2RuleSynth by 2Rule

2RuleSynth is a hybrid synthesizer featuring classic subtractive, FM or and Ring simulatenously. It has LFOs and ADSR for every two independent oscillators. It has its own characteristic soundscape that can go as far as concrete music. Besides the familiar classical analog sounds, experimental sounds can be found using the randomize button….

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Caustic 3 by Single Cell Software

Caustic 3 is a music creation tool inspired by rack-mount synthesizers / samplers rigs. Everything is real-time and optimized for mobile devices. Create your rack by adding up to 14 machines from a choice of: * Subsynth – Virtual analog subtractive synthesizer * PCMSynth – Multi-sample wave synthesizer * BassLine – 303-like monosynth * BeatBox – 8-channel sampling…

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U-he BeatZille v1.0.2 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]

Beatzille: little monster Beatzille is a compact version of our monster modular synthesizer Bazille. Although its condensed feature set makes it the ‘little brother’, Beatzille is still an engaging and capable synthesizer. Power and style run in the family. Digital oscillators, analogue-style filter and flexible patching will keep you busy…

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Astral Dreamer Free by HG Fortune

Astral Dreamer is a 3 PCM wave oscillators synthesizer. There are dedicated routing options starting right at the oscillators which can be routed to one of the two filters, a flanger, or direct to the VCA. So you can have a dedicated soundmodifier for each oscillator allowing a wide variety of multicoloured…

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Crio by Solcito Música[win, VSTI, x86]

Crio is a virtual analog/FM/Ring modulation synthesizer to make arpeggios, bass, solos, leads, FX-style sounds. Its goal is to achieve maximum functionality with minimal controls, to be used at studio or live, with facilities to drastically modify the sounds while playing. The LFO has special functions for rhythmic uses, such as…

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Abmahnung Welle wegen „VST“ im Domain-Namen/Warning wave because of „VST“ in the domain name

Zur Zeit durchforsten Anwälte das Netz nach Domains, wo das Wort „VST“ vorkommt. Es hat schon einige bekannte Seiten erwischt, wie VSTPlanet.com, VST4Free.Com usw. Mussten 700 € und mehr bezahlen  Als gäbe es nichts wichtigeres   ————— At the moment, lawyers are scouring the net for domains containing the word „VST“….

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Alphatron SE by HG Fortune[win, VSTI, x86]

Alphatron is a hybrid analog / digital oscillators synthesizer. Alphatron is not just a simple VA synthesizer instead in using a 3rd oscillator with digital waves (quite similar to an Ensoniq ESQ-1 / SQ 80 from the late 1980ies) it does offer a lot more sonic potential. Also this 3 rd…

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ProtoPlasm Pro by HG Fortune[win, VSTI, x86]

ProtoPlasm Pro is a pad and texture synthesizer. 1 dedicated Attack Oscillator with 128 waveforms controllable by adjustable velocity amount. Super Modulation Morphing via Mod Wheel at selectable rows for the Mod Matrix. Modulation Matrix for LFOs with positive and negative inputs. LKO system for delay with four key-dependant modes. 3…

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Nils Schneider Kawai K1v 1.24 [MacOS,WiN,LiNUX] (FREE)

Features: Very accurate emulation of all parameters Includes 968 Single presets and 384 Multi presets, the original factory bank + all ROM cards + all 200 Kawai PHm Pop Synth Module Singles. Organized in banks and with search capability Full editing support for both Singles and Multis Can import &…

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Fircomp 1 by Jon V Audio

Ultra clean peak compressor/limiter with punchy attack, musical release, and optional lookahead smoothing, for tracks or busses. Zero/low latency and low CPU. Warm distortion at extreme settings. Features: Fast or same-sample attack times that never sound „clicky“, even in zero latency mode. Innovative digital envelope detection algorithm allows for much…

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Elemental Child – Clothed in Glory

Lan, the assassin of Weidu, gets the order to kill the child Cai Wen Ji. Then they both get lost on an island, where Cai Wen Ji heals the injured Lan with her magic. Later, Lan returns the favor and saves the little girl from an attack by the enemies…..

Lan, der Attentäter von Weidu, bekommt den Auftrag, das Kind Cai Wen Ji zu töten. Dann verschlägt es beide auf eine Insel, wo Cai Wen Ji den verletzten Lan durch ihre Magie heilt. Später revanchiert sich Lan, und rettet das kleine Mädchen vor einem Angriff der Feinde…..

Elemental Child – Adaption Disorder

“A young outcast will often feel that there is something wrong with himself, but as he gets older, grows more confident in who he is, he will adapt, he will begin to feel that there is something wrong with everyone else.” – Criss Jami

„Ein junger Ausgestoßener hat oft das Gefühl, dass mit ihm etwas nicht stimmt, aber wenn er älter wird, selbstbewusster wird, sich anpasst, wird er anfangen zu fühlen, dass mit allen anderen etwas nicht stimmt.“ – Criss Jami

Fresh Killed Beat by Audionaut

Fresh Killed Beat by Audionaut Features: 12 Sounds/Pads (1 full Octave). Each Sound/Pad has: Volume & Pan. Amp Envelope. Pitch Envelope. Low Pass Filter (Cut Off & Resonance). Switchable Sine/Saw/Triangle waveforms. Wave Shape control. Noise level. Length (Release). Base Frequency. No Longer Available AudionautFKBeat

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