Ensemblex Chorus / Flanger Plugin by Solcito Música vst vst3 windows free

Ensemblex is a virtual chorus effect inspired by the iconic „Ensemble“ effect found in the Eminent/ARP Solina synthesizers. Originally extracted from the Solcito Música Solinoid 2.0 VSTi, Ensemblex gives to the sound a vintage string or brass ensemble synth character. It delivers a classic sonority to certain instruments by adding…

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Solcito Musica SuperTrone v6.1 Standalone VSTI Windows [FREE]

Step Modulation Analog Synth Virtual Analog Synth with retro architecture for vintage and modern sounds. Features for live performance and multi-instance midi control. Suitable for arpeggios, bass, pads, atmospheres, solos, leads, noisy sounds, electronic drums, etc. „Vintager“ effect that simulates oldering of oscillators. Step modulators with 4 scenes for each…

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Crio by Solcito Música[win, VSTI, x86]

Crio is a virtual analog/FM/Ring modulation synthesizer to make arpeggios, bass, solos, leads, FX-style sounds. Its goal is to achieve maximum functionality with minimal controls, to be used at studio or live, with facilities to drastically modify the sounds while playing. The LFO has special functions for rhythmic uses, such as…

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Solcito Musica „Toum!“ VSTi v1.2 – Now Free (Windows only)

Toum! is a virtual synthesizer to design kick, tom, timbal, percussion and bass sounds. The user can use the include presets or make their own analog, acoustic and electronic drums, and EDM bass synth sounds. Also can be designed snares, clap, hats and certain FX sounds. Toum! has a virtual analog…

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Solcito Musica Arido 3.33 VSTi for Free

Arido is an additive synthesizer with a simple FM feature and a subtractive filter. It includes a polyphonic driver to generate variety of timbres. That is, a distorter that works on each note separately. This synth allows make sounds like ambient, bass, pads, organs, distorted, nature, emulations, etc. It brings on-panel help,…

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Solcito Musica SuperSonico 7.45 VSTi Full Versions for Free

SuperSonico is a virtual analog synthesizer. The Sub-Oscillator includes an option that generates a single low octave that is repeated along the keyboard. When doing a click on some controls or zones, it will appear a contextual help. This synth is suitable for classic analog sounds, strings, bass, brass, leads, organs, atmospheres,…

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