Extractor by miniSoftmusik x86 VSTI Windows [No longer available][Free Download]

Extractor is a wavetable synthesizer with 4 oscillators per 1-128 partials. Waveforms can be extracted from any wave file (if the wave file is small (min 512 samples) the result is more like the original). It’s possible to save the result as a txt-file and to load it. Extractor has 4 oscillators…

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Marcos Rivas Desert Resonator (Creative Tones Generator) v1.0.0 VST3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]

Desert Resonator is a generator plug-in composed of a wavetable synthesizer, a physical modeling stage, an analog modeling low-pass filter, and a flanger. It can provide a diverse range of sounds, allowing you to create a palette of completely different tones. I developed the signal processing for each stage entirely from…

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DarkSkyAudio Socora Lite v1.5.0.7 Kontakt [FREE]

ELECTRONIC-BASED SOUND DESIGN Socora LITE is a powerful mini-synth and ‘motion fx studio’ that enables the creation of unique, complex and futuristic cinematic sounds. Built for sound designers, film, TV and game composers, Socora LITE is perfect for making everything from sci-fi, post-apocalyptic and horror to electro, synthwave and industrial…

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Xenia Synth Plugin by The Usual Suspects x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 AU CLAP LV2 Windows MacOS Linux free

Xenia supports emulation of the Waldorf Microwave II/XT, a wavetable synthesizer. Xenia is unique from The Usual Suspects‘ other emulations because it is the first to support a synthesizer not based purely on a virtual analog design. With this addition to their emulation roster, an even larger choice of sonic…

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K3-V Extended by Digital Systemic Emulations x64 vsti vsti3 au Windows MacOS free download

K3-V Extended is an advanced emulation of the Kawai K3 wavetable synthesizer. 2 Wavetables Oscillators. 32 original waveforms + 8 I created with the original K3. 2 Additive Oscillators. 16 Harmonics generators. 2 Transients designers, for wavecrossing effects. 2 Pitch EG with selectable phase. 2 LFOs (Filter, Volume). 2 ADSRs. 3 Modes…

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Aba Synthphony Vital Presets Vol 8 500 Wavetables WAV [FREE]

500 Wavetables to Play With | Vital Wavetable for Your Creativity This is a set of wavetable, it contents 500 wavetables all together. You can achieve variety of sounds by twisting and morphing through these wavetables. The wavetables were created for 2048 samples per single-cycle. Simply load up any presets…

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Aba Synthphony Synthphony 1 v1.2 Kontakt Decent Sampler [FREE]

Years ago, I wrote Python codes to generate some wavetables in the shapes of Pulse, Saw, Tri, and Sine, including some very odd shapes. These multiple shapes of wavetables were mixed, mangled and „Sampled“ into new sounds. I decided to give the codes a try, to make some sample based…

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Binyamin Friedman Just a Sample (Modern Audio Sampler) v1.0 VSTI3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Powerful playback controls – Navigate effortlessly – Beautiful UX Just a Sample is a powerful, modern audio sampler, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. Best of all, it’s free and open-source. I spent a lot of time on this project, and I think it will be a…

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The Intense Sound Colors Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the SocaLabs – Wavetable VSTi [FREE]

The Intense Sound Colors Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the SocaLabs – Wavetable VSTi – Styles: 14x Gate, 14x Lead, 6x Pad, 4x Plucked, 13x Seq, 4x StepSeq – Genres: Dance – Trance – New Wave – Modern Synth Music – For: SocaLabs – Wavetable v1.0.22 or newer – Release…

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Toybox Audio Thump One 2 (Music Synthesizer) v2.0.8 VSTI3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Thump One is an easy to use music synthesiser plugin with a fun glitchy ‚wavetable‘ engine and a bank of flexible multi-segment envelopes to shape the sound in any direction you desire. Perfect for powerful kick drums, huge club basses and soaring leads. The synthesiser features two powerful engines that can…

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Full Bucket Music WhispAir v1.1.5 x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 CLAP AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

WhispAir is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AAX) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU/AAX). It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: All parameters on one single page Three flexible wavetable oscillators Classic Full Bucket stereo filter Three modulation and four envelope…

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Signal Perspective LIM Plugins Bundle (updated till November 2024) VST3 VSTI3 AU LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

A collection of 34 audio plugins in VST3 and AU formats, developed by the bachelor students of my course “Development of technologies for music production”. Being the result of students’ efforts, no responsibility is taken for their stability. However, some of them are quite impressive, for example, check out the…

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Black Box Audio Rotor v1.0.0 VST3 AU WiN Mac [FREE]

Ring modulation effect plugin written in C++ ⚙️ Rotor is a variable waveform ring modulation plugin targeting VST3 and AU for OS X and Windows platforms. It uses wavetable synthesis to generate various simple waveforms that act as the modulation signal for the input. It is compiled using the JUCE…

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Tildearrow Furnace (Chiptune Tracker) v0.6.7 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

the biggest multi-system chiptune tracker ever made! features a multi-system chiptune tracker compatible with DefleMask modules a large selection of sound chips: Yamaha FM chips: YM2151 (OPM) YM2203 (OPN) YM2413 (OPLL) YM2414 (OPZ) used in Yamaha TX81Z YM2608 (OPNA) used in PC-98 YM2610 (OPNB) used in Neo Geo YM2610B (OPNB2)…

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Socalabs Wavetable 1.0.22 VSTI3 AU LV WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]

Versatile Wavetable synth *2 wavetable 1 noise, 1 sub oscillators *1 filters * 3 mono LFOs / 3 poly LFOs *17 LFO shapes *3 envelopes *5 effects *1 visualization *MPE *150 wavetables *150 presets Supported platforms: Windows VSTI3 Mac VSTI3/AU Linux VSTI3/LV https://socalabs.com/

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Arthur Benilov Aeolus (Pipe Organ Synthesizer) v0.2.1 VSTi3 AU CLAP LV2 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

Pipe organ emulator using additive synthesis as a VSTi or AU plugin (or a stand-alone executable).Aeolus was originally developed by Fons Adriaensen and presented in 2004. The original implementation is Linux only and can be found here (or across Linux distribution packages). At present it looks like Aeolus development has…

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Wavea Flite Player (multi-sampler + synth plugin) v1.0.1 Windows MacOS [FREE]

Powerful multi-sampler + synth plugin with vast library. Full free access to Flite Play – 200 presets across 2.5GB of samples from the world’s rarest synths. Buy Flite Create for just $99. Full synth engine, 4 x samplers, note/mod sequencers and much more. 3 x LFOs, 7 x FX, 5…

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Mastrcode Music T-Force Zenith v1.0.6 x64 VSTI3 WiNDOWS [FREE]

A subtractive synthesizer with FM capabilities. T-Force Zenith is the current flagship synthesizer by Mastrcode Music. Its oscillators are inspired by the original Roland JP-8000/8080 Supersaw oscillator. But with way more available oscillator waveforms than just a saw wave and some additional features. It’s a powerful synthesizer that suits all…

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Nakst ExtraBold 1.2.0 x64 x86 CLAP AU FL STUDIO WIN MAC LINUX [FREE]

ExtraBold: three-oscillator hybrid beast Key features: *3 oscillators, 4 filter modes, 3 effect unit slots with 5 effect categories. *Modulation: 2 envelopes, 4 LFOs. *Focused and streamlined user interface with custom skinning support and scaling ranging from 100% to 300%. *Highly tuned performance, including native support for Apple Silicon „M1“…

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Ardura Actuate (Synthesizer Sampler Granulizer) v1.3.1 VSTi3 CLAP Win Mac Linux [FREE]

Synthesizer, Sampler, Granulizer written in Rust with Nih-Plug and egui Actuate is a subtractive synthesizer, Additive Synthesizer, sampler, and granulizer made in Rust with Nih-Plug and Egui. Actuate follows a philosophy of „limited but creative options“ for making sounds. Features: Two SVF Filters, a VCF inspired filter, Tilt inspired filters,…

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Shapey! Waveshaping Synth Plugin by Modular Samples vsti3 au windows macOS free

Shapey! is an open source wavetable/sample player that passes into a sample derived waveshaper capable of extreme adjustments to the original signal. There is a lot of distortion here, but with some careful adjustments it can do pseudo PWM, wave folding and sync-like sounds: A wavetable/sample oscillator with sub osc…

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Ryukau Uhhyou Plugins Bundle v0.61.0 VST3 VSTI3 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

35 VST3 Synthesizers & Effects Plugins: Synthesizers: ClangSynthh CollidingCombSynth CubicPadSynth EnvelopedSine FDNCymbal GenericDrum IterativeSinCluster MaybeSnare MembraneSynth LightPadSynth SyncSawSynth TrapezoidSynth UltraSynth WaveCymbal Effects: AccumulativeRingMod BasicLimiter CombDistortion EsPhaser FDN64Reverb FeedbackPhaser L4Reverb LatticeReverb LongPhaser MiniCliffEQ NarrowingDelay OrdinaryPhaser ParallelComb ParallelDetune PitchShiftDelay RingModSpacer SevenDelay UltrasonicRingMod GenericDrum: GenericDrum is a generic drum synthesizer using delays. This…

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INTRO by BK SynthLab x86 VSTI Windows Free download

INTRO is a stereo wavetable synth, using waforms and oscillators. Mono/polyphonic (6 voices) 4 Oscillators, 64 built-in waveforms Noise generator (white and pink) 2 Filters. Select from 1 to 8 stages Gain Compensation option for LP, HP and BP1 filter types. Individual Frequency, Resonance Level, Pan, Keytrack controls for each filter….

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Arthur Benilov Aeolus (Pipe Organ Synthesizer) v0.2.0 x64 VSTI VSTI3 AU Standalone Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Pipe organ emulator using additive synthesis as a VST or AU plugin (or a stand-alone executable).Aeolus was originally developed by Fons Adriaensen and presented in 2004. The original implementation is Linux only and can be found here (or across Linux distribution packages). At present it looks like Aeolus development has…

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T-Force Zenith Synth Plugin by Mastrcode Music

T-Force Zenith is a subtractive synthesizer with some FM capabilities. Its oscillators are inspired by the original Roland JP-8000/8080 Supersaw oscillator. But with way more available oscillator waveforms than just a saw wave and some additional features. It’s a powerful synthesizer that suits all kinds of electronic music. It can produce…

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Tropicana Fun Caribbean rhythmic synth Plugin by Fanan Team x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 Windows Free

Tropicana Fun is a free rhythmic synth based on it’s bigger brother Tropicana. It’s crafted for producing the caribbeans musical style arpeggios. It based on 2 independent wavetable \ pad oscillators combined with innovative modular arpeggiator design. All the oscillators can perform together or independently. The synthesis section provides a…

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Extractor by miniSoftmusik x86 VSTI Windows Free Download

Extractor is a wavetable synthesizer with 4 oscillators per 1-128 partials. Waveforms can be extracted from any wave file (if the wave file is small (min 512 samples) the result is more like the original). It’s possible to save the result as a txt-file and to load it. Extractor has 4 oscillators…

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Signal Perspective LIM Plugins Bundle (updated till March 2024) VST3 VSTI3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

A collection of free audio plugins in VST3 and AU formats, developed by the bachelor students of my course “Development of technologies for music production”. Being the result of students’ efforts, no responsibility is taken for their stability. However, some of them are quite impressive, for example, check out the…

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Socalabs Wavetable 1.0.21 VSTi3 AU LV WiN MAC LiNUX

  Versatile Wavetable synth (2 wavetable 1 noise, 1 sub oscillators, 1 filter, 3 mono LFOs / 3 poly LFOs, 17 LFO shapes, 3 envelopes, 5 effects, MPE, 150 wavetables…) Product Description: *2 wavetable 1 noise, 1 sub oscillators *1 filter * 3 mono LFOs / 3 poly LFOs *17…

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PROBABLY THE MOST VERSATILE WAVETABLE SYNTHESIZER Vaporizer2 is a hybrid wavetable additive / subtractive VST / AU / AAX / LV2 synthesizer / sampler workstation. The heart of this plugin is the alias-free versatile high-performance wavetable sound engine with low system CPU resource usage. Vaporizer2 comes with a groundbreaking wavetable…

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