BITTE das Adblock deaktivieren/PLEASE disable the Adblock

Ich weiß, dass die Werbung nervt, aber wenn wie bis vor 2 Jahren regelmäßig Spenden reinkommen würden, könnte ich die Seiten Werbefrei halten.

Der Server kostet jeden Monat Geld, inzwischen auf 2 TB angewachsen, also bitte deaktiviert den Adblocker.

Und vielleicht gibt es interessante Artikel, wie Hardware, Tintenpatronen ua., so versucht diese Dinge über die Banner zu bekommen, dann gibt es ein wenig Provision!

Wichtig: Spender sehen den größten Teil der Werbung nicht und dürfen den Adblocker nutzen!

I know the ads are annoying, but if donations would come in regularly like they did until 2 years ago, I could keep the pages ad-free.

The server costs money every month, now grown to 2 TB, so please disable the adblocker.

And maybe there are interesting articles, like hardware, ink cartridges ua., so try to get these things over the banners, then there is a little


Important: Donors do not see most of the ads and may use the adblocker!

Soundly Sound Effects Platform by Soundly x64 Standalone Windows MacOS Free / $14.99 monthly

The Complete Sound Effects Platform Find your perfect sound in the massive Soundly cloud library, use our powerful search engine on your local files, and Drag&Drop sounds to your favorite tools. A Gold Mine of Sound Effects in the Cloud Find all the sound effects you’ll ever need in our…

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Greg Recco Audible Planets Win Mac Linux [FREE]

An expressive, quasi-Ptolemaic semi-modular synthesizer. Features „Orbital Modulation“ (OM) synthesis Randomizable modulation matrix Built-in effects chains Overview Four bodies revolve with uniform circular motion, each around one of the others or, in the case of the first body, a fixed central point. Each body around which no other body revolves…

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Sonosaurus SonoBus v1.6.2 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX STANDALONE WiN MAC [FREE]

High Quality Network Audio Streaming SonoBus is an easy to use application for streaming high-quality, low-latency peer-to-peer audio between devices over the internet or a local network. SonoBus does not use any echo cancellation, or automatic noise reduction in order to maintain the highest audio quality. As a result, if…

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d-lusion DAS v0.90B EXE Windows [FREE][Standalone,x86]

Digital Audio Server (DAS) – Program For Synchronising up to 3 instances of d-lusion Software. Necessary to play together synced RubberDuck & DrumStation. Digital Audio Server (DAS) – was first presented in 1998. With this program you could synchronize up to 3 DAS aware software sound machines and had a…

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In the near future

Will be doing a major tech update, so don’t be surprised if pages are temporarily unavailable.
First of all, the server will be raised to the latest Linux – version. These are all things where I have no idea.
Therefore, I sincerely thank @13thFairy

AudioGridder v1.2.0 LiNUX WiNDOWS macOS [FREE]

AudioGridder is a plugin host, that allows you to offload the DSP processing of audio plugins to remote computers running macOS or Windows. This can come in handy when mixing complex projects or running CPU intensive instruments for instance. AudioGridder comes with a plugin and a server and supports VST2,…

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Jamulus – Play Music online together

  Jamulus worldwide All over the world Jamulus allows huge choirs to rehearse, loud rock bands to play, and brings folk and classical musicians together. It’s being used for remote music lessons, in schools and universities, in private and in public. Even just for the spoken word – all in…

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Analog Matrix by Access Analog

For the first time ever, musicians and engineers can process audio in real time using robotically controlled analog hardware in the cloud. The Analog Matrix works as a plugin inside all major digital audio workstations. Robotically controlled hardware offers unique benefits not possible before such as full recall, user designed…

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AudioGridder v1.1.1 WiN macOS [FREE]

AudioGridder is a plugin host, that allows you to offload the DSP processing of audio plugins to remote computers running macOS or Windows. This can come in handy when mixing complex projects or running CPU intensive instruments for instance. AudioGridder comes with a plugin and a server and supports VST2,…

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