W.A. Production releases Puncher 2 Lite free audio effect plugin


The CPU-friendly little brother of Puncher 2 combines a transient shaper, multiband compressor and paralell compressor in a single effect, featuring real-time visual feedback and pop and click free bypass.

„Without diving into the complexities of audio processing, sometimes you just want a quick and easy way to make your tracks sound better.

With powerful compression and transient shaping, Puncher 2 Lite is here to help you hit your listeners right between the eyes. We’ve kept things simple and ultra-streamlined, stripping back the original controls of Puncher 2 and retaining only the most useful parts of the interface.“

  • 3-stage Punch Powerhouse
  • Transient Shaping
  • Multiband Compressor
  • Parallel Compressor
  • Real-time visual feedback
  • Pop & click free bypass
  • Responsive & CPU friendly
  • Preset system
  • Full PDF Manual & Tutorial video



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Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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