ChristofMuc KnobKraft Orm v2.5.1 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

The KnobKraft Orm – The free modern cross-platform MIDI Sysex Librarian If you are looking for a modern, free Sysex Librarian for your synth, you have found the right place! This is the place where the KnobKraft Orm is created, a modern cross-platform Sysex Librarian for your MIDI gear. Questions…

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Numa Player Player Plugin by Studiologic

Numa Player by Studiologic is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin and a Mobile Audio App and a Software Application for macOS, Windows and iOS. It functions as an AU, a VSTi3 Plugin and a Standalone Application. Numa Player is a completely free virtual instrument. It’s not only the perfect companion for…

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Studiologic Numa Player v1.0 VSTi3 AU WiN MAC [FREE]

Numa Player is a completely free virtual instrument. It’s not only the perfect companion for your SL Keyboard, but it is also much more! The User Interface scales to different monitor sizes to fit best in your Audio/MIDI setup and makes Numa Player the first Studiologic Instrument Player available for…

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