Variety Of Sound NastyDLA mkIII v3.5 VST VST3 WiN [FREE]

NastyDLA mkIII – a classic chorus echo device with tape-delay simulation Improved Sound, Precision & Performance! Experience the next evolution of NastyDLA mkIII, now with a refined input stage that incorporates an audio transformer circuit for a harmonically rich and detailed sound. In addition, the interplay of compression and tape…

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Homage Poly Synth 2 Synth (Analogue / Subtractive) Plugin by JWP VSTI3 Windows Free

The JWP Homage Line Poly Synth 2 is built upon the foundation of its predecessor, this dual oscillator subtractive synthesizer introduces alternate features and functionality to meet the demands of modern music production. Version 2 Features Two LFOs: For an extra dimension of modulation. Overdrive Distortion: Drive your sound for…

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Variety Of Sound FeenstaubTC (Tube Compressor) v1.0.0 x64 x86 VST VST3 Windows [FREE]

Tube compression meets tape coloring FeenstaubTC was designed to capture the unmistakable warm yet powerful sound of classic tube compression in all its facets and detail, and to take it a step further. Combining state-of-the-art technology with a loving nod to the great classics of compression, FeenstaubTC captures the magical…

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Zen Autopan Auto Pan by Wild Surmise Music IOS Free

FX Forms #002 – Zen AutoPan from Wild Surmise Music, second offering in the series of AUv3 FX plugins. Note: This needs a compatible DAW App such as Logic Pro, AUM, Cubasis, Garageband etc to use the AUv3 plugin. Zen AutoPan is not merely a tool, but an invitation to…

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Elemental Child – Interplay


„The dancer Andrea Nagl is embedded in a field of live light drawings. Every movement seems to change the respective light trace, becomes a light reflection itself in this work.“ – Markus Wintersberger 2012

„Die Tänzerin Andrea Nagl ist in ein Feld aus live zugespielten Licht Zeichnungen eingebettet. Jede Bewegung scheint die jeweilige Lichtspur zu verändern, wird in dieser Arbeit selbst zu einer Lichtspiegelung.“ – Markus Wintersberger 2012