Stochas by Surge Synth Team

Stochas is a revolutionary new type of step sequencer that has a unique randomization engine. Designed to work either in mono or polyphonic modes the engine will select from a set of user inputted notes and takes into consideration the probability set for each, this means Stochas can be used…

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Bucket Pops by Full Bucket Music

Bucket Pops by Full Bucket Music The Bucket Pops is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST) and Apple macOS (VST/AU) simulating the classic KORG Mini Pops-7 Rhythm Machine from 1966. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: That Oxygene and Equinoxe vibe! 20 original rhythms 15 modeled drum instruments…

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REPLIK by Reflekt Audio

Reflekt Audio & DanFur Music teamed up yet again to bring music makers across the globe a new heavy hitting plug-in called REPLIK. REPLIK is a futuristic type of plug-in for any producer of any caliber. REPLIK is a bass engine that allows for it’s user to shape a selected bass sound to…

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Decomposer Sitala v1.0 x64 x86 VST AU AXX WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]

Sitala is a free drum plugin and standalone app Sitala‘s beauty is simplicity. It‘s fast and musical. Six knobs. Sixteen pads. Drag and drop. Playable like instrument. New in Sitala 1.0 — Released December 11, 2020: • Editable sample start and end points With automatic silence detection, playback starts where the…

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Anarchy Rhythms

Anarchy Rhythms Anarchy Rhythms is a hybrid between an effect and a drum machine. It takes an audio input and applies a user-controlled matrix of amplitude modulation, bandpass filtering, feedback loops, internal oscillation and compression.  It allows you to compose rhythmic patterns from the sonic timbre of the input. Features: Pattern…

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Fresh Killed Beat by Audionaut

Fresh Killed Beat by Audionaut Features: 12 Sounds/Pads (1 full Octave). Each Sound/Pad has: Volume & Pan. Amp Envelope. Pitch Envelope. Low Pass Filter (Cut Off & Resonance). Switchable Sine/Saw/Triangle waveforms. Wave Shape control. Noise level. Length (Release). Base Frequency. No Longer Available AudionautFKBeat

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