VCSL Keys Piano / Keys by Versilian Studios SFZ Free

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Successor to VS Upright No. 1, this collection contains all of the keyboard instruments from the Versilian Community Sample Library in one convenient package! Explore 3 grands, 2 uprights, and 5 harpsichords, all derived from Versilian Studios commercial libraries.

VCSL Keys is under a Creative Commons 0 (CC0) license, as a derivative of VCSL. No royalties, attribution, or credit are required to use these samples, and they can be used in commercial and non-commercial works without any restrictions or limitations.

Four Natural Pianos

Five sampling sessions of four different pianos are included here, models „K“, „S“, „Y“, and „Knight“. All of these instruments are vintage or antique, most have had rough lives in practice rooms and rehearsal halls.

What you hear is the real sound of pianos „in the wild“, not some artificially perfected studio tone or modelled sound. These are not archival instruments kept in dust-proof rooms and tuned between every note, but rather working, living pianos with quirks and imperfections.

Pianos „S“ and „Knight“ both feature sustain pedal samples, and all pianos feature releases.

Five Harpsichords

The harpsichord is a unique historical keyed instrument which uses small plectra to pluck the strings, unlike a piano which uses a hammer to strike the keys. Over the years, Versilian Studios has sampled many harpsichords, but few have made it to commercial release.

Exclusive to this set is the English Harpsichord, a kit harpsichord from the 1970’s, which sounds truly amazing in pop and classic rock contexts.

For most instruments, separate Release samples are included for realism.

SFZ Format Patches

In the 40+ years of digital sampling, countless formats have come and gone, yet the quality of even very old samples can still provide a surprisingly realistic sound if used appropriately.

The SFZ format, invented in the early 2000’s, is a completely open-source, non-proprietary format for sample libraries, providing an extensive, powerful ecosystem for cross-platform sample libraries with multiple player plugins across multiple developers to choose from.

Unlike VSTi or AU plugins, SFZ files from nearly 20 years ago work perfectly fine today and will for decades to come.

Losslessly Compressed Samples (FLAC)

Compared to the original WAV samples used in the old standalone versions, the FLAC sample files used here are roughly 20-40% of the original size while retaining 100% of the quality, reducing the size of the entire collection to a comfortable 680 MB.

FLAC is also an open source format, and can be loaded and modified in most DAWs if desired.



Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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