Fracture Sounds Blueprint Woodwind Ensemble KONTAKT [FREE]

Six core instruments from the orchestral woodwind section, recorded individually and seamlessly blended into an elegant ensemble patch for effortless sketching.

Woodwind Ensemble features piccolo, flute, oboe, cor anglais, clarinet, and bassoon performances, all blended together across the sweet spots in theior ranges. Like our other orchestral libraries in the Blueprint range, it was captured in the spacious Nave Studios hall, offering a versatile selection of microphone positions- close, mid and far.

The library features two articulations: a crisp, characterful staccato and an expressive sustain, dynamically controlled via the mod wheel. These are also combined into a new Performance Short-Sustain articulation, enabling highly intuitive playing by responding to velocity, eliminating the need for traditional keyswitches (though they remain available for those who prefer them).

– Control the dynamic layers via the mod wheel/ CC1.

– EQ effect to change the brightness of the overall. sound.

Stereo Width
– Controls the stereo widening effect, turn clockwise to widen the signal, turn fully anticlockwise for a mono signal.

– Control the reverb level with further settings if you click the cog.

Mic Mix
– Control the amount of close, mid and far mics.

Sample Start
– Increase the sample start time to reduce latency. Decrease the sample start time for more realism. The latency above is the correct number for the use of negative delay (pre-delay) in your DAW MIDI settings.

Dynamic Response
– Control how much the volume of the instrument is affected by the dynamics value.

Picollo, Flute, Oboe, Cor Anglais, Clarinet, and Bassoon combined into an Ensemble patch
Close, Mid, and Far Mics
2 Articulations (Staccato & Sustain)
Performance Short-Sustain to elegantly switch between both articulations using velocity
Simple and user-friendly interface
Full NKS support – works with Komplete Kontrol hardware.
3.1GB download size (NCW compressed from a 6GB sample pool).
Runs in the free Kontakt Player (v8 or later). No additional sampler software needed.



Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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