Cymatics Paradox Vol.3 (Beta Pack) WAV MiDi [FREE]

An Experimental Collection Inspired by Dark Phonk, Vintage & Electronic. Timeless Melodies Inspired by Artists Like Madlib, The Alchemist & More These loops capture the soul of crate-digging, blending jazzy chord progressions, warm Rhodes, and nostalgic guitar licks to create authentic, sample-ready melodies. Designed to bring that classic vinyl feel, these…

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Elemental Child – Mirrors of the past

„The past reflects eternally between two mirrors — the bright mirror of words and deeds, and the dark one, full of things we didn’t do or say.“ – Gregory David Roberts

„Die Vergangenheit spiegelt sich ewig zwischen zwei Spiegeln – dem hellen Spiegel der Worte und Taten und dem dunklen, voll von Dingen, die wir nicht getan oder gesagt haben.“ – Gregory David Roberts