• BeatNet

Quilcom GHOST RADIO Windows VSTI x86 x64 free

I made this weird thing in time for Halloween 2023. It generates the sound of tuning through a shortwave radio band, and you can bring in fake EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) and add your own spooky spoken words. Lots of info in the User Guide and Background info folder. https://flowstoners.com/quilcom…

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Quilcom OCTOTAP Windows VSTI x86 x64 FREE

Someone wanted a free multitap delay with an output from each tap, so they could add their own FX to each tap and optionally feed it back into the delay. To my surprise I couldn’t find one, so I had a go at making one. http://flowstoners.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Quilcom-OCTOTAP-v1.003.zip Quilcom-OCTOTAP-v1.003 Views: 0

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