The Color Mixing Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the Minimal Audio – Current 2 VSTi [FREE]

Many Current 2 users wanted a different type of preset, here are 201 presets that represent the Current 2 instrument differently and complement its variety of sounds. So far I have created sound banks and presets for 142 different virtual software synthesizers (VSTi), a total of 229 sound sets, from…

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The Sonic Sirus Soundset for the Phuturetone – GR-8 VSTi [FREE]

Hi GR-8 Users, Music Makers, Robots and Aliens. Here are 64 High-Quality-Presets. The Sonic Sirus Soundset for the Phuturetone – GR-8 VSTi – Inside the Download: The Sonic Sirius Soundset with 64 Presets – Genre: Computer generated modern synthesizer music – Format: Presets (*. FXP) & (*.xmlbank) – For: Phuturetone…

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The Intense Sound Colors Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the SocaLabs – Wavetable VSTi [FREE]

The Intense Sound Colors Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the SocaLabs – Wavetable VSTi – Styles: 14x Gate, 14x Lead, 6x Pad, 4x Plucked, 13x Seq, 4x StepSeq – Genres: Dance – Trance – New Wave – Modern Synth Music – For: SocaLabs – Wavetable v1.0.22 or newer – Release…

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The Acoustic Sound Wave Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the Matt Tytel – Helm VSTi [FREE]

Dear Matt, dear musicians, sound artists, robots and aliens, the helmet is unique in its modulation possibilities and deserves a new, fresh sound bank. The Acoustic Sound Wave Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the Matt Tytel – Helm VSTi Congratulations Matt Tytel on your Helm virtual software synth. The Helm…

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The Tone Colors Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the Blaukraut Engineering – Charlatan 3 VSTi [FREE]

Hello ‚ Charlatan 3 ‚ Virtual Instrument Users, Music makers, Artists, Robots and Aliens. Thanks to the Charlatan 3 Team, for this innovative, highly recommended Synthesizer. As a thank you and appreciation I have created 77 free presets Features • Inside the Download: 1 Tone Colors Soundset by with 77…

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