PhazOsc by Fretted Synth x86 VSTI Windows No longer available free download

Phase distortion synth offering velocity control on both the amp and timbre. Monophonic or 8-voice polyphonic Delay and chorus are also included Vibrato Modulation using CC #1 64 presets to get you started PhazOscVSTi

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Ronan Fed – VSTi VST VSTI3 VST3 x64 – Bundle Windows – No Longer Available Free Download

01.) Ronan Fed – AIRE v1.0 VST – Stereo Hall – Win 64 – 6,5 MB – Free 02.) Ronan Fed – Essence Plus v1.0 VSTi – Win 64 – 16 MB – Free 03.) Ronan Fed – Essence v1.3 VSTi – Win 64 – 12,9 MB – Free 04.)…

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Davosynth by Elektrostudio VSTI x86 Windows No longer available Free Download

Davosynth is an emulation of the vintage italian synth Davolisint. Davolisint is a rare Italian keyboard created in 1972. There are two oscillators called VCO1 and VCO2 – but there are no waveform selection, syncing options or envelopes. So, what do we have? One Portamento and fine tune per oscillator and…

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Vox Samples MaxStarter Plugins Bundle v1.0.0/3.0.2 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Includes 14 up-to-date plugins: Pitchmunk Pitch Shifter, Fat Cat Saturation, Fire Boy Bass Enhancer, Time Turtle Delay, Wider Tiger Stereo Enhancer, Pixel Rabbit Bitcrusher, Vox Tune Auto Pitch, Rainbow Bird EQ, Monster Crab Clipper, Aurora Air Enhancer, Drift Pitch Vibrato Effect, Angelic Analog Chorus, Vowel Changer Formant Filter, Slicer Dicer….

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AudioTechHub BRRR vst vst3 au Windows MacOS [Free]

BRRR: Tempo-Synced Delay with Random Vibrato Particles BRRR: Tempo-Synced Delay with Random Vibrato Particles This is BRRR, known for its icy presence and cool demeanor. BRRRs Effect is a Tempo-Synced Delay with Random Vibrato Particles FEATURES: A/B…

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Vicious Antelope Argo PRESETS BANK FOR OMNiSPHERE 2 [Free For Limited TIme]

Argo is a 96 patches soundbank for Spectrasonics Omnisphere 2 synth vst. This soundset is a sonic journey through the myth of Argo with the famous Argonauts and their expedition to obtain the Golden Fleece. There are 12 subgroups of patches each one with 8 of them influenced by some…

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Orpheus II by B Serrano x86 VSTI Windows Free Download

Orpheus II is a vintage Polyphonic Ensemble analog synthesizer. 2 ensembles. 128 voices polyphonic. Unison. Drift. Auto Bend. Mono mode with portamento. Vibrato. Formants. 3 bands resonators. Chorus. Delay. Phaser. Reverb. Auto-Pan. Tremolo. Mod Matrix. Embedded patch management. No longer available Orpheus-II

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Big Little Bass Bass Guitar by Karoryfer SFZ WAV free

Big Little Bass is a sample library of a large hollowbody bass guitar with very heavy strings, played mostly above the 12th fret so it effectively has the string length of a bass ukulele (up to the string length of a regular guitar at the very bottom of the sampled range)….

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Six String Audio Ultimate Rock Guitar FreeVersion Kontakt [FREE]

Get a weighing limited version of Ultimate Rock Guitar, showcasing the main features, including true legato, palm mutes and sequence samples and Auto Chord Detection. It is limited to the 12th fret, containes “only” two powerchord groups (5th & no3rd) but no special articulations like tapping, vibrato, unison bend, etc….

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Abakos PRO by HERCs Music Systems x86 VSTI Windows No longer available free download

Abakos PRO is a 2 oscillators analog synthesizer featuring an arpeggiator. 2 VCO with 3 waveforms. LFO with multiple waveforms. 2 ADSR for sound design. Envelope Follow. Onboard Delay, Tremolo, Vibrato and Wah Wah. Noise Generator. Ring Mod. Digital / Analogue Filter Modes. Internal preset management system. 4 Banks of Preset slots…

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Signal Perspective LIM Plugins Bundle (updated till November 2024) VST3 VSTI3 AU LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

A collection of 34 audio plugins in VST3 and AU formats, developed by the bachelor students of my course “Development of technologies for music production”. Being the result of students’ efforts, no responsibility is taken for their stability. However, some of them are quite impressive, for example, check out the…

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Vivek Vijayan Pulp Fiction v1.1.0 VST3 WiN Linux [FREE]

Multi FX rack plugin Pulp Fiction is a multi-FX rack plugin with four slots, allowing users to choose audio effects for each slot from a drop-down menu. Usage Insert Plugin: Load Pulp fiction into your preferred digital audio workstation (DAW). Select and Adjust Effects: Each slot can be assigned one…

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Nostalgic Style ORGAN Organ Plugin by VisareTone x86 VSTI Windows FREE

Inspired by legendary tonewheel organ. Dual Manuals Keys 73, Nine Standard Drawbars: 16′- 5(1/3)‘- 8′ – 4′ – 2(2/3)‘ – 2′ – 1(3/5)‘ – 1(1/3)‘ – 1′. Adjustable Key Click and Percussion. Standard Scanner Vibrato: V1, V2, V3, C1, C2, C3. Cabinet Rotary Speakers. Overdrive Tube. Spring Reverb. Manual upper…

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Native Instruments Play Series Twenty Five v2.0.1 KONTAKT [FREE]

As part of the KONTAKT Play Series, TWENTY FIVE is a limited-edition, free instrument created from the sounds of 37 classic instruments that represent our rich sonic history. Specially designed to celebrate our 25 years in sound, it aims to serve a broad range of styles that draw on our…

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Indiginus Real Rotor Organ (1957 Hammond B3) SF2 Decent Sampler KONTAKT [FREE]

We sampled the sound of a 1957 Hammond B3™ through a spinning Leslie™ speaker at chorale speed, using a single drawbar setting popular in Rock, Prog, and Jazz (688600000). Includes 2nd and 3rd Percussion samples, and the looped sustains are selectable with and without the vibrato scanner active. Real Rotor Organ…

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Vox Samples Drift Pitch (Vibrato Effect) v1.0.0 x64 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Easily customizable and super powerful! Add vibrato effect ANY sound without degrading the quality. To increase the range and amount of vibrato, simply turn up the big „Vibrato“ knob. „Speed“ knob changes the speed of pitch change, while „Mix“ knob blends in the dry signal with the vibrato signal. The „Sync“…

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Magical 8bit Plug 8-Bit Synth Plugin by Ymck x86 x64 VSTI VSTi3 Au Windows MacOS

Magical 8bit Plug 2 is a software-synthesizer developed by Yokemura@YMCK which generates primitive electronic sounds like the old 8bit game consoles. It can be used as a plug-in for the host applications that support Audio Units or VST. Magical 8bit Plug 2 can produce the 8bit-specific sounds, namely pseudo triangle and…

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Airwindows Consolidated v2024-07-20 (All Plugins Bundle Suite) x64 x86 VST3 AU CLAP LV2 STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

All nearly-400 Airwindows plugins For many years, I’ve built up a library of DSP effects, executed in a stripped-down, retro-friendly format that is impossibly light and efficient compared to how plugins usually are. It’s also completely overwhelming at nearly 400 plugins all with their own names (or iterations like Channel6,…

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Stylophone by superwave x86 vsti windows free

Over 40 years old, the Stylophone pocket synthesizer made popular by David Bowie (Space Oddity) is now available in VSTi. The Stylophone is a monophonic synthesizer with one sound only, with the option to add vibrato enhancement. The Stylophone VSTi has a sample based oscillator using samples recorded from an original Stylophone,…

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Yuri Semenov YS Voice Vibrato v1.0.0 x64 vst vst3 au Windows MacOS [FREE]

Ys – Voice Vibrato is an audio plugin for adding movement and liveliness to static sounds. Vibrato is mixed in parallel with the main signal, so you can easily select the desired range of influence on the signal with high and low frequency cutoff filters. For example, removing high frequencies,…

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Nils Schneider Kawai K1v v1.26 x86 x64 vsti vsti3 au Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Nils‘ K1v is a rompler that emulates a Kawai K1, a famous japanese classic from 1988. Features: Very accurate emulation of all parameters Includes 968 Single presets and 384 Multi presets, the original factory bank + all ROM cards + all 200 Kawai PHm Pop Synth Module Singles. Organized in…

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Sinus Plus Virtual Organ & Synthesizer VSTI Organ Plugin by Iliadis Instruments x86 VSTI Windows Free

This is not another Hammond B3 Simulation, as i told you one year before, with the 1st version of this Instrument. This is my latest project and it is ABSOLUTELY FREE. Yes it is still, only, as a 32-bit VSTi plugin available. Maybe my last project in 32-bit. We will…

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Tugrulakyuz TugGlicento V3 x64 VST3 Windows MacOS [FREE]

TugGlicento is an audio effect (Glitch effect) plugin for Windows (VST3), Mac (VST3) it can play multiple effects simultaneously, by triggering box TugGlicento can be as gentle or as noisy as you like. TugGlicento devide audio signal to 5 band with different filter setting (Lowpass, BandPass, HighPass) then apply an…

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Tugrulakyuz TugMultiEffect x64 VST3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]

TugMultiEffect is a versatile audio plugin designed to enhance the sound of audio recordings. it features 11 different effects, which are represented by boxes on the main window of the plugin. These effects include tools such as delay, chorus, reverb, distortion, and more. One of the standout features of Tug…

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Airwindows Consolidated v2024-05-06 (All Plugins Bundle Suite) x64 x86 VST3 AU CLAP LV2 STANDALONE LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

All nearly-400 Airwindows plugins For many years, I’ve built up a library of DSP effects, executed in a stripped-down, retro-friendly format that is impossibly light and efficient compared to how plugins usually are. It’s also completely overwhelming at nearly 400 plugins all with their own names (or iterations like Channel6,…

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Phibes by Land of Cockaigne x86 VSTI Windows Free download

Phibes electric organ tries to capture the sound of those sweet sixties organs. It is definitely no Hammond B3 or Vox Continental but rather some obscure and cheap east-european imitation of them. 9 drawbars with five different tones. Vibrato. Tremolo. Rotator effects. Staccato mode. phibes_v10

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Astriid Ami-Sampler (Commodore Amiga) v0.7.1 VSTi3 AU LV2 STANDALONE LiNUX WiNDOWS MacOS [FREE]

The Commodore Amiga revolutionized the home computer when it hit the shelves in 1985. Not only sporting colourful 16-bit graphics but also boasting four channels of 8-bit sampled audio. With sample sequencing software like ProTracker and OctaMED, it was the first computer that allowed its users to record and sequence…

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Revsonix Style ORGAN Rotary Speaker Scanner Vibrato Plugin by VisareTone x86 VSTI VST Windows Free

Revsonix Style ORGAN is a virtual simulation of the Scanner Vibrato and the Rotary Speakers. VST plugin effect for Classic Organ, Electric Guitar and more instruments. Bank –47 Presets. Standard Scanner Vibrato: V1, V2, V3, C1, C2, C3. Rotary Speakers: Precise setting of modulation for the Bass and Treble Horn,…

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Horus mkII by B Serrano x86 VSTI Windows Free Download

Horus mkII is a remade version of Horus string machine. MkII new features: Waveform choice for Strings and LFO. Phaser’s speed coefficient (a pop-up menu by clicking on „Speed“ label. Mono mode with portamento. Vibrato by Mod-wheel, Breath or pedal. Fake LCD display for patch management. New appearence. Horus basic specifications:…

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music-society specialpack by AM Music Technology x86 VSTI Windows bundle Free download

Pro-SoloVst Pro SoloVst  reproduces the monophonic analog preset synthesizer ARP Pro Soloist. The sound engine of the Pro SoloVst is a software emulation of the real analog algorithms implemented inside the original instrument: VCO, resonators, filters, VCF, VCA and analog effects. So you can hear and feel analog-like warm sounds coming…

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