„Per Ursulam ad Astra“ (Seneca)

Die „offene Gesellschaft“ (Popper) erzeugt Vielfalt. Im Supermarktregal steht Qualität einträchtig neben Pfusch und akzeptiert es, unverkauft stehenzubleiben. Erzählt der Impfstoff von AstraZeneca: Ich denke positiv über Krankheiten. Ich entspringe ja auch einer Liebesehe. Ein zweitklassiger Philosoph und ein erstklassiges Billigauto haben mich gezeugt. Meine Kindheit war glücklich. Ich musste…

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Elementary Sounds Wremena Random Notes KONTAKT [FREE]

A completely new patch for Wremena. It’s similar to the Random Octaves patch from the main library, but here when you press one note it plays the same note in different ways, speed and dynamics. Also its X patch has a different from the Random Octave patch sound design. The…

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Inphonik free bitcrusher effect PCM2612 plugin for Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux, and iOS

  Inphonik has announced the release of a free bitcrusher effect plugin for Windows, macOS, GNU/Linux, and iOS. Meet the PCM2612 Retro Decimator Unit, a bitcrusher effect plug-in with a distinctive legacy. Based on the work we made on the RYM2612 Iconic FM Synthesizer, our tribute emulation of the Sega…

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Stochas by Surge Synth Team

Stochas is a revolutionary new type of step sequencer that has a unique randomization engine. Designed to work either in mono or polyphonic modes the engine will select from a set of user inputted notes and takes into consideration the probability set for each, this means Stochas can be used…

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Low Wave Studios Track24 v1.0.0 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Track24 is neither a Tape Emulation, nor a simple Saturator. It behaves like Analog Tape but without its “downsides”. It doesn’t care about Flutter, Wow or Noise, but it has the Tone and Saturation characteristics of Tape, plus other extra functionality • Features a Tape Saturation section with a variable…

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Kit Plugins Burier v1.0 x64 VST3 AU AAX STANDALONE WiN MAC [FREE]

The Burier is a saturation and filter plugin designed for use on a variety of applications. It has a saturation stage, followed by a pair of resonant filters, output attenuation, and dry/wet mixer. The filters have 12 dB of attenuation per octave. They are IIR (Infinite Impulse Responses) filters with…

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Synth Voices by Freemusicproduction.net

Synth Voices – Synth Voice Leads, Synth Voice Pads, Synth Words: Instrument interface (Instrument selector – Effects). Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch). Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad). Envelope interface (Amp env, Filter env, Pitch env, User env). LFO interface (LFO 1, LFO 2). Modulation Matrix interface…

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City of Dust

Die Wirklichkeit kann unsere Träume, Wünsche und schlimmsten Befürchtungen überholen und jene im Tal der Erinnerungen zurücklassen, wo Staub und Schmutz sie verblassen lassen. (A.K.)
Ob vollendete Pandemien oder extremer Klimawandel – jede Geschichte hat ein Ende. 
Wir sind nicht wichtig für diesen Planeten – aber er für uns.

Titeltrack aus dynostopischen Szenarien, verpackt in eine kleine Materialschlacht – schon vor einigen Jahren eingespielt (Achtung Überlänge).

*Gesang+Gitarren by Anka

City of Dust

Youlean Loudness Meter v2.4.3 x64 x86 STANDALONE VST AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Youlean Loudness Meter helps you find the true perceived loudness of your audio and prepares it for TV or streaming services release. Join the thousands of recording studios that already use it. 100% accurate metering The plugin is calibrated and tested against ITU-R BS2217 testing materials. It satisfies all requirements…

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Kujashi soundbanks for the TCM-II

256 Patches für den TCM-II (Emulation des ARP 2600) von CESCATO. Bisher nur auf der FB-Seite des Dev´s zugänglich, hier nun zwei von mir erstellte Soundbänke für den TCM-II. ARP- und Modulartypische Klangexperimente, Leads, SFX, Sequenzen, Glocken und anderes „Geräuschvolles“ und für alle zwecke Einsetzbares. Viel Spaß damit!! 256 Patches…

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TheWaveWarden Odin 2 V2.2.4 VST3 AU WIN OSX Linux [FREE]

Ever dreamt of a kickass synthesizer which is available on every platform? With a deep synthesis engine, endless modulation capabilities and it is literally for free? Look no further, Odin’s got you covered! The sound of this 24-voice polyphonic beast will take you from your studio right to Valhalla. Earth…

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Digital Suburban Dexed v0.9.5 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Dexed is a multi platform, multi format plugin synth that is closely modeled on the Yamaha DX7. Under the hood it uses music-synthesizer-for-android for the synth engine. The goal of this project is to be a tool/companion for the original DX7. Sound engine with ‚float‘ value parameters, different waveform à…

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Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen

Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen,
Mit der ich sonst viele Zeit verdorben,
Sie hat so lange nichts von mir vernommen,
Sie mag wohl glauben, ich sei gestorben!
Es ist mir auch gar nichts daran gelegen,
Ob sie mich für gestorben hält,
Ich kann auch gar nichts sagen dagegen,
Denn wirklich bin ich gestorben der Welt.
Ich bin gestorben dem Weltgetümmel,
Und ruh’ in einem stillen Gebiet!
Ich leb’ allein in meinem Himmel,
In meinem Lieben, in meinem Lied!

Friedrich Rückert (1821)


Wer sie nicht kennt, die Hammermusik, die Gustav Mahler dazu geschrieben hat:

Action Tremolo by NoiseAsh

  PLENTY OF USES Stereo Enhancement, Fade In / Out, Looped innovative effects, Distorted Textures, Rare sound effects, Side Chain and much more possibilities are available on Action Tremolo. With unique advanced modulation options and analog character, Action Tremolo is a multi purpose beast! PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS NoiseAsh’s Magical, Fast &…

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GOTCHA .sf2 player for Windows by beatassist.eu

Gotcha is free and works on Windows 32/64-bits, Win7/Win8 and Windows 10. Gotcha is an .sf2 player for Windows. It loads SoundFonts! This VSTi brings 3 soundfont banks (Bass/Dirty Vintage and Rave Leads) Also features: – chord player – distortion station – LFO – octave stepper – trancegate – stereo delay…

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Angel by GyL-Synths

Random/hand-draw wavetable, FM, Unison, matrix arp Main features: 1 multimode wavetable oscillator + sub and noise main oscillators with 3 working modes: random wave generating, wavedraw and single cycle wave loader (.txt or .wav) oscillators every wave can be modified / redrawn by hand and savable with selectable sample quantity…

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HY-Plugins HY-ESG free Egate VST VST3 WIN OSX [FREE]

HY-ESG is a gate sequencer (aka a trance gate effect) with a twist. It uses a Euclidean sequencer instead of the standard step sequencer seen in most other trance gate plugins. You’ll probably find that HY-ESG is more fun and inspiring to use than your current favorite gate sequencer effect….

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RIEMANN ASHRAM Organic House Starter Sample Pack WAV [FREE]

The ASHRAM Sounds Ethnic House, Organic House Starter Sample Pack for Ableton and FL Studio is the perfect starting point for any aspiring electronic music producers. The pack contains the basic building blocks of your first Ethnic, Afro House, Deep House influenced production and includes beats, synths, vocals and many…

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