Drum Depot Motherdrummer (Moog DFAM) Sample Pack WAV [FREE]


The Motherdrummer [92 minutes of Moog DFAM]

Initially I wanted to create a new drum pack with my Moog DFAM. But honestly, this wasn’t really possible, because the DFAM is just not a regular groovebox or drumsynth. It’s more like a percussive-synth-thingie with huge focus on permanently changing and evolving sounds thanks to its sequencer

So I sampled 40 full sequence stems plus 22 variations from the DFAM, all evolving over several minutes, gave them some love through my modular Tube Distortion Filter and finally some software treatment for finalising. The result features 92 minutes of instant Techno & Electro patterns. All sorted by BPM.

These sounds will instantly inspire you and fill several minutes in your tracks, I promise! Without further ado, grab the pack with 1,8 GB stems for the price of your choice.


62 original stems from the Moog DFAM
22 variations from Moog DFAM stems
92 minutes of Techno & Electro patterns, synth percussion and basslines
1,4 GB of recordings in WAV format (24 Bit, 44.1 kHz)
Compatible to all current DAWs, samplers and groove boxes


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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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