The ASIO Audio Test Signal Generator is known around to world for diagnosing problems with ASIO DACs. The application generates a little debug file that provides information about the sound card and error reports.
- Operates at sample rates from 44,100 to 768,000 samples per second.
- Generates sine wave signals of the highest precision, in the full range of 10 Hz to half the sample rate (Nyquist limit), at attenuation values from 0 to 90 dB.
- Generate pink and white noise, and linear and logarithmic sweeps.
- Supports all DACs at 16, 24, or 32-bits (some 20 bit cards may also work) and 32-bit float.
- It will only work with Windows (but also seems to work fine under Ubuntu Linux w/Wine & Jack).
- Provides a precise standard reference for the modern Even Tempered Scale to which you can calibrate your equipment and musical instruments.