Rare DSP DrumСlone (Drum Re-synthesizer) v0.6.2 VSTi3 WiN MAC [FREE]

Drumclone allows extracting and modifying high-quality single drum sounds from complex audio sources like songs, samples, or any recording with perceptible percussive elements. Drumclone comes with models* to precisely isolate and resynthesize drum sounds, which allows a fast iterative workflow thanks to its sub-second processing times and drag and drop UI….

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Mannix Squared Audio AB Reference Tool v1.1.1 VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Introducing our latest plug-in designed to make mixing more precise and efficient: the AB Reference Tool. This versatile plug-in allows you to seamlessly compare your mix with a reference track, giving you the insights you need to fine-tune your sound to professional standards. With the AB Reference Tool, you can…

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Dan Keen NFO: Orchestral Swells Kontakt Decent Sampler [FREE]

600 recordings from over 40 players of the Northern Film Orchestra About a year ago, I got an email from Jack Hughes, founder of the Northern Film Orchestra, based in Manchester. Following my Soft String Spurs project and my Isolation Collaboration, he proposed we do a similar thing but on…

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Elemental Child – The Long Wait

„Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.“ – Henry Van Dyke

„Die Zeit ist zu langsam für die, die warten, zu schnell für die, die sich fürchten, zu lang für die, die trauern, zu kurz für die, die sich freuen, aber für die, die lieben, ist die Zeit die Ewigkeit.“ – Henry Van Dyke