FMetal by Hinton and Fairchild x86 VSTI Windows No longer available free download

FMetal is a deceptively simple, but powerful FM synth for creating all kinds of usable metal Synth sounds, as featured in many Bigroom House Drops, Progressive, Jackin’, Electro and Dubstep. 3 oscillators mixing up FM,PM and AM types. + sub osc. Morphing Wave-Table of  gritty sounds. Synced Step – LFO for Low-pass…

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Elsita by Digital Systemic Emulations x64 VSTI VSTI3 AU Windows MacOS No longer available free download

Elsita is a soviet analog drum synthesizer produced from 1989 until 1991, when RMIF went bankrupt. Although being released in a pretty late period, the Elsita was built following old standards from the mid 70’s/early 80’s : fully analog, trigger-only, with big knobs. The Elsita has 4 channels, which are not perfectly…

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basic 64 by de la Mancha x86 VSTI Windows No longer available Free Download

basic 64 is inspired by the 8 bit sounds of the classic Commodore 64. It’s not a straight emulation, but is based around the SID chip with some extras for that 8-bit retro game sound, lofi gritty noises or just plain oddness. 16, 8 or 6 bit sound quality. 3 oscs,…

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Impulse by Bojo software x86 VSTI Windows No longer available Free Download

Impulse: 16 voices analog synth 1, 2 or 4 oscillators in each voice Two volume envelopes 5 different oscillator waveforms Waveforms effectively anti-aliased Pulse width/diustortion 4 different resonant filters 2 LFO’s with 8 different waveforms Portamento & Autobend Stereo FX (Chorus, Flanger, Delay etc.) Overdrive LFO and FX temposync Several MIDI-controllers implemented…

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Motion by Ugo Audio x86 VSTI Windows No longer available Free Download

The basic idea behind this synth, as it’s name suggests, is to offer a wide variety of ways to create automated motion of the synth’s sound. 4 envelopes 8 LFOs three 16 step CV sequencers filtered delay module all of which can sync to your host’s midi clock. motion28

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Extractor by miniSoftmusik x86 VSTI Windows [No longer available][Free Download]

Extractor is a wavetable synthesizer with 4 oscillators per 1-128 partials. Waveforms can be extracted from any wave file (if the wave file is small (min 512 samples) the result is more like the original). It’s possible to save the result as a txt-file and to load it. Extractor has 4 oscillators…

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Ni by Saltline x86 VSTI Windows No longer available Free Download

Ni is a single oscillator, 16-step sequencer synthesizer. Oscillator features 7 selectable waveforms, octave up and down switching, fine tune and phase modulation controls LP, HP, BP or BR self oscillating filter Step sequencer features step start and end positions, a direction selector and step rate parameters The filter cutoff can also…

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Gigmate by Manx Synthesizers x86 vsti windows No longer available free downlad

Gigmate is an emulation of the  1981 Concertmate MG-1 synthesizer. It uses side by side monophonic & polyphonic modes that gives you 3 oscillators under each key and can lead to some amazing and unique sounds. Monosynth with Polyphonic string section. Quirky features which first showed up on the 1981 Concertmate MG-1…

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B-Line 303 by SonicXTC x86 VSTI Windows No longer available Free Download

B-Line 303 is a monophonic dual oscillator bass line synthesizer. B-Line 303 captures the vibe and sound of classic EDM and Acid techno music synthesizers from the 70’s and 80’s. B-Line 303 includes our new synth engine and gives producers new unique abilities to shape their sounds. New in Version 3…

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Model Mini by Elektrostudio x86 VSTI Windows Free Download

Model Mini is an emulation of the Minimoog analog synthesizer. Polyphony: Monophonic. Timbrality: Monotimbral. Oscillator: 3 VCOs, white/pink noise. LFO: Oscillator 3 can function as LFO. Synthesis type: Analog Subtractive. Filter: 24dB/oct, 4-pole lowpass filter, resonance, ADS envelope generator, key tracking. Attenuator: ADS envelope generator. Effects: Frequency modulation using oscillator 3/noise. External…

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entropy by de la Mancha x86 VSTI Windows No longer available Free Download

entropy is a 3 osc subtractive synth with a set of pitch randomising options to generate melodies all on it’s own. Change pitch of each oscillator on a tempo sync’d timescale to random pitch value. Maximum change +/- value is adjustable. Blip pitch of each oscillator at random intervals to random pitch…

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SoftDrum LTD by Fretted Synth x86 VSTI Windows Free download

SoftDrum LTD is designed as a simple to use drum sampler plugin. It can load standard wave  (.wav) files in both mono and stereo format up to 32bit at any sample rate above  44100hz. All sample are loaded into RAM which helps to make SoftDrum very fast  and CPU friendly. Allows for…

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JX220 by Jxplugins x86 vsti windows free download

JX220 analog synth. Oscillator with variable waveform SubOscillator 2 Pole resonant Low Passdigital IIR filter LFO Sine Wave, Range 1-10 Hz Unison Full midi control 8 Polyphonic channels 128 presets and 140 programs per synth Editor’s note: Was one of the standard plug-ins in Cubase SX 1/2 and 3 at the…

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Silver Orbit by HG Fortune x86 vsti windows free download

Silver Orbit is a 2 oscillators synthesizer with 8 waveforms each and option to modify the waveshape plus one oscillator with 5 waveforms, the latter one can be frequency modulated which is synced to osc. 2 thus FM will result in getting harmonic content. 2 oscillators X 8 waveforms. 1 24dB Lowpass…

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INTRO by BK SynthLab x86 VSTI Windows Free download

INTRO is a stereo wavetable synth, using waforms and oscillators. Mono/polyphonic (6 voices) 4 Oscillators, 64 built-in waveforms Noise generator (white and pink) 2 Filters. Select from 1 to 8 stages Gain Compensation option for LP, HP and BP1 filter types. Individual Frequency, Resonance Level, Pan, Keytrack controls for each filter….

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STS-17 by HG Fortune x86 VSTI Windows free download

STS-17 featuring the Wave-Transition method for absolute unique soundscapes and textures. A very straight userinterface with 3 „Lazy“-Buttons for randomizing different sets of parameters so programming this synthesizer is incredibly easy. The Transition method adds a stunning new dimension and motion for an evolving sound changing completely it’s characteristics. Although this is…

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Drumsynth (Port) by cz-10xv x86 VSTI Windows rare free download

Features Additive Drum Synthesizer Drum parameters for:Tone, Overtone A & B with wave-type select freq‘, filter, freq balance, and freq‘-mod routings as well as A+B sum, noise, noise band A & B with selectable center-freq and width, pitch-shift & timestretch etc.. Import, export in .DS format Library of drum-sounds e.g….

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Erik Wollo Wollo Voyager Standalone VSTi x86 v1.5 Windows Now Free

VST plug-in instrument for VST® compatible systems. Also standalone version. This VST software synthesizer delivers rich, dense and spacious sounds that offer vast creative potential. It is possible to make a wide variety of sounds, from warm etheral pads, to sharp metallic timbres. As well as experimental outer space effect…

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nSynth1 by Vishesh VSTI MacOS free download

nSynth1 is a 4 oscillator synth with drawable waveforms and a pattern generator. 4 Oscillators. 8 Waveforms. 3 Filters. 4 LFOs which also work like envelopes in oneshot mode. Drawable Waveforms with automatable phase/Morph : can morph or shift from one wave to another. no more webside nSynth1.vst

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1984 by Pianovintage x86 VSTI Windows Free Download

1984 is a virtual analog synthesizer with basic but efficient features : 2 Oscillators with many wave forms 1 Filter section including cut off and resonance knobs 1 Enveloppe section with ADSR 2 Fx includes (echo/chorus) with sync Main level output and panoramic controls Including 8 original presets Sound design by…

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MM SY 59 VECTORIZOR by Maschinenmusik VSTI x86 Windows Free

MM SY 59 VECTORIZOR is a monophonic sequenced synthesizer. 2 oscillators with selectable waveforms and morphable variations (x/y control). 2 filters with morphing capabilities, ringmodulation, warping and distortion and autopan per oscillator. 4 syncable stepsequencers with slew and velocity control are used to modulate amp, filter1, filter 2, ringmodulation and warp….

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Sonic Entropy – Zombie Killah v2.0 VSTi – Windows – x86 free


No longer available Zombie Killah 2 is a lead synth for use in Drum’n’Bass, Breakbeat, Dubstep and Jungle music. Main Features: • 2 detuned oscillators. • 1 sub bass oscillator. • Easy and quick modulation controls. • One-Knob Adjustable Frequency Modulation. • One-Knob Adjustable Amplitude Modulation. • Double-Knob Adjustable Pulse…

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Spacewindows – Artphase v1.5 VSTi – Windows – x86 – Year 2004 – 3,4 MB – Free


Artphase is a polyphonic dual oscillator synthesizer with phase distortion based synthesis. Synthesizer with a slightly unusual sound, but nevertheless quite good, according to the developer. It will be good for creating ear-pleasing pads. Another Info Artphase is a PD (Phase Distortion) synths and is capable of producing a variety…

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H.G. Fortune Wheel of Fortune v1.c VSTi Windows x86 [FREE,free download]

29 10 2023 21 06 21

This is a small algorithmic VSTi with bass and lead sound. Just play along with it and have fun. Features – Bass Wave: Square, Triangle, Saw, Ramp, Sine – Lead Wave: Square, Triangle, Saw, Ramp, Sine – 2x Amp ADSRV – 2x Filter ADSRV – Gate – Cutoff & Resonance…

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H.G. Fortune X-Wheel of Fortune v1.1 VSTi Windows x86 [FREE]

29 10 2023 20 29 43

X-Wheel of Fortune is an algorithmic pattern-based musicsystem as a free vsti-plugin and standalone app. for windows. There are 3 editable synth-parts (bass, solo & pad) and one percussion part (standard wav-file loadable, each with tune, pan & volume). The X-Wheel of Fortune musicsystem is capable of generating a wide…

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KUJASHI Soundbanks for the ViNOM Synthesizer by Alterex


10 Soundbanks (80 Patches) für den ViNOM Synthesizer von Alterex Der ViNOM ist eine VST-Emulation des Korg EA-1 (allerdings ohne Groove-Sequencer) Der Developer Alterex hat daneben noch einige andere interessante Plugins kreiert: ViSynth (MFB Synth Lite) ViCON (Technosaurus Microcon II) ViCON Modified (s. oben) XOne Der ViNOM can ein unerwartet…

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Tactile Sounds TS-Substance VSTi Windows x86 FREE

Ts Substance 3

Substance is a virtual analog synthesizer emphasizing simplicity, flexibility, and sound quality. The key factors in the design of Substance were that it should sound great, without effects, and that it should all fit on one page. Substance has two of everything: two oscillator sections, two LFOs, two envelopes, two…

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BeatBurner by Code Audio[Windows,VSTI,x86] FREE

BeatBurner, using innovative wave shaping and filtration methods. Turns innocent drum beats, loops or sounds into new, fresh and vibrant audio parts for you to incorporate into your musical arrangements. BeatBurner comes with a myriad of sample loops to get you started but it doesn’t stop there, you can mangle, whittle or…

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