CutThroughRecordings Faradelay (Phaser/Chorus/Tremolo) v2.0.0 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Chorus, Phaser, and Tremolo all in one! Why have 3 separate modulated delay plug-ins when you can have one plug-in that does it all? The Chorus, Phaser, and Tremolo are created from the same effect called a modulated delay. Those effects are created by using slight variations for different parameters…

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Plogue Alter Ego (Real-Time Singing Synthesizer) v1.578 VSTi VSTi3 AU AAX STANDALONE WiN MAC [FREE]

Real-Time Singing Synthesizer Alter/Ego is based on the award winning technology featured in chipspeech but instead of targeting Vintage voice technology, it focuses on more ‘modern’ (1990+) singing synthesis algorithms and research. It is specially tailored for musical needs – simply type in your lyrics, and then play on your…

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Robert K Groov Mekanik FREE STUFF! Bundle 001 (GMaudio) M4L AMXD Drift Presets & Tips [FREE]

Use the MIDI Effects (Chordz & Note Probability) to trigger the Drift Presets in interesting ways, then reshape the sounds to fit your mix with Squeeze, HiFreqLimiter & VSEQ. This bundle contains the majority of my free products, so you can quickly and easily download some fresh inspiration! GMaudio Squeeze…

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Rodrigo Constanzo Confetti M4L Devices AMXD [FREE]

Library of M4L devices based on the modules in The Party Van, Cut Glove, and TPV2. List of Devices: Analysis – Audio descriptor analysis with signal-rate output: Analysis creates various audio descriptor analyses (onsets, loudness, spectral centroid, spectral flatness) and outputs these in a continious (signal-rate) stream or as sample…

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Sonosaurus PauXStretch 1.6 VST3 CLAP AU AAX Standalone Win/Mac FREE

This application/plugin is based on the PaulStretch algorithm (Paul’s Extreme Time Stretch, originally developed by Nasca Octavian Paul), and specifically the PaulXStretch version from Xenakios. The UI has been updated, adapted for various screen sizes, and built for the latest platforms. Linux has no prebuilds, but you can get the…

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Raphael Radna Space Control v1.0.1 Standalone Win MacOS [FREE]

Space Control: Spatial Composition Workstation Space Control is a multitrack workstation dedicated to the design, realization, and mixture of spatial gestures for electroacoustic music composition. With its simple interface and minimal learning curve, it makes quick and powerful spatialization available to users of all experience levels. Features of the software…

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SlapAsSound Magic Flute (DIY PVC Contrabass) v1.0 VSTI VSTI3 AU WiN MAC [Free For Limited Time]

UNIQUE & NATURAL FROM CRAZY IDEA TO REALITY Musical instrument from sewer pipes? Really? Are you serious? Please meet Tarmo, the artist, professional flutist, jack of all trades, handyman, music teacher, programmer, contemporary music enthusiast, a man who wears many hats. My friend! One beautiful day he woke up with…

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AJ QSynthi (Quantum Synthesizer) v0.8 VSTi3 AU WIN MAC [FREE]

Uncover Quantum Soundscapes: Experience the Sonic Potential of the Schrödinger Equation. Play with Quantum Mechanics Take advantage of the simulation’s motion characteristics to create large and evolving sounds. Play big chords or focus on the melody – QSynthi has you covered. Sculpt the sound you want QSynthi brings the power of…

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Carlos Bricio C75 Drums Kontakt [FREE]

C75 Drums is a virtual instrument that captures the sound from Abbey Road Institute’s drum set. The perfect companion for songwriters and producers. These drums were recorded while I was studying at Abbey Road Institute. The studio had a lovely Natal birch drum kit with Zildjian cymbals that were part…

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Davisynth Ripple Delay (Curve-Based Multi-Tap Delay) v1.0 VST3 AU WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

Davisynth Audio presents a new curve-based multi-tap delay plugin that adds variation to echos with waves of parameter modulation called “ripples”. Ripple Delay has powerful sound sculpting capabilities while at the same time wielding an extremely simple workflow. This balance between workflow simplicity and complex effect capabilities is designed such that…

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Analog Obsession CiTE (High Frequency Processor) v1.0 VST3 AU AAX WIN MAC [FREE]

Easy to use High Frequency Processor! It’s fully custom design. Based on NOTHING! High-Mids & Highs will love it! FEATURES – AMT: It’s AMOUNT control. Will shape your highs. (Gain compensated) – AREA: It will let you select the area of high end to process from mids to highs or directly…

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Elemental Child – The End Of Time

„And the voices in the waves are always whispering to Florence, in their ceaseless murmuring, of love – of love, eternal and illimitable, not bounded by the confines of this world, or by the end of time, but ranging still, beyond the sea, beyond the sky, to the invisible country far away!“ – Charles Dickens

„Und die Stimmen in den Wellen flüstern Florence in ihrem unaufhörlichen Murmeln immer wieder von der Liebe zu – von der Liebe, die ewig und unendlich ist, die nicht durch die Grenzen dieser Welt oder durch das Ende der Zeit begrenzt ist, sondern die immer noch über das Meer, über den Himmel hinaus bis in das unsichtbare Land in der Ferne reicht!“ – Charles Dickens

Musik & Produktion by Elemental Child © 2024

Fracture Sounds Blueprint Short Strings KONTAKT [FREE]

Short Strings captures a small, chamber-sized ensemble, playing the staccato technique in a playful manner- great for scoring anything from small-scale action to romantic comedies, or layering with other strings in your collection for a more intimate sound. Short Strings is a playful sampling of a small chamber-sized ensemble playing…

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Astriid BitDOS x64 VST3 AU Win Mac Linux [FREE]

  Bit-Destruction of Sound A bit-inverting industrial distortion plugin for Windows/MacOS/Linux with VST3/AU/LV2 An 8-bit distortion that will absolutely destroy whatever sound you run into it! Click on any one of the 8 bits to invert it. Click it again and that bit will always be set to a hard…

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Function Loops Tech House Drums Plugin v1.0 VSTI VSTI3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]

Tech House Drums is a drum machine virtual instrument plugin for DAWs and other plugin hosts running on Windows and macOS. Simple and easy to use, this plugin lets you build your custom drum patterns in no time. It is a quick and handy solution to create solid drum sections for…

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Digimorph Synth (Digital / Subtractive / Additive) Plugin by Linda Audio x86 x64 VSTI Windows Free

Linda Audio releases Digimorph – experimental digital synthesizer. It does not emulate any real hardware, instead it brings original combination of substractive and additive synthesis with powerful modulation matrix. On top of that there are quality master fx (chorus, delay, reverb and two saturations) and arpeggiator. Digimorph is capable of…

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Gianluca Piras CONCRETA Kontakt [FREE]

Acoustic sound design elements and rhythms CONCRETA is basically a library of sound objects that comes from my passion for electroacoustic music, indeed it’s quite common in this context to manufacture acoustic laptops amplified with piezoelectric microphones at home, in order to expand, through processes of sound manipulation in real…

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Bertom Audio EQ Curve Analyzer v2.0.2 x64 x86 VST3 AU AAX LiNUX WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

EQ Curve Analyzer is an analyzer and signal generator plugin to see the frequency response (magnitude and phase) of any plugin or hardware. Insert the plugin you want to analyse between two instances of EQ Curve Analyzer, the first one set as a signal generator and the second one as an…

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Klaus Scheuermann Master Me v1.2.0 x86 x64 VST VST3 CLAP LV2 AU Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Automatic mastering plugin for live streaming, podcasts and internet radio stations. master_me is a multi platform, free and open source audio plug-in which optimizes sound in live streaming situations. Introducing no latency, it takes care of master levels and ‘polishes’ the sound with a chain of effects, closely modeled after…

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Bella Bell Machine Plugin by Fanan Team x64 VSTI VSTI3 Windows Free

Bella is a bells and mallets-oriented instrument that uses a chord-driven step sequencer to create a vast of instrumental phrases. These phrases can be used in many musical events like songs, EDM, experimental music, ringtones, or even smartphone notification sounds. You can also create interesting transitions or background accompaniment. ​…

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CodeFN42 ToneXdb Explorer v1.31 Windows Standalone [FREE]

ToneXdb Explorer is an application that allows you to explore and edit data in IK Multimedia’s ToneX tone model database. It helps you keep track of all the tone models, presets and impulse responses that are stored in the ToneX database your computer, whether you have created them yourself, imported…

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Imaginando DLYM (Delay Modulator) v2.1.1 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Flanger and chorus style effects using Imaginando’s powerful processing technology. Taking inspiration from DRC’s chorus effect, DLYM expands on the functionality, and makes it available for DAW applications on PC, Mac and iOS for free! Whether you’re looking to add just a touch of depth to your sounds or radically…

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Rescopic Sound Cosmic Transitions WAV [FREE]

Cosmic Transitions includes 19 original designed whoosh sound effects and is a must-have whether you already use Cosmos or not. It’s a no-brainer—supercharge your next project with a distinctive noir sci-fi allure, today! Curation Applied Our top priority is always to deliver an exceptional experience to our end users. To achieve…

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Fluidshell Design The NoiseBox) II v1.3 Kontakt [FREE]

The wooden box is back with a lot of new sounds, tweaks & UI. Percussion, springs, bits and thingies. New version 1.3 The NoiseBox) was our second instrument for Kontakt. It’s been used by many artists since its first release, back in 2021. New features detailed below, new UI controls…

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DDMF Tube Preamp v2.1.3 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

This tube preamp emulation has been developed Philipp Bulling as a thesis work. Philipp has been offering the plugin in VST format for some time on his own website. He has now moved on to new areas for some time already but didn’t want to let down his users. Hence, DDMF…

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Floof Audio Paw Control (MiDi Creative Suite) v1.0.3 VST3 WiN MAC [Free For Limited Time]

Quickly create scales and change between them Randomize notes and octaves relative to your playing Internal sine synth engine Disclaimer: This plugin is tested and confirmed working as intended in Ableton Live, FL Studio, Cubase, Reaper, Bitwig and Studio One. Please note, it will not function as intended in Reason…

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GuitarML Proteus v1.2.0 VST3 AU AAX Win Mac Linux [FREE]

Guitar amp and pedal capture plugin using neural networks. Capture your own amps/pedals/plugins with Proteus. Can capture a drive/tone knob, or snapshot of the sound at a specific setting. Use the Proteus Capture Utility to quickly train models in the cloud with Colab. Effective for Amps/PreAmps, Distortion/Overdrive/Boost pedals (non-time based,…

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Hydrogen Music Hydrogen (advanced drum machine) v1.2.3 Standalone Win Mac Linux [FREE]

The advanced drum machine for Linux, macOS, and Windows. Hydrogen is both a drum sequencer for pattern-based programming and a drum synth. Its simple yet feature-rich design makes it a versatile companion, be it for quick practice at home, professional usage as fully-fledged drum machine in your studio, or drum…

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