Davosynth by Elektrostudio VSTI x86 Windows No longer available Free Download

Davosynth is an emulation of the vintage italian synth Davolisint. Davolisint is a rare Italian keyboard created in 1972. There are two oscillators called VCO1 and VCO2 – but there are no waveform selection, syncing options or envelopes. So, what do we have? One Portamento and fine tune per oscillator and…

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Gigmate by Manx Synthesizers x86 vsti windows No longer available free downlad

Gigmate is an emulation of the  1981 Concertmate MG-1 synthesizer. It uses side by side monophonic & polyphonic modes that gives you 3 oscillators under each key and can lead to some amazing and unique sounds. Monosynth with Polyphonic string section. Quirky features which first showed up on the 1981 Concertmate MG-1…

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Moon Sono Sx by Elektrostudio x86 VSTI Windows Free Download

Moon Sono Sx is a Moog Sonix Six emulation. It features two VCOs with changeable waveform (sawtooth, triangle, square, pulse), one low-pass VCF, a VCA, two multimode LFOs for modulation. The Sono is a two-oscillator duophonic synth. It can be set for duophonic, (two notes at a time… one oscillator takes high-note…

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Bespoke Synth v1.3.0 Standalone WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

Bespoke is a software modular synthesizer. It contains a bunch of modules, which you can connect together to create sounds. Bespoke is like a DAW* in some ways, but with less of a focus on a global timeline. Instead, it has a design more optimized for jamming and exploration. Bespoke…

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entropy by de la Mancha x86 VSTI Windows No longer available Free Download

entropy is a 3 osc subtractive synth with a set of pitch randomising options to generate melodies all on it’s own. Change pitch of each oscillator on a tempo sync’d timescale to random pitch value. Maximum change +/- value is adjustable. Blip pitch of each oscillator at random intervals to random pitch…

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Sjoerd Van Kreel Firefly Synth v1.9.9 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

A semi-modular software synthesizer and fx plugin. It’s basically InfernalSynth’s big brother. Features: Theming support. Global unison Stereo spread + voice detune. LFO and oscillator phase offset. LFO and envelope „detuning“. 5 oscillators Noise generator. Karplus-strong generator with 2 modes. Sine + bandlimited saw / triangle / square + pwm….

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DIATONICA Step Sequencer Synthesizer Plugin by OVM Plugin

Free VSTI / VSTI3 Mono Sequencer Synth plugin for Windows by OVM PLUGIN. A / SEQUENCER LEFT : Mute : Set step silent when unchecked. Note : Set note pitch (-48 to 48 semitone range). Gate : Modify Note length (Increase or decrease value). Slide : Tied notes (see Right…

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Phuturetone GR-8 (Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer) v1.3.0 VSTI3 AU Win MacOS [FREE]

GR-8 is an 8 voices virtual analog synthesizer with built-in effects and an arpeggiator. Features: Arpeggiator: 5 Modes (Up, Down, Alt 1, Alt 2, Random), 4 Octaves Range. Voice Modes: Mono, Unison (8 voices), Chord (4 stereo notes), Poly (8 voices). Voice Effects: Glide, Legato, Voice Detune, Voice Stereo Spread. Oscillators:…

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Ossia Score v3.2.4 Standalone WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

A free and open-source sequencer A free, open-source, cross-platform intermedia sequencer for precise and flexible scripting of interactive scenarios. Control and score any OSC-compliant software or hardware: Max/MSP, PureData, openFrameworks, Processing… What is ossia score ? An intermedia sequencer Sequence various kinds of media in an intelligent timeline: Playback most…

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Sjoerd Van Kreel Firefly Synth v1.9.4 VSTI3 CLAP Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

A semi-modular software synthesizer and fx plugin. It’s basically InfernalSynth’s big brother. Features: Theming support. Global unison Stereo spread + voice detune. LFO and oscillator phase offset. LFO and envelope „detuning“. 5 oscillators Noise generator. Karplus-strong generator with 2 modes. Sine + bandlimited saw / triangle / square + pwm….

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Wavea Flite Player (multi-sampler + synth plugin) v1.0.1 Windows MacOS [FREE]

Powerful multi-sampler + synth plugin with vast library. Full free access to Flite Play – 200 presets across 2.5GB of samples from the world’s rarest synths. Buy Flite Create for just $99. Full synth engine, 4 x samplers, note/mod sequencers and much more. 3 x LFOs, 7 x FX, 5…

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Mastrcode Music T-Force Alpha Plus Synthesizer v1.5.2 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 WiNDOWS [FREE]

T-Force Alpha Plus is a subtractive synthesizer with FM capabilities (Frequency Modulation), especially designed for trance music and similar styles of electronic music. Its multi voice oscillators are ideal to create a wide range of sounds for any genre of electronic music . It has a integrated envelope controlled trance…

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Nakst ExtraBold 1.2.0 x64 x86 CLAP AU FL STUDIO WIN MAC LINUX [FREE]

ExtraBold: three-oscillator hybrid beast Key features: *3 oscillators, 4 filter modes, 3 effect unit slots with 5 effect categories. *Modulation: 2 envelopes, 4 LFOs. *Focused and streamlined user interface with custom skinning support and scaling ranging from 100% to 300%. *Highly tuned performance, including native support for Apple Silicon „M1“…

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KXStudio Carla v2.5.8 VST AU LV2 Standalone Win Mac [FREE]

Carla Plugin Host Carla is a fully-featured modular audio plugin host, with support for many audio drivers and plugin formats. It has some nice features like transport control, automation of parameters via MIDI CC and remote control over OSC. Carla currently supports LADSPA (including LRDF), DSSI, LV2, VST2, VST3 and…

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OVM Plugin Diatonica (Step Sequencer Synthesizer) v1.0 VST VST3 WiN [FREE]

DIATONICA is a 2 oscillator + Sub mono synthesizer with an advanced sequencer and all the necessay Fx, all displayed on the same panel! A lot of parameters may be randomized, allowing lots of different modulations. The sequencer section offers lots of possibilities to take your sequences to another level once…

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Silver Orbit by HG Fortune x86 vsti windows free download

Silver Orbit is a 2 oscillators synthesizer with 8 waveforms each and option to modify the waveshape plus one oscillator with 5 waveforms, the latter one can be frequency modulated which is synced to osc. 2 thus FM will result in getting harmonic content. 2 oscillators X 8 waveforms. 1 24dB Lowpass…

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Shapey! Waveshaping Synth Plugin by Modular Samples vsti3 au windows macOS free

Shapey! is an open source wavetable/sample player that passes into a sample derived waveshaper capable of extreme adjustments to the original signal. There is a lot of distortion here, but with some careful adjustments it can do pseudo PWM, wave folding and sync-like sounds: A wavetable/sample oscillator with sub osc…

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Leo McCormack Sparta (Spatial Audio Real Time Applications) v1.7.1 x86 x64 VST VST3 LV2 Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

A collection of open-source VST/LV2 audio plug-ins for producing and reproducing spatial sound scenes.Spatial Audio Real-Time Applications (SPARTA) [1]. A collection of VST/LV2 audio plug-ins for spatial audio production, reproduction and visualisation. Developed using JUCE and the Spatial_Audio_Framework. Plug-in descriptions: AmbiBIN – A binaural Ambisonic decoder (up to 10th order)…

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Sjoerd Van Kreel Firefly Synth v1.8.1 x64 VSTi3 CLAP Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

A semi-modular software synthesizer and fx plugin. It’s basically InfernalSynth’s big brother. Features: Theming support. Global unison Stereo spread + voice detune. LFO and oscillator phase offset. LFO and envelope „detuning“. 5 oscillators Noise generator. Karplus-strong generator with 2 modes. Sine + bandlimited saw / triangle / square + pwm….

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Music Society presents „Spirit of the age – Free Vsti“ by Mira-Katharina – Gui by Achim Ortmann x86 Windows Free for registered User

  2 x double Oscillators with each: 2 displayed Knobs for the different OSC waveforms (Sine, Saw, Ramp, Soft Ramp, Peak Ramp, Square, Triangle, Peak, Octava, Cluster 1 and Cluster 2) 1 none-displayed Button for the Octaves 1 Fine-Tuning 2 Knobs for the OSC Harmonics 1 Button for the OSC-Mix…

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Fluidshell Design K-OSC Kontakt [FREE]

K-OSC is a sample based instrument built upon the Mini polyphonic analog synthesizer by John KRISCHER. Full EN/FR Manuals provided. K-OSC was our first attempt to produce a Kontakt library. It’s a raw instrument plugged into guitar effects. Inspired by John KRISCHER’s original handmade Analog Polyphonic Synthesizer, the K-OSC is…

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Fluidshell Design Krischer Mini Kontakt [FREE]

An ambient/drone synth with multiple effects & a full studio setup. The KRISCHER_MINI is a complete recreation of John KRISCHER’s MINI analogue synthesizer handmade in France. This sample-based instrument is running in Kontakt 6.7 Full (not the Player). Sampled by Fluidshell Design & fully endorsed by John KRISCHER. It’s a…

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Togu Audio Line TAL-Vocoder-2 v3.0.4 x64 VST VST3 AU CLAP AAX LINUX WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

TAL-Vocoder is a vintage-style vocoder with 11 bands that produces the sound of vocoders from the early 80’s. We mixed analog-modeled components and usability with digital algorithms to create an outstanding vocoder sound. The plugin has included a synth with a VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) to create classic analog waveforms….

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Hydrogen Music Hydrogen (advanced drum machine) v1.2.3 Standalone Win Mac Linux [FREE]

The advanced drum machine for Linux, macOS, and Windows. Hydrogen is both a drum sequencer for pattern-based programming and a drum synth. Its simple yet feature-rich design makes it a versatile companion, be it for quick practice at home, professional usage as fully-fledged drum machine in your studio, or drum…

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Tropicana Fun Caribbean rhythmic synth Plugin by Fanan Team x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 Windows Free

Tropicana Fun is a free rhythmic synth based on it’s bigger brother Tropicana. It’s crafted for producing the caribbeans musical style arpeggios. It based on 2 independent wavetable \ pad oscillators combined with innovative modular arpeggiator design. All the oscillators can perform together or independently. The synthesis section provides a…

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RaccouBass 1.6.0 Synth Plugin by Fernando Tanzo x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 Windows Free

Attention! System requirements have increased significantly. Minimum system requirements: Processor: 1st generation AMD Ryzen 5 or equivalent Intel Core i5 processor. Recommended system requirements: AMD Ryzen 7 3rd generation or higher processor or equivalent processors. Plugin for x64-bit only. What’s new? -improved BPM Clock (Step Sequenser) -Added 4 LFO modules…

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Music-Society presents XM2 by LazyDog(2Lazy) x86 VSTI Windows Free

x-mod/fm synth: Osc 1 modulated by osc 2, or parallel (FM=0), FBack=strength (5 waveforms). Simple AD envelopes for amplitude and pitch (a break from complex FM ‘ratio’ EGs…) Top DCA EG is for main osc/OP/carrier A, and defines overall DCA/note length. Lower DCA is for modulator OP B. Pitch env…

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Wusik JX1 (Virtual Analog Synthesizer) v1.0.0 x64 VST VST3 STANDALONE WiNDOWS [FREE]

Wusik JX1 is a new VA Synth in the Wusik lineup. Featuring: Resizable HQ interface; Global Effects; 2 Layers featuring: 2 OSCs with Sawtooth and Pulse Crossfade; Filter with LFO and ADSR Envelope (loopable); ADSR Amp Envelope (loopable); PWM LFO; 24 Note Polyphony or Mono Mode (with Legato and Glide…

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Cynthia by NineCows VSTI x86 Windows free download

With Cynthia you can do all that crazy stuff you cant do with a modern synth. Cynthia is monophonic VSTi, very Old School, but will still be able to keep in tune throughout the song, patches can be stored and it is of course fully MIDI controllable. Control voltage and sound…

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