Apisonic Labs Speedrum lite v0.9.2 free percussion sampler plugin

Speedrum Lite is the little brother of a Speedrum. A „simple“ drum – percussion MPC style sampler. It is designed to be easy to use and to have a fast workflow. It has everything essential you need to start making beats. Requirements: Windows 7 or above – VST, VST3 –…

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Adam Monroe Adam Monroe’s Tremolo free VST and AU effect plugin

Adam Monroe’s Tremolo is a free VST and AU effect plugin created as a companion piece to Adam Monroe’s Mark 73 Electric Piano. It combines a standard tremolo effect (amplitude modulation) with a stereo panning effect in a simple, intuitive GUI. Version 2.0 includes new waveforms, including standards like square,…

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Analog Obsession HLQSE v4.0 VST VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

HLQSE Type 69 style eq with discrete bands. So, you can boost or cut bands at the same time. FEATURES – 0 to -15dB cut @50Hz – 0 to 15dB boost @60/100/200/300Hz – 0 to -15dB cut @0.7/1/1.4/2/2.8/3.5/4.5/6kHz – 0 to 15dB boost @0.7/1/1.4/2/2.8/3.5/4.5/6kHz – 0 to -6dB cut @10kHz…

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AfroPlug – Afro Keyz Lite x64 x86 VST VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Afrokeyz is a Synth VST (Mac,Windows) designed for making great african beats : Dancehall, R&B, Reggaeton, Lo-fi, Afrobeats and more. Inspired by the best of today’s African diaspora Hit Songs, this Synth VST has everything you need to get you inspired and quickly produce high-quality beats. Afro Keyz Lite :…

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Prime Studio CHARLY 2 v1.40 VST, AAX, AU WIN.OSX [FREE]

Prime Studio® (powered by Acustica Audio) Charly is a summing tool based on an analogue tube device that has been modified according to our specifications. Charly refines signals with fine tube character and analog punch adding harmonic distortion. Description from the previous version: Charly is perfect to rhythmically enhance drum…

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Analog Obsession LALA v2.1 VST VST3 AU WiN MACOS [FREE]

LALA LALA update is ready to go with new features, improved DSP, alternative skins and more! Features – PEAK REDUCTION: Simply, it’s threshold setting. Will set you compression level. – GAIN: Make up gain – LIMIT: When you engage, it will work as limiter. Otherwise, it will react as compressor….

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Elemental Child

Trapped in no man’s land……the processing of a really vivid nightmare.

Imagine you are wandering through a completely unknown environment, your papers have been stolen and you have Alzheimer’s disease……

Gefangen im Niemandsland……die Verarbeitung eines wirklich lebendigen Albtraumes.

Stell dir vor, du irrst durch eine dir völlig unbekannte Umgebung, man hat dir deine Papiere gestohlen und du hast Alzheimer…….

Analog Obsession PEDALz v1.1 VST VST3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

    Features – 5 models (old plugins combined) – Pre-TONE control to shape signal before drive circuit – Two band tone control – Drive & Output Models DODOD – D** 250 style overdrive/booster pedal GUNNER – M******* Guv’nor style overdrive pedal OVERDIVER – B*** SD1 style overdrive pedal PIGPIE…

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Fresh Air by Slate Digital

MEET FRESH AIR Add the smoothest high end you’ve ever heard without even a hint of harshness. Fresh Air is a dynamic high frequency processor that breathes new life into your mix with just two knobs. MORE THAN JUST A PRETTY FACE Fresh Air combines serious audio processing behind a…

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French Violin by SampleScience

French Violin is a beautiful multi-sampled violin with a lot of character and charm. Played to sound authentic, French Violin has a very warm and natural sound. It’s the perfect violin plugin to add a touch of strings to your music production without using GBs of hard drive space. French Violin…

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A2M real-time Audio to MIDI by beat bars

A2M detects the pitch of the audio and converts it into the corresponding MIDI notes in real time. Thanks to this, you can play, e.g., the guitar, saxophone, or even sing, and simultaneously trigger sounds in virtual instruments (not only AU). These acoustic (or electric) instruments, or your voice, act…

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Nettle by Fellusive

Nettle explores the unique and relatively under-explored world of scanned synthesis. The timbre of the sounds you create constantly evolve, as the waveform produced is made by tracing (scanning) the positions of masses that are always in motion. These masses are set into motion when you press a key on your…

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White Coat Hypertension

White coat hypertension (WHT), more commonly known as white coat syndrome, is a form of labile hypertension, in which people exhibit a blood pressure level above the normal range, in a clinical setting, although they do not exhibit it in other settings. It is believed that the phenomenon is due to anxiety.

Die Weißkittel-Hypertonie (WHT), besser bekannt als Weißkittel-Syndrom, ist eine Form der labilen Hypertonie, bei der Menschen in einer klinischen Umgebung einen Blutdruckwert oberhalb des Normalbereichs aufweisen, obwohl sie ihn in anderen Umgebungen nicht aufweisen. Es wird angenommen, dass das Phänomen auf Angstzustände zurückzuführen ist.

PlayMate by Flandersh Tech

PlayMate is a simple FM synthesizer inspired by the world of toys. It is able to generate a range of sounds, from cheap basses to distorted and noisy leads, and may also be used for teaching facial gestures. Dual 6-operators oscillators. Drawable oscillator shapes. Dual distorted lowpass filters. Feedback distortion and LFO…

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Premier Sound Factory Hellotron Premier G Kontakt [FREE]

Premier Sound Factory has announced an updated version of its Hellotron Premier G Kontakt library – now with new look and controls. Features 48kHz/24bit samples (you can load it in any sample rate session) All samples were recorded in whole sound with no loop Original Mellotron sounds in their natural…

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GHOSTWRITER by mididope

GHOSTWRITER by mididope is a Standalone Application for macOS and Windows. It functions as a Standalone Application. Ghost Note Generator GHOSTWRITER generates additional ghost notes for more rhythmic sophistication. {See video at top of page} As soon as there are no more held MIDI notes, Ghostwriter takes the last MIDI note output and…

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High Voltage

„The old, slow, creaking descriptions are a thing of the past; today the rule is brevity – but every word must be supercharged, high-voltage.“ – Yevgeny Zamyatin

„Die alten, langsamen, knarrenden Beschreibungen gehören der Vergangenheit an; heute ist die Regel die Kürze – aber jedes Wort muss aufgeladen sein, unter Hochspannung stehen.“ – Yevgeny Zamyatin