ToneLib TubeWarmth by Tonelib

At the heart of this effect is the desire to achieve a tube sound, with all its inherent roughness and vividness, from a dry digital signal. TL TubeWarmth adds even-numbered harmonies to the input signal, which contributes to expanding the tone of the instrument, giving it new colors and depth. The gentle…

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PaulXstretch v1.5.3 Win/macOS [Free]

Extreme Time-Stretching This application/plugin is based on the PaulStretch algorithm (Paul’s Extreme Time Stretch, originally developed by Nasca Octavian Paul), and specifically the PaulXStretch version from Xenakios. The UI has been updated, adapted for various screen sizes, and built for the latest platforms. Multi-platform, open-source, completely free PaulXStretch is designed…

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Kia instrument by AudioFB

The Kia instrument is a synthesizer developed from an analog synth developed to create Kia’s signature sound. It is a synth with analog features: – 8 binaural samples from nature – monophonic – with 4 waveforms – spring reverb – Fine tuning control – Envelope filter – general ADSR –…

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Xenakios HourGlass 1.4.5 Windows [FREE]

HourGlass is a standalone application intended for radical sound processing by taking fragments (more commonly referred to as „grains“ in other similar software) from sound recordings, to create sound textures. It is not intended for minor transparent corrections of playback speed or pitch, but is rather placed firmly in the…

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BYOD by Chowdhury DSP

BYOD by Chowdhury DSP is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin and a Mobile Audio App and a Standalone Application for macOS, Windows, Linux and iOS. It functions as an Audio Units Plugin, a VST 3 Plugin, an AAX Plugin, a LV2 Plugin and a Standalone Application. Build-Your-Own-Distortion (BYOD) is an audio plugin that…

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Studiologic Numa Player v1.0 VSTi3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Numa Player is a completely free virtual instrument. It’s not only the perfect companion for your SL Keyboard, but it is also much more! The User Interface scales to different monitor sizes to fit best in your Audio/MIDI setup and makes Numa Player the first Studiologic Instrument Player available for…

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Digital Brain Instruments vPlayer v3 WiN MAC [FREE]

AN EASY WAY TO CHECK OUT NEW PLUGINS OR TO PLAY A QUICK LOADING JAM SESSION USING YOUR FAVOURITE VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTS. vPlayer is a standalone software developed for quick testing new vst/au instruments without the need to use any DAW. Play a quick loading jam session using your favorite synths,…

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ADSR Sounds Sample Manager v1.7.4 VST AU AXX x64 x86 WiN MAC [FREE]

A Smart Sample Management Tool. ADSR Sample Manager makes your entire sample library searchable with smart and custom tags. Preview any sample in your local library or purchased on ADSR in the context of your track (BPM and/or key synced) using MIDI or drag audio directly to your project. Now…

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Bespoke Synth v1.1.0 Windows/MacOS/LiNUX [FREE]

Bespoke is a software modular synthesizer. It contains a bunch of modules, which you can connect together to create sounds. Bespoke is like a DAW* in some ways, but with less of a focus on a global timeline. Instead, it has a design more optimized for jamming and exploration. Bespoke…

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J74 FreeCode pack by J74

J74 FreeCode pack by J74 is a Standalone Application for macOS and Windows. It functions as a Standalone Application. The J74 FreeCode pack is a set of MIDI and Audio devices with new and selected functions from the J74 repertoire. Among the tools it includes the ChordExplorerLight, a MIDI chord generator which can be controlled…

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autoreverb_chung by NGUYEN.Chung

autoreverb_chung by NGUYEN.Chung is a Standalone Application for Windows. It functions as a Standalone Application. autoreverb chung is a universal reverb effect that takes any sound from the selected input (ex : the system mixer) and sends its reverb to the selected output (ex : the output speakers) with time delay, volume, and…

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Nasca by 2MGT/Metamusic Generative Tools

Donationware Nasca by 2MGT/Metamusic Generative Tools is a Standalone Application for Windows. It functions as a Standalone Application. Nasca is an standalone tool application for Windows that employs Wavetable / Granular / Sample-based synthesis in two separate and programmable layers each with extensive FX, Modulation Matrix, Chord Sequencer and two Arpeggiators modules which…

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VCV Rack v2.0 Standalone WiN MACOS LiNUX [FREE]

Dark room mode Save your eyes at night with adjustable room brightness. Module selections Save, share, edit, and move around selections of modules. Enhanced module browser Zoom, favorite, and sort your module collection. DAW plugin only in Rack Pro VST2 + more plugin formats coming soon Save patches inside your…

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Andreas Remshagen Live Sequencer Software for Free

This is the Sequencer-Software i made with Flowstone for my Live-Performances. It should run on every Windows-PC and is written to control Midi to CV-Devices like the Polyend Poly. It can Handle two different Devices with 8 Midi-Channels. Maybe you can use it for your own Performances. It is completely…

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Caustic 3 by Single Cell Software

Caustic 3 is a music creation tool inspired by rack-mount synthesizers / samplers rigs. Everything is real-time and optimized for mobile devices. Create your rack by adding up to 14 machines from a choice of: * Subsynth – Virtual analog subtractive synthesizer * PCMSynth – Multi-sample wave synthesizer * BassLine – 303-like monosynth * BeatBox – 8-channel sampling…

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Soundpaint by 8DIO Productions

Soundpaint by 8DIO Productions is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin and a Standalone Application for macOS and Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units Plugin, a VST 3 Plugin and a Standalone Application. Soundpaint is a free and advanced software technology designed to offer the highest degree of fidelity and realism…

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Husserl2 Mocha Edition by Yofiel

A 32-voice complex waveset synthesizer with 5D filter, internal 151×143 modulation matrix, and more The Mocha Edition enhances Husserl2 with a more soothing, less vibrant interface. Husserl2 continues to aim to be one of the best free synths you can get. It took a couple of years to make, but…

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Giorgio Sancristoforo release Berna 3 (simulation of an early electronic music studio)

NOT A PLUGIN BUT AN EXPERIENCE This is a standalone software only.( Mac currently) Windows version in about 7-10 days Eligibility for free upgrade: Customers who bought Berna2 in August and September 2021 Price 25.00€ more infos and download Creating a couple of sinusoidal oscillators was never the goal. Berna…

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Gatelab by Audiomodern

Gatelab by Audiomodern is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin and a Mobile Audio App and a Standalone Application for macOS, Windows and iOS. It functions as a VST Plugin, an Audio Units Plugin, a VST3 Plugin, an AAX Plugin and a Standalone Application. Gatelab is a creative gate sequencer, volume Modulation…

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Deplike Guitar FX – Guitar Amps, Guitar FX for Windows by Deplike Software

Download for free. Deplike lets you enjoy a full studio guitar setup from your PC. It is a guitar and bass tone studio for Windows that works as a standalone application and as a VST plug-in for your favorite DAW. Features: 13 Electric, 1 Bass, 1 Acoustic Guitar Tube Amp…

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GHOSTWRITER by mididope

GHOSTWRITER by mididope is a Standalone Application for macOS and Windows. It functions as a Standalone Application. Ghost Note Generator GHOSTWRITER generates additional ghost notes for more rhythmic sophistication. {See video at top of page} As soon as there are no more held MIDI notes, Ghostwriter takes the last MIDI note output and…

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pianoscore_chung by NGUYEN.Chung

pianoscore chung is a free bass virtual piano mypiano as midiout version of midiscore_chung step by step MIDI composition program. Is a small program for easy step by step compose record edit MIDI music song with optional quantize using a MIDI keyboard entering play chord and control with some piano…

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EVOX Calypso by 2MGT/Metamusic Generative Tools

  EVOX Calypso is an experimental sound, performance-oriented virtual musical instrument that is designed for creating cinematic ambient soundscapes, sound structures, and atmospheric and ethereal textures, as well as more traditional synthesizer sounds that can be layered to create a tremendous variety of spatial sounds. EVOX Calypso sounds extend to…

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HammerHead RythmusStation by threechords

What is HammerHead ? HammerHead is a simple TR-909-like drumcomputer program aiming at the dance-scene. You can use it to create perfect Techno-loops, Jungle patterns and real BAD-MOFO-KICK-ASS-NOISY-GABBA-SHIT. What is HammerHead not ? HammerHead is not Shareware, it’s Freeware ! No frustrating save-disabling, no grayed-out-menu-features, no paying serious money, no…

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AUXTURE – Unique exploratory sampler + sequencer by Audiobulb(Payware)

AUXTURE – Unique exploratory sampler + sequencer Platform: Standalone Mac and PC + Ableton M4L. For more information visit: AUXTURE is a unique exploratory sampler and sequencer (AUX-Seq) which enables the user to manipulate and record single samples or entire folders of samples through gesture, randomness and modulation. Unexpected results…

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