Voxengo Correlometer (Multiband Correlation Meter) v1.8 VST VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Applications Multi-band correlation metering Phase issues detector Cross-track phase coherency estimation Mono-compatibility checker Correlometer is a free analog-style stereo multi-band correlation meter AudioUnit, AAX, and VST plugin for professional music production applications. It is based on correlation meter found in PHA-979 phase-alignment plugin. Multi-band correlation metering is an advanced way…

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Red Rock Sound EQ302 Graphic Equaliser v1.0.2 VST VST3 AU Windows macOS [FREE]

Red Rock Sound EQ302 is a 32 band equaliser offering 12 dB of cut or boost in 1/3 octave steps between the frequencies of 16 Hz and 20 kHz. The graphic equaliser is a vital component in any audio system. The entire signal passes through it and so any limitations…

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Leo McCormack Sparta (Spatial Audio Real Time Applications) v1.7.1 x86 x64 VST VST3 LV2 Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

A collection of open-source VST/LV2 audio plug-ins for producing and reproducing spatial sound scenes.Spatial Audio Real-Time Applications (SPARTA) [1]. A collection of VST/LV2 audio plug-ins for spatial audio production, reproduction and visualisation. Developed using JUCE and the Spatial_Audio_Framework. Plug-in descriptions: AmbiBIN – A binaural Ambisonic decoder (up to 10th order)…

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Sjoerd Van Kreel Firefly Synth v1.8.1 x64 VSTi3 CLAP Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

A semi-modular software synthesizer and fx plugin. It’s basically InfernalSynth’s big brother. Features: Theming support. Global unison Stereo spread + voice detune. LFO and oscillator phase offset. LFO and envelope „detuning“. 5 oscillators Noise generator. Karplus-strong generator with 2 modes. Sine + bandlimited saw / triangle / square + pwm….

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Reducktion Synth Plugin by Dead Duck Software x86 x64 VSTI Windows free

Dead Duck Reducktion is a 32-voice polyphonic software synthesizer for use in audio hosts that support the VST 2.4 plugin format. It available for Windows operating systems in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Features Three multi-mode oscillators: – Wave: continuously variable between saw, square, triangle and sine waveforms. – Pulse:…

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Audiority Dr Phase (Analog Modeled Vintage Phaser) v1.2 VST VST3 AU AAX CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]

Dr Phase is an analog simulation of the epochal MXR® Phase 90™ phaser pedal introduced in the early 70s and used by countless musicians. Dr Phase will add movement and character to any instrument. Try it with guitar, bass, synths… even on drums! DR PHASE SPECIFICATIONS Analog Modeled Phaser Modulation Speed…

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Tom Wolfe Synth Vault Presets Collection (incl. July 2024) MULTiFORMAT [FREE]

Tom Wolfes’s Synth Vault includes huge collection of 690 presets for Omnisphere, Kontakt, Massive, Arturia Pigments and other synths presets! WHY DO YOU NEED THIS? FIND INSPIRATION Get access to a stream of high-quality presets to keep the inspiration flowing when you need it! MAXIMISE YOUR SYNTHS Boost your favourite synths…

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Ryukau Uhhyou Plugins Bundle v0.61.0 VST3 VSTI3 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

35 VST3 Synthesizers & Effects Plugins: Synthesizers: ClangSynthh CollidingCombSynth CubicPadSynth EnvelopedSine FDNCymbal GenericDrum IterativeSinCluster MaybeSnare MembraneSynth LightPadSynth SyncSawSynth TrapezoidSynth UltraSynth WaveCymbal Effects: AccumulativeRingMod BasicLimiter CombDistortion EsPhaser FDN64Reverb FeedbackPhaser L4Reverb LatticeReverb LongPhaser MiniCliffEQ NarrowingDelay OrdinaryPhaser ParallelComb ParallelDetune PitchShiftDelay RingModSpacer SevenDelay UltrasonicRingMod GenericDrum: GenericDrum is a generic drum synthesizer using delays. This…

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Robbert Van Der Helm NIH-plug Bundle v06.2024 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

NIH-plug is an API-agnostic audio plugin framework written in Rust, as well as a small collection of plugins. The idea is to have a stateful yet simple plugin API that gets rid of as much unnecessary ceremony wherever possible, while also keeping the amount of magic to minimum and making…

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ZL Audio ZL Equalizer (Minimum-Phase Dynamic EQ) v0.3.2 VST3 AU LiNUX WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

ZL Equalizer is a 16-band minimum-phase dynamic digital equalizer plugin with the following key features: Multiple Filter Settings: Supports 16 frequency bands, 8 filter types, 5 stereo modes, and 7 variable slopes. High-Quality Sound: With 64-bit floating-point processing and de-cramping technique, outstanding performance is ensured in both low-end and high-end….

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Robert K Groov Mekanik FREE STUFF! Bundle 001 (GMaudio) M4L AMXD Drift Presets & Tips [FREE]

Use the MIDI Effects (Chordz & Note Probability) to trigger the Drift Presets in interesting ways, then reshape the sounds to fit your mix with Squeeze, HiFreqLimiter & VSEQ. This bundle contains the majority of my free products, so you can quickly and easily download some fresh inspiration! GMaudio Squeeze…

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PREDD Pre Plugin by Analog Obsession x64 VST VST3 AAX AU Windows MacOS free

Vintage Mic Preamp / DI. Features: MIC/DI : Will select input section. Mic preamp or DI input. PAD : -20dB PAD. Fully gain compensated. POLE : Phase invert. VOLTAGE GAIN : Selectable main gain knob. Fully gain compensated. FINE GAIN SET : Variable +/- 5dB gain for fine settings. Fully…

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Sinus Plus Virtual Organ & Synthesizer VSTI Organ Plugin by Iliadis Instruments x86 VSTI Windows Free

This is not another Hammond B3 Simulation, as i told you one year before, with the 1st version of this Instrument. This is my latest project and it is ABSOLUTELY FREE. Yes it is still, only, as a 32-bit VSTi plugin available. Maybe my last project in 32-bit. We will…

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Nakst Regency (Phase Distorting Synthesizer) v1.1.0 x64 x86 CLAP AU FL STUDiO STANDALONE WiNDOWS MACOS LiNUX [FREE]

egency: multi-tiered phase distorting synthesizer Regency offers a novel method of synthesis, based off traditional phase distortion synthesizers. Each of the two generator layers has three editable multi-segment curves. These curves are applied to distort the phase of the generator in series, in modulatable amounts. There’s also a wide range…

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nSynth1 by Vishesh VSTI MacOS free download

nSynth1 is a 4 oscillator synth with drawable waveforms and a pattern generator. 4 Oscillators. 8 Waveforms. 3 Filters. 4 LFOs which also work like envelopes in oneshot mode. Drawable Waveforms with automatable phase/Morph : can morph or shift from one wave to another. no more webside nSynth1.vst

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Digimorph Synth (Digital / Subtractive / Additive) Plugin by Linda Audio x86 x64 VSTI Windows Free

Linda Audio releases Digimorph – experimental digital synthesizer. It does not emulate any real hardware, instead it brings original combination of substractive and additive synthesis with powerful modulation matrix. On top of that there are quality master fx (chorus, delay, reverb and two saturations) and arpeggiator. Digimorph is capable of…

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Bertom Audio EQ Curve Analyzer v2.0.2 x64 x86 VST3 AU AAX LiNUX WiNDOWS MACOS [FREE]

EQ Curve Analyzer is an analyzer and signal generator plugin to see the frequency response (magnitude and phase) of any plugin or hardware. Insert the plugin you want to analyse between two instances of EQ Curve Analyzer, the first one set as a signal generator and the second one as an…

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Klaus Scheuermann Master Me v1.2.0 x86 x64 VST VST3 CLAP LV2 AU Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Automatic mastering plugin for live streaming, podcasts and internet radio stations. master_me is a multi platform, free and open source audio plug-in which optimizes sound in live streaming situations. Introducing no latency, it takes care of master levels and ‘polishes’ the sound with a chain of effects, closely modeled after…

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T-Force Zenith Synth Plugin by Mastrcode Music

T-Force Zenith is a subtractive synthesizer with some FM capabilities. Its oscillators are inspired by the original Roland JP-8000/8080 Supersaw oscillator. But with way more available oscillator waveforms than just a saw wave and some additional features. It’s a powerful synthesizer that suits all kinds of electronic music. It can produce…

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Extractor by miniSoftmusik x86 VSTI Windows Free Download

Extractor is a wavetable synthesizer with 4 oscillators per 1-128 partials. Waveforms can be extracted from any wave file (if the wave file is small (min 512 samples) the result is more like the original). It’s possible to save the result as a txt-file and to load it. Extractor has 4 oscillators…

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DMG Audio TrackControl v1.13 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU AAX RTAS WiN MAC [FREE]

Everything, in one place. All the utilities from the top and bottom of a console channel. Plus MS Panning, time compensation and more. Features Free for anyone with a DMGAudio account Fully equipped stereo toolkit M/S encode and decode M/S and L/R Panning Stereo Width control Channelstrip input controls for Phase…

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RaccouBass 1.6.0 Synth Plugin by Fernando Tanzo x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 Windows Free

Attention! System requirements have increased significantly. Minimum system requirements: Processor: 1st generation AMD Ryzen 5 or equivalent Intel Core i5 processor. Recommended system requirements: AMD Ryzen 7 3rd generation or higher processor or equivalent processors. Plugin for x64-bit only. What’s new? -improved BPM Clock (Step Sequenser) -Added 4 LFO modules…

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Tom Wolfe Synth Vault Presets Collection (incl. April 2024) MULTiFORMAT [FREE]

Tom Wolfes’s Synth Vault includes huge collection of 670 presets for Omnisphere, Kontakt, Massive, Arturia Pigments and other synths presets! WHY DO YOU NEED THIS? FIND INSPIRATION Get access to a stream of high-quality presets to keep the inspiration flowing when you need it! MAXIMISE YOUR SYNTHS Boost your favourite synths…

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Greg Recco Audible Planets Win Mac Linux [FREE]

An expressive, quasi-Ptolemaic semi-modular synthesizer. Features „Orbital Modulation“ (OM) synthesis Randomizable modulation matrix Built-in effects chains Overview Four bodies revolve with uniform circular motion, each around one of the others or, in the case of the first body, a fixed central point. Each body around which no other body revolves…

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Cynthia by NineCows VSTI x86 Windows free download

With Cynthia you can do all that crazy stuff you cant do with a modern synth. Cynthia is monophonic VSTi, very Old School, but will still be able to keep in tune throughout the song, patches can be stored and it is of course fully MIDI controllable. Control voltage and sound…

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ZL Audio ZL Equalizer (Minimum-Phase Dynamic EQ) v0.1.12 VST3 AU LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

ZL Equalizer is a 16-band minimum-phase dynamic digital equalizer plugin with the following key features: Multiple Filter Settings: Supports 16 frequency bands, 8 filter types, 5 stereo modes, and 7 variable slopes. High-Quality Sound: With 64-bit floating-point processing and de-cramping technique, outstanding performance is ensured in both low-end and high-end….

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Aurora DSP FenrIR (Impulse Response Loader) v1.0.5.1 x64 VST3 AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

FenrIR 1.05 is the revolutionary impulse response loader designed specifically for guitar and bass enthusiasts just been updated with new amazing features! In the video below, we unveil the latest version of FenrIR, packed with exciting features that empower you to sculpt your tone like never before. With FenrIR, you gain…

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Blaukraut Charlatan 3 v3.0.0 Final x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 CLAP WIN LINUX [FREE]

Charlatan is a virtual analog (VA) synthesizer with focus on sound quality and easy usability. Thanks to its streamlined UI, Charlatan never gets in your way when you like to move fast in your production workflow. Under the hood, a powerful yet not overwhelming synth engine is ready to be…

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Vox Samples Wider Tiger (Stereo Enhancer) v1.0.1 x64 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Wider Tiger is our powerful in-phase stereo enhancer plugin. It creates a musical stereo field, even on mono sounds. What’s special is that it is fully mono-compatible! No phase issues/Haas effect will be added, no matter how wide you go. Featuring 3 simple knobs, Wider Tiger allows you to control…

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