• BeatNet

Prisma (free version) Multiband Distortion Plugin by UnplugRed

multiband distoriton plugin for advanced tone shaping. up to four modules can be added to any one of the four bands. as of writing, there are 16 modules available to choose from. in the right hands the plugin can produce highly complex and intricate tones. common usecases include very harsh…

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CRMBL (free version) Delay Plugin by UnplugRed

a highly versitile delay plugin with a large feature-set, which in the right hands can produce highly textural results. among the features are pitch shifting on the feedback, asymetric ping pong, reverse delay, and more… the parameters are highly automatable and can produce a dub delay effect when automating the…

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MPaint by UnplugRed

MPaint is a reproduction of a sampler present in a music making feature that was in a video game thats near and dear to my childhood. This plugin attempts to preserve the unique voice limitations of the original sampler, and the samples were recorded with a high quality reproduction of the soundcard…

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PNCH (free version) by UnplugRed

a type of effect that causes added harmonics as well as a gating effect. compared to typical gates and expanders, this one does not use an envelope follower for the gating effect, resulting in gating without pumping the added harmonics might not be noticeable or even pleasant on an already…

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