Kategorie: vst
Basic Filters by Fabric 70
Crush by Fabric 70
SWANKY AMP Swanky Amp is a tube amplifier based on detailed simulations of tube amplification. Swanky AMP is powered by a state-of-the-art tube amplifier model. The model is based on detailed simulations of real tube amplifier circuits, and is built using a variety of modern digital signal processing techniques. Measurements were taken of…
Quilcom SIM-W
NA 808 Overdrive Pro by Nembrini Audio
NA 808 Overdrive Pro by Nembrini Audio azz, Rock, Metal, no matter what genre you play. NA 808 Overdrive Pro little magic box plugin will prove to be essential to your collection. It is very responsive and versatile, available for free. NA 808 Overdrive Pro is modeled on the Japanese green pedal with the same JRC4558D…