Ein Werk, das ich vor kurzem komponiert habe. Ist eine Produktion mit Reason. Video Edit by Dhinstroke
A highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation Intuitive Editing Easily select, move, resize, clone, link, loop, delete and cut objects with a single tool or extend its functionality with additional specialized tools, and enjoy adaptive snapping in every arranger. Limitless Automation Automate almost anything with automation events using straight…
OldSkoolVerb is a freeware algorithmic reverberation AAX, AudioUnit, and VST plugin for professional streaming, sound and music production applications. This plugin implements a kind of “classic” stereo reverb algorithm which is technically simple yet optimal. It also produces a very clear spatial image that blends well with the mix. OldSkoolVerb…
Oatmeal is a 2 oscillator subtractive synth. Two oscillators: Waveform, Amp, Tpitch [aftertouch – pitch], Pulsewidth, PWM rate, PWM depth, Trans [transpose], Detune, Touch [aftertouch – osc amp]. Noise [white or bandpassed]: Amp, Touch, Resonance, Transpose. Filter: Filter type, Double [filter doubling], Cutoff, Track [keytracking], Reso [resonance], Split, Mix, Touch [aftertouch…
Cosmic Lite is the free version of our Cosmic virtual instrument plugin for digital audio workstations on Windows and macOS. This free version brings 11 multi-sampled pad presets taken from the full version. Cosmic Lite is 100% fully functional, the only difference is it has fewer presets than the commercial…
Applications Room reverb Plate reverb Voice streaming reverb plugin OldSkoolVerb is a free algorithmic reverberation AAX, AudioUnit, and VST plugin for professional streaming, sound, and music production applications. This plugin implements a kind of “classic” stereo reverb algorithm which is technically simple yet optimal. It produces a very clear spatial…
HAL Electric Pianos – Electric/Analog pianos – FM synthesis (Yamaha DX7), Multi samples (44.100 kHz – 24-bit), Waveform, Wavetables-based Multi Instrument: Instruments interface (Instruments selector, Basic controls). Oscillators interface (Fm, Multi Samples, Waveform, Wavetables). Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch, Audiowarp). Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad). Envelope…
Azimuth is a VA/WT Synth that lets you quickly dial in the sound you need, its flexible layout allows quick editing with simple changes on the fly. Combine VA (Virtual Analog) Synthesis with WT (Wavetable) running through various user controlled LFO and Envelopes, finally hitting the Master FX section for…
HAL Acoustic Guitars – Classic, Spanish, Arabic, Nylon, FM, Granular, Synth Guitars. Samples (44.100 kHz – 24-bit), FM (Yamaha DX7), Wavetables-based Multi Instrument: Instruments interface (Instruments selector, Effects). Oscillators interface (Samples, FM, Wavetables, Granular). Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch, Audiowarp). Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad). Envelope…
Here is CHANNEV! Ultimate channel-strip with Mic Preamp, De-Esser, Line-Amp, 4 band equalizer, Compressor, Limiter and Tape Saturation! Features – Simple trim screw on preamp section will set input level. – Mic preamp with 60dB Virtual Gain, PAD, and Phase Invert. Also, Pre-EQ (Low Shelf/High Shelf) and HPF/LPF. – De-Esser…
The Xperimenta team is proud to present you our latest sonic effort, Minima 2. As its predecessor Minima, Minima 2 is a wide and completely free collection of acoustic and electronic instruments, that answer the needs of modern productions. Minima 2 is a self-sufficient tool for modern composers and producers,…
Quentin is 3 (totally independent) 3 ocillators synth with a unique speciality in polyrhythmical sequences thanks to the newly modeled 999 built-in seeded rhythms arppeggiator, a fexible 32 steps trance gate and 9 BPM driven LFO motors. The synth The synth itself is a hybrid subtractive synth with 3 totally…
Monster Keyz is a multi voices keyboard sound which you can mix n match to obtain unique sound that match your mood and music needs! Monster Keyz Features Here are some features of Monster Keyz version 2.2022.12: Lightweight and doesn’t consume much RAM like any other virtual instruments. There are…
Introducing Lite Clarinet Drama Textures, smaller sibling to our Clarinet Drama Textures library. A creative tool created by manipulating a handpicked selection of samples from Clarinet Drama Textures and transformed into a simple, cinematic pad instrument, allowing you to blend two different sounds together. Lite Clarinet Drama Textures marks the…
Cosmic Lite is the free version of our Cosmic virtual instrument plugin for digital audio workstations on Windows and macOS. This free version brings 8 pad presets taken from the full version. Cosmic Lite is 100% fully functional, the only difference is it has fewer presets than the commercial version….
DrumVault is a free drum virtual instrument plugin for DAWs on Windows and macOS. This drum machine features a 4X2 pad configuration and brings various drum sounds, percussions, and instrument/vocal hits for many musical genres. DrumVault is easy to use and intuitive with global controls such as volume, lowpass filter…
E-Guitars Clean – Samples (44.100 kHz – 24-bit), Oscillators (Wavetables) based instruments: Instruments interface (Instruments selector, Effects). Oscillators interface (Samples, Wavetables). Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch, Audiowarp). Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad). Envelope interface (Amp env, Filter env, Pitch env, User env). LFO interface (LFO 1,…
Synth Basses – Oscillators (Wavetables, Waveforms), Samples (44.100 kHz – 24-bit), based instrument: Instruments interface (Instruments selector, Basic controls, Basic arp, Effects). Oscillators interface (Wavetables, Waveforms, Samples). Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch). Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad). Envelope interface (Amp env, Filter env, Pitch env, User…
Bass sounds from a Moog Liberation Keytar recorded onto a cassette. It’s notorious, it’s obscure, it’s grim, it leaves a taste of iron on the tip of the tongue. Serious tweakability available from the sound sculpturing presets. Simple movements in XY pad generating complex results. IN SETTINGS VIEW YOU CONTROL…