Wusik ZR Synth Plugin by Wusik Windows VSTI VSTI3 x86 x64 free

Wusik Zr Plusplusplus

Now, what is Wusik ZR? A single-cycle wave playback engine with Hyper Oversampling Code using SSE2/AVX. This was coded LIVE on my Twitch account and you can watch it on YouTube now.

Wusik ZR Specs:

  • Windows 32/64 and Mac OS X 64-bits compatible. VST2/VST3 and on OS X extra AU format;
  • Bank of 128 programs all designed by WilliamK (there’s also an Init bank if you want to start from zero and do your own presets);
  • You can save/load/copy/paste programs, even from one bank to another bank;
  • Wave Engine with predefined sounds: 48 selectable waves from multiple banks. Each bank has 12 waveforms, and you can load 4 banks at one time. Each waveform is a single cycle 1200 samples wave;
  • Mono or Poly (32 voices total) with Unison (mono), Glide and Auto-Glide options;
  • Up to 16 either Static or Wavesequenced Layers;
  • ADSR envelope with clip output, velocity settings and an option to Loop the envelope ADS stages;
  • Filter with ADSR envelope just for it (lowpass, bandpass, highpass, notch);
  • The filter has smooth and limit options;
  • ADSR Pitch envelope;
  • Master Limiter that can be turned off (one per Zone, read below);
  • 4 Zones, each zone is a complete set of options: layers + master options + effects;
  • Layers can be Added or Multiplied with one-another, making a Ring Modulation effect;
  • Sequenced layers can hold up to 128 steps, and each step you have the following options: volume, pan, time, pitch fine/tune, waveform, crossfade and filter frequency;
  • Several Effects and the ability to host VSTi/VSTi3 files (effects only, no bridging).
  • For details on how it was created, visit the following link: https://github.com/WilliamKWusik/Wusik-ZR

free download

Wusik- ZR VSTi – VST3 – 32 & 64 Bit – 68,4 MB – Free



Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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