Rodrigo Constanzo Confetti M4L Devices AMXD [FREE]

Library of M4L devices based on the modules in The Party Van, Cut Glove, and TPV2. List of Devices: Analysis – Audio descriptor analysis with signal-rate output: Analysis creates various audio descriptor analyses (onsets, loudness, spectral centroid, spectral flatness) and outputs these in a continious (signal-rate) stream or as sample…

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Elemental Child – Fragments

“A piece of art comes to life, when we can feel, it is breathing, when it talks to us and starts raising questions. It may dispel biased perceptions; make us recognize ignored fragments and remember forsaken episodes of our life story.“

„Ein Kunstwerk erwacht zum Leben, wenn wir spüren, dass es atmet, wenn es zu uns spricht und Fragen aufwirft. Es kann voreingenommene Wahrnehmungen zerstreuen, uns ignorierte Fragmente erkennen lassen und uns an vergessene Episoden unserer Lebensgeschichte erinnern.“ – Erik Pevernagie

Musik & Produktion by Elemental Child © 2024