Avatar ST by HG Fortune vsti x86 windows free

Avatar ST is most suited for a large variety of pads, soundscapes, atmospheres or related FX sounds but can do other sounds like e.g. certain kinds of basses too. The 16-Step Modulator allows sounds to be fairly rhythmical in various ways if required. Also you can have one section step-modulated while the…

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H.G. Fortune The Tiger v1.0 VSTi x86 [Free]

04 11 2023 23 34 57

The Tiger is a versatile and flexible synthesizer capable of complex multi-layered sounds with some specific extras from the Aux oscillators, as well as groovy rhythmic sounds you would hardly expect from a synth, and, if you want, fairly typical synth sounds (brass, bass, strings PPG, DX, lead, etc.). There…

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Classic Synth HALion Sonic 7 Plugin by Freemusicproduction.net – FREE

Full-featured free synth for creative people… OSCILLATORS – Osc 1, Osc 2, Osc 3, Sub Oscillator, Ring Modulator, Noise. VOICE MANAGEMENT – Voicing, Unison, Glide, Pitch. FILTER SECTION – Single, Dual, Morph (Classic, Tube Drive, Hard Clip …). ENVELOPES – Amp Env, Filter Env, Pitch Env, User Env. LFOS – LFO 1, LFO 2, LFO…

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HAL Electric Pianos Electric Pianos Plugin by Freemusicproduction.net

HAL Electric Pianos – Electric/Analog pianos – FM synthesis (Yamaha DX7), Multi samples (44.100 kHz – 24-bit), Waveform, Wavetables-based Multi Instrument: Instruments interface (Instruments selector, Basic controls). Oscillators interface (Fm, Multi Samples, Waveform, Wavetables). Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch, Audiowarp). Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad). Envelope…

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HAL Acoustic Guitars Acoustic Guitars Plugin by Freemusicproduction.net[halion,HalionSonic]

HAL Acoustic Guitars – Classic, Spanish, Arabic, Nylon, FM, Granular, Synth Guitars. Samples (44.100 kHz – 24-bit), FM (Yamaha DX7), Wavetables-based Multi Instrument: Instruments interface (Instruments selector, Effects). Oscillators interface (Samples, FM, Wavetables, Granular). Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch, Audiowarp). Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad). Envelope…

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E-Guitars Clean by Freemusicproduction.net

E-Guitars Clean – Samples (44.100 kHz – 24-bit), Oscillators (Wavetables) based instruments: Instruments interface (Instruments selector, Effects). Oscillators interface (Samples, Wavetables). Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch, Audiowarp). Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad). Envelope interface (Amp env, Filter env, Pitch env, User env). LFO interface (LFO 1,…

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Synth Basses by Freemusicproduction.net

Synth Basses – Oscillators (Wavetables, Waveforms), Samples (44.100 kHz – 24-bit), based instrument: Instruments interface (Instruments selector, Basic controls, Basic arp, Effects). Oscillators interface (Wavetables, Waveforms, Samples). Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch). Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad). Envelope interface (Amp env, Filter env, Pitch env, User…

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Alphatron by HG Fortune[windows,vsti,x86]

Alphatron Pro was inspired by the idea of creating a synthesizer for bass and high sequences. Alphatron is not just a simple VA synthesizer, instead, in using a 3rd oscillator with digital waves of single cycle type, it offers a lot more variation. Thus it can do pretty good analog-style sounds…

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Flutes by Freemusicproduction.net[Halion, HalionSonic]

Flutes – Samples (44.100 kHz – 24-bit), Oscillators based instrument: Instrument interface (Instrument selector – Effects). Oscillators interface (Samples, Wavetables, Waveforms). Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch). Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad). Envelope interface (Amp env, Filter env, Pitch env, User env). LFO interface (LFO 1, LFO…

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Bass Guitars by Freemusicproduction.net[Halionsonic SE]

Bass Guitars – Samples (44.100 kHz – 24-bit), Oscillators based instrument: Instrument interface (Instrument selector – Effects). Oscillators interface (Samples, Wavetables). Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch). Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad). Envelope interface (Amp env, Filter env, Pitch env, User env). LFO interface (LFO 1, LFO…

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