Beatzille: little monster
Beatzille is a compact version of our monster modular synthesizer Bazille. Although its condensed feature set makes it the ‘little brother’, Beatzille is still an engaging and capable synthesizer. Power and style run in the family. Digital oscillators, analogue-style filter and flexible patching will keep you busy for a good while before thinking about tackling Bazille.
• Modular architecture
• 2 digital oscillators with simultaneous frequency modulation (FM), phase distortion (PD) and fractal resonance (FR)
• Polyphonic (up to 8 voices), duophonic (split oscillator pitches), legato or retriggered monophonic
• Pitch transpose, drift and glide control
• 1 multimode analogue-style filter with 6 parallel outputs (4× lowpass, bandpass, highpass)
• 2 ADSR envelopes with sustain slope (fall/rise) and 5 trigger modes
• 1 LFO with 3 parallel outputs with various waveforms
• 16-step sequencer with 8 morphable snapshots. 4 output sockets for parallel sequences, envelope triggers and more
• 2 multiplex units for mixing, crossfades, ring modulation or amplitude modulation
• Built-in stereo delay with tape wow, feedback and damping filters
• 1 mapping generator (waveshaper / incrementer)
• Audio-rate signal processors: inverter, rectifier, sample & hold, dual lag generator and quantizer
• White and pink noise generators
• MIDI modulation sources include modwheel, velocity, breath, pressure, key follow, gate and more
• Single-page interface
• Skinnable UI
• Resizable UI from 70% to 200%
• Global preferences page
• MIDI learn overlay and editable MIDI CC list
• Over 160 factory presets
• NEW in v1.0.2: Support for Oddsound MTS-ESP
Small and mighty
Striking the balance between too much and too little, Beatzille is the happy medium. It presents an introduction to modular synthesis and a taste of the power of Bazille without being overwhelming.
Beatzille’s oscillators embrace two digital synthesis methods developed during the 1980s: frequency modulation (FM) and phase distortion (PD). We also added a process we call fractal resonance (Fractalize), which sounds similar to the classic oscillator sync effect when swept.
All three synthesis methods run simultaneously, so you can combine them to create an extensive range of sounds. Beatzille is great at generating weird modular blips and squeaks, but you can even coax soft pads and organic keys from the oscillators—as demonstrated by the factory library. Add modulation for even more sound possibilities.
The filter is a favourite in the sound designer’s toolkit. Cut frequencies, boost others, add texture and colour. Beatzille’s analogue-style filter complements the digital oscillators, providing warmth and drive. And its self-oscillation capability opens up some intriguing sound design opportunities.
Even with a single filter Beatzille offers plenty of creative horizons. The six parallel outputs (highpass, bandpass and four types of lowpass) with multiple modulation options make it easy to create complex, shifting textures.
Beatzille has only one built-in effect, but it’s good one: stereo delay with optional host sync. Push your sound around in space with independent delay times and volumes for each channel. Conjure ghostly echoes using tape-like wobble and filtering or set up endless repetitions. Tweak all controls to find the perfect delay.
Release notes:
Beatzille 1.0.2 (revision 12092)
Native M1 ARM support
• Native support for Apple Silicon chips (M1)
• macOS Big Sur compatibility
• Improved GUI performance
• Support for Oddsound MTS-ESP
• Improved handling of junction links on Windows
• VST3 support added
• Improved preset browser
• Improved soundset installation
• Pitch Bend range now +/-48
• Minor GUI fixes/tweaks
• Various Mac and Windows installer improvements
• System info displayed in GUI (revision, OS, plugin format)
• Hold pedal behaviour improved (0-63 = off, 64-127 = on)
• Ctrl A/B replaces fixed Breath and Expression modulation
• Changed how LFO Wave and LFO Phase influence envelope triggeringFixed Bugs:
• Fixed multiple sequencer issues
• Fixed multiple issues with envelope triggering via LFO and sequencer
• Fixed notes starting on same time stamp but different MIDI channel might not play
• Fixed LFO in sync mode being too slow on its first cycle
• Fixed mapping generator not updating instantly
• Fixed multiplex potentially killing audio output
• Fixed crash when loading script presets (e.g. Randomizer)
• Fixed rare crash on project reload
• Fixed audio clicks when switching presets
• Various small fixes and improvementsKnown Issues:
• Context menus need plugin focus to work (Apple issue)
• Cable style „natural“ can cause GUI glitchesSpecial Notes:
• AAX support on Mac removed temporarily (will come back in next update)
• Updated minimum requirements, CPU needs to support SSE4.2 instruction set
• Linux: minimum required glibc version is 2.28 (otherwise plugins won’t show up)
• macOS 32-bit support discontinuedThe Windows installer was improved to prevent common installations issues. Please check the suggested installation paths during installation, making sure the update is installed into the same location as the previous version, and all installed plugin formats are being updated.
Envelope triggering via LFO and sequencer was reworked in order to fix multiple bugs in this area. This means some presets might not sound as intended anymore. We therefore recommend to finish ongoing projects before updating to the new version. Please refer to the “Patch Conversion Tips” file to get more info on how to adjust your presets.
Leider nicht direkt bei u-he zu beziehen, da Magware. Hab die Beatzille auch in den neuesten Heft-Downloads (187-190) nicht gesehen. Dürfte hinter der Paywall von versteckt sein oder in einer der nächsten Ausgaben kommen. Da bleibt zunächst nur die „sister-site“. Aber die alte Beatzille funktioniert eh gut. BazilleCM ist übrigens noch nicht zu laden.