d-lusion DAS v0.90B EXE Windows [FREE][Standalone,x86]


Digital Audio Server (DAS) – Program For Synchronising up to 3 instances of d-lusion Software. Necessary to play together synced RubberDuck & DrumStation.

Digital Audio Server (DAS) – was first presented in 1998. With this program you could synchronize up to 3 DAS aware software sound machines and had a sample accurat timing between clients and server. Further features were the synchronization to external Midi Clock signals and the possibility to record complete sessions and export them to the harddisk. From a technology point of view, DAS was very similar to the later released Rewire as the clients had their own processes and were communicating with the DAS server via inter-process communication.





Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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