Elemental Child feat. Jochen S – Christmas Sparkle

“Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.” – Norman Vincent Peale

„Weihnachten schwenkt einen Zauberstab über dieser Welt, und siehe, alles ist weicher und schöner.” – Norman Vincent Peale

Music by Elemental Child

Additional Guitars by Jochen-S

Production by Elemental Child & Jochen-S © 2021

Die Verkennbare

Nach einem Jahr Pause hat die Frankfurter Buchmesse wieder stattgefunden. Hat sie? Klar, stand in der Zeitung. In der, wo Redakteurinnen ihre Artikel im Bett des Chefredakteurs schreiben müssen? In ALLEN Zeitungen stands, du Missbrauchsopfer! Die Buchmesse: Wo die ganze Welt in 20 Hallen über Bücher redet, die sie nicht…

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Elemental Child – Close your eyes !

Close your eyes – Yes, do it and go on Live your little life – and be glad

Be glad and wide eyed – in your little world

Oh no, do not think – don’t think about all of it

Verschließe deine Augen – Ja, tu es und geh weiter Lebe dein kleines Leben – und sei froh

Sei froh und blauäugig – in deiner kleinen Welt

Oh nein, denk nicht – denk nicht über alles nach

Electric Piano by audiolatry(Win x64 VSTI VSTI3 FREE)

Electric Piano is a free virtual piano instrument plugin (ROMpler) based on two sampled electric pianos. The plugin has two selectable presets (instruments) with two velocity layers each. The samples were recorded in 24-bit 48kHz WAV. From left to right there’s the attack/release section, a tremolo module with selectable speed,…

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Echo Sound Works Vinyl Guitar x64 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

A uniquely sampled guitar vst perfect for Lofi and Trap Vinyl Guitar is a character guitar plugin. We sampled a guitar through an actual vinyl record player and then made a playable instrument out of those samples. Overview Vinyl Guitar comes with an easy to use interface allowing you to…

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Nils Schneider Kawai K1v 1.24 [MacOS,WiN,LiNUX] (FREE)

Features: Very accurate emulation of all parameters Includes 968 Single presets and 384 Multi presets, the original factory bank + all ROM cards + all 200 Kawai PHm Pop Synth Module Singles. Organized in banks and with search capability Full editing support for both Singles and Multis Can import &…

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Elemental Child – Vampiric

Your blood-red lips – scream in the gloom

The mirror shows – only an empty room

After you met the king of vampires, your soul was lost, the day forbidden……

Deine blutroten Lippen schreien in der Finsternis

Der Spiegel zeigt nur noch einen leeren Raum

Nachdem du den König der Vampire getroffen hast, war deine Seele verloren, der Tag verboten……

Jetzt ist es raus

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Yumbu 2 by Fanan Team

Yumbu 2 is wav / mp3 slot driven drum sampler. It brings up lightning speed drum-kits loading and fast one stage control, fitted for live usage. Now, with better control, both mp3 and WAV. format support, faster workflow and only 0.5 sec. loading times for new core kit, Yumbu 2…

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Sonic Zest Eden LITE free guitar chop engine for Kontakt

Sonic Zest’s Eden LITE is a guitar chop engine designed for future pop and tropical pop. It comes with a collection of royalty free guitar loops. Each loop was recorded clean without overdoing the effects, so they’re mix ready and also ready for you to tweak to your liking. https://soniczest.com/eden/ EdenLITE

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Gala by Fanan Team

Gala is a successor to our virtual analog instruments line which actually combines all of them under a single roof in 2 versions: Gala XL – 28 instruments (royal pack member) Gala free – 15 instruments (Free) Both versions share the same basic features (which will be listed below) while…

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