Tilr RipplerX (Physical Modeling Synth) v1.1.3 vsti3 au lv2 Windows macOS Linux [FREE] Update

RipplerX is a physically modeled synth, capable of sounds similar to AAS Chromaphone and Ableton Collision.


Open source and Cross-platform, available on Windows, Linux and macOS.
Dual resonators with serial and parallel coupling.
9 Models of acoustic resonators: String, Beam, Squared, Membrane, Drumhead, Plate, Marimba, Open tube and Closed tube.
Inharmocity, Tone, Ratio and Material sliders to shape the timbre.
Noise and mallet generators.
Up to 64 partials per resonator.
Built with JUCE.

RipplerX is a port of Rippler2 for the Reaper DAW, it started as a research project into physically modelled drums and ended up a synth heavily based on AAS Chromaphone and Sai’ke Partials.

The first version was based off Partials since it is one the few open source modal synths I could find, from there the main reference became Chromaphone and Collision, the controls and models are almost a one to one match.

Ripplerx has additional controls for Inharmonicity and model Ratio and a distinct sound, Chromaphone is a more complete synth with more features, it has a more sophisticated mallet generator, physics based serial coupling, a better UI, etc.. If you like this synth you should definetly check it out.

The value of RipplerX is as an open source alternative to AAS plugins, it also provides an entry point for developers or researchers into physical modelling.

quote by tiagolrChangelog v1.1.3
Lower volume of some of the patches
Small performance improvement




Musician since about 45 years(various flutes, synths) Composer since 1986 admin of the forum + blog Music-Society

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