOREMI by Thanks to get busy and make preset banks  Runs on Win 32, Win64, VST2/3 and OSX-Mac Features: – 2 oscillators, the 2nd oscillator can be used in 3 modes Both oscillators have their own ADSR, volume and sub-oscillator – a noise oscillator with its own…

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Music-Society presents Datura-Instruments RadaR(32 Bit) Windows VSTI

Datura-Instruments RadaR is a four dimensional Analog- & Digital-Synthesizer equipped with exclusive modulation possibilities. The combination of digital and analog processing provides a wide range of sound colours. The “north and south” modules play two analog voices each with a polyphony of 8 tones providing ring-modulation, phase-modulation and separate filters….

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3x Delux by Infected-Sounds

3x Delux is a new generation of synthesizer designed to generate your favourite sounds. This synth is a pure legend. The synth has a awesome sound engine. You gona love this synth. Basic: – Start with 1 bank, (32 presets in total to start with). Presets included: Basses Plucks Leads….

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Haunted Guitar Lite by Electronik Sound Lab

Haunted Guitar Lite by Electronik Sound Lab Haunted Guitar Lite is a multi-sampled Fender Stratocaster Plus Deluxe electric guitar rompler. Each preset contains 28 samples processed with various high quality effects to achieve dark and spooky guitar sounds. 8 Presets. 224 Samples. ADSR. HP / LP Filter. LFO Modulation. Filter type selector. Voice…

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OB-Xd is based on the Oberheim OB-X. It attempts to recreate its sound and behavior, but as the original was very limited in some important ways a number of things were added or altered to the original design. OB-Xd was designed to sound as good and as rich as the…

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SpectMorph win, Linux, MacOS

SpectMorph win, Linux, MacOS Linux LV2 plugin – preferred for all sequencers that support LV2 VST plugin – especially for proprietary solutions that don’t support LV2 JACK standalone – application using JACK for midi input and audio output Windows VST plugin – 64-bit VST usable in many Windows DAWs macOS…

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