8Dio The New Hybrid Rhythms KONTAKT [FREE]

The New Hybrid Rhythms is specialized library dedicated to epic and cinematic grooves. The library comes with over 950 different epic grooves and an assortment of stems for each groove – offering you full control of each part. Everything is tempo-synced to your DAW and grooves were recorded at 80,…

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FKFX Influx by FKFX

FKFX Influx is a modulated distortion / resonator. Called as an instant „Sonic Retox“ engine, the resonator module (FLUX) goes thru a Low Pass and a Tube distortion. Flux resonator Note and Dry/Wet have their dedicated editors. FKFX Influx lets you create new grooves from your current input. Selecting „WET ONLY“…

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