ZL Audio ZL Equalizer (Minimum-Phase Dynamic EQ) v0.1.12 VST3 AU LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]


ZL Equalizer is a 16-band minimum-phase dynamic digital equalizer plugin with the following key features:

Multiple Filter Settings: Supports 16 frequency bands, 8 filter types, 5 stereo modes, and 7 variable slopes.

High-Quality Sound: With 64-bit floating-point processing and de-cramping technique, outstanding performance is ensured in both low-end and high-end.

Adjustable Dynamics: Adjustable threshold, attack, release, and side-chain frequency, etc.

Carefully Designed Interface: Interactive spectrum graph, smart collision detection, and smooth animations.

Please NOTICE:
the installer has NOT been notarized/EV certificated on macOS/Windows


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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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