Elephant DSP Room Reverb v1.3.0 vst3 au Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Room Reverb is an audio plugin that lets you add reverberation to your recordings in your digital audio workstation (DAW). Nowadays, people often record in very „dry“ places, which is good for editing the recording, but leads to an unnatural sound because the human ear is so used to reverberation….

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Dear Reality dearVR Micro v1.0.3 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Take the first step into 3D audio production. Fully immerse your listener with mind-blowing binaural tracks and benefit from Dear Reality’s and Sennheiser AMBEO’s joined forces. Mix Immersive Audio – Discover creative possibilities far beyond stereo and get ready for new immersive audio formats. Easy Handling – Immediately start mixing…

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Michael Willis Dragonfly Reverb v3.2.10 x64 VST VST3 CLAP LV2 Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Dragonfly Reverb is a bundle of free audio effects for Linux, MacOS, and Windows. Dragonfly hall: Dragonfly Hall Reverb is a free stereo-to-stereo reverb effect. It is primarily intended for use as a concert hall reverb. It also has numerous smaller presets representing rooms, studios, and chambers. It is based…

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Elephant DSP Room Reverb v1.1.0 x64 – VST3 AU LV2 CLAP Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Room Reverb is a mono/stereo to stereo algorithmic reverb audio plugin with many presets that lets you add reverberation to your recordings in your DAW. Nowadays, people often record in very „dry“ places, which is good for editing the recording, but leads to an unnatural sound because the human ear…

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Zen Autopan Auto Pan by Wild Surmise Music IOS Free

FX Forms #002 – Zen AutoPan from Wild Surmise Music, second offering in the series of AUv3 FX plugins. Note: This needs a compatible DAW App such as Logic Pro, AUM, Cubasis, Garageband etc to use the AUv3 plugin. Zen AutoPan is not merely a tool, but an invitation to…

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Rast Sound Mad Filter v1.01 x64 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Your new go to filter to add movement and character. Don’t let its being free fool you, filter and drive circuits in Mad Filter are state-of-the-art, warm and sweet, it can suddenly become your go to filter. „The complex LFO motion and mad states are the icings on the cake,…

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Dear Reality dearVR Micro v1.0.2 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Take the first step into 3D audio production. Fully immerse your listener with mind-blowing binaural tracks and benefit from Dear Reality’s and Sennheiser AMBEO’s joined forces. Mix Immersive Audio – Discover creative possibilities far beyond stereo and get ready for new immersive audio formats. Easy Handling – Immediately start mixing…

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Elemental Child – Interplay


„The dancer Andrea Nagl is embedded in a field of live light drawings. Every movement seems to change the respective light trace, becomes a light reflection itself in this work.“ – Markus Wintersberger 2012

„Die Tänzerin Andrea Nagl ist in ein Feld aus live zugespielten Licht Zeichnungen eingebettet. Jede Bewegung scheint die jeweilige Lichtspur zu verändern, wird in dieser Arbeit selbst zu einer Lichtspiegelung.“ – Markus Wintersberger 2012