HAL Acoustic Guitars Acoustic Guitars Plugin by Freemusicproduction.net[halion,HalionSonic]

HAL Acoustic Guitars – Classic, Spanish, Arabic, Nylon, FM, Granular, Synth Guitars. Samples (44.100 kHz – 24-bit), FM (Yamaha DX7), Wavetables-based Multi Instrument: Instruments interface (Instruments selector, Effects). Oscillators interface (Samples, FM, Wavetables, Granular). Voice interface (Voice, Unison, Glide, Pitch, Audiowarp). Filter interface (Filters, Cutoff, Resonance, X – Y pad). Envelope…

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Gala SE by Fanan Team

A free special edition of Gala, based on our clients requests. Gala represents an improved physical modeling code of a virtual analog oscillator with an incredible depth and generates 28 instruments ensemble emulation divided into 7 genres, each with it’s own size and color. Gala XL instruments: 4 pop strings…

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