Music-Society presents DOREMI by


Music-Society presents DOREMI by

Thanks to

get busy and make preset banks Wink
Runs on Win 32, Win64, VST2/3 and OSX-Mac


– 2 oscillators, the 2nd oscillator can be used in 3 modes
Both oscillators have their own ADSR, volume and sub-oscillator

– a noise oscillator with its own filter with resonance and ADSR

– 2 filters with 4 modes and ADSR

– Saturation on/off

– Trancegate Synchronizable in tempo and length and direction with swing function

– 2 LFOs Synchronizable with different operations and waveforms

– 4 freely assignable controller slots

– Reverb, Pitch, Pan, Glide and Master

– Poly, Mono and Retrig

– 3 skins

For download you have to register or login on Forum, it is free!

Donations are very welcome, unfortunately the server costs



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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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