2MGT Evox Calypso Win Standalone [FREE]

EVOX Calypso is an experimental sound, performance-oriented virtual musical instrument that is designed for creating cinematic ambient soundscapes, sound structures, and atmospheric and ethereal textures, as well as more traditional synthesizer sounds that can be layered to create a tremendous variety of spatial sounds. EVOX Calypso sounds extend to unattainable…

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JC-303 TB-303 Plugin by midilab


JC303 is Bass Synthesizer Audio Plugin, clone of Roland TB-303. This project is a JUCE port of Robin Schmidt’s Open303 DSP engine, with a mission to make Open303 accessible across different platforms and plugin formats. The goal is to provide musicians and producers with a seamless experience to harness the incredible power of…

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Wusik DRS1 (Drum Sequencer) v1.1.4 x64 VSTi VSTi3 STANDALONE WiN [Free For Limited Time]


Complete List Of Features: 8 Tracks + 1 Accent Track; 64 steps + double steps for a total of 128 steps (using the ABCD variations); 64 patterns with N loop and Next Pattern option (plus a go-to-previous-pattern option); 8 Outputs (each track can select which output to use); A B…

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Ronan Fed Pneuma Pro v1.0 Updated VSTi VSTi3 WiN [FREE]

Pneuma Pro is a polyphonic synthesizer that features: • 4 Multi-Type and Multi-Voice Oscillators with Sync and FM. • Noise Oscillator. • Sub Oscillator. • 2 Sample Oscillators. • 3 Filters. • 2 AHDSR Filter Envelopes. • AHDSR Amplitude Envelope. • 4 AHDSR Modulation Envelopes. • 4 LFOs. • Misc….

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XiiixxiQ XiiixxiQ (Euclidean Non-Linear Morphable Step-Sequencer) v0.1.3 VST3 AU MACOS [FREE]


XiiixxiQ is a Summed Euclidean, Non Linear, Poly-metric, Polyrhythmic, Morph-able Step Sequencer. XiiixxiQ is designed to be a MidiFX plugin in Logic. It offers a collection of sequencing processes based around the central theme of summing Euclidean rhythms. The output of up to four discrete Euclidean generators are summed before…

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Nifl Heimmer Circuitdust BadHumors (Effect Sequencer) v1.0.0 VST VST3 AU LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]


The purpose of this plugin is to give you some creative effects to use in one place, or to spice up your rhythm with some glitchiness. The effect plugin syncs with your DAW to let you sequence 4 effects, from 1 to 16 steps. The steps have one length that…

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Deputi Sounds DP-06+ (Drum Machine) KONTAKT [Free For Limited Time]

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Reimagine the Rhythm Composer Introducing the Deputi Sounds DP-06+ Kontakt instrument! This instrument was created by sampling a vintage 606 in the highest quality possible. The DP-06+ gives you freedom to use this legendary drum machine like you’ve never experienced before in your own DAW! We think you’ll be blown…

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Odo Synths 38911 Bytes v4.0 VSTi Win x86 [Free]

389111bytes 3

38911 Bytes is a one oscillator synthesizer based on Commodore 64 software, but it can do a lot more. It has: – 1 oscillator synth with 4 waveforms (Saw, Triangle, Pulse, Pitched Noise), ring modulation waveforms (Saw, Triangle, Pulse), PulseWidth Octaves from -3 to 4. – 1 ring modulation oscillator…

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Ugo Audio Rez VSTi Windows x86 [Free]

06 11 2023 17 48 26

Rez is a seemingly basic monosynth, but it’s capable of a very wide range of sounds. While Rez has a bunch of cool features, the beating heart of Rez is its filter. It’s made from multiple chained filters acting as a single powerful filter and it’s highly resonant, providing Rez…

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H.G. Fortune Percumat 2 v1.04 VSTi Windows x86 [FREE]

06 11 2023 12 28 24

Rhythm machine for backing drums & percussion This is a versatile Rhythm machine for backing drums percussion so definitively not an 808 or 909 type thingie. It features 6 instrument parts / slots to choose from 512 inbuilt drum & percussions sounds. There are two step sequencers one for setting…

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SingleCellSoftware Rej Pirier Caustic 3 v3.2 DAW Windows macOS Standalone [Free]

C3render 700

  Caustic 3 is a music creation tool inspired by rack-mount synthesizers / samplers rigs. Create your rack by adding up to 14 machines from a choice of: – Subsynth – Virtual analog subtractive synthesizer – PCMSynth – Multi-sample wave synthesizer – BassLine – 303-like monosynth – BeatBox – 8-channel…

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H.G. Fortune The Dream Machine 3 VSTi x86 FREE

04 11 2023 23 15 34

This is a new and completely rebuilt version of The Dreammachine featuring a largely increased functionality. Still it is a machine intended for slow motion providing complex evolving athmospheres and soundscapes. The concept of the Dreammachine is based on three synthlayers with slow wavesequencing and soundmodulations. Version 3 of The…

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KUJASHI Soundbanks for the ViNOM Synthesizer by Alterex


10 Soundbanks (80 Patches) für den ViNOM Synthesizer von Alterex Der ViNOM ist eine VST-Emulation des Korg EA-1 (allerdings ohne Groove-Sequencer) Der Developer Alterex hat daneben noch einige andere interessante Plugins kreiert: ViSynth (MFB Synth Lite) ViCON (Technosaurus Microcon II) ViCON Modified (s. oben) XOne Der ViNOM can ein unerwartet…

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NuCLeoDoM Free by Tekky Synths[Windows VSTI x86]

Nucleodom Free 3

NuCLeoDoM offers sequencing, shaping, phasing and distorting at the sound core, for cutting thru rhythmic and driving synth lines. 1x ADSR. 1x Master gain. 1x Filter section (multiband select). 1x Nippy Baynes waveshaper OSC. 1x Multi waveforms OSC (Sine,Saw, Triangle,Square,Noise). 1x Full-on Random/Manual Draw Sequencer (-12/12 range). 1x Shift pattern (left/right)….

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Homegrown Sounds 32-bit VST Collection for PC by Homegrown Sounds[Windows,VSTI,VST,Bundle,x86] Free

NOTE: This VST Plugin is 32-bit only The idea behind Mesh was to create a Virtual Analogue mono synth in the style of the Minimoog with the addition of 5 Tempo based LFOs for exploring rhythmic potential. In comparison to previous Homegrown Synths, Mesh is very simple using 3 Oscillators and a…

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Monique by Monoplugs[Windows,MacOS,Linux,VSTI,VSTI3,Clap,AU,Standalone,x86,x64]

Monique is a unique chord step sequencer synthesizer for deep basses and aggressive lead sounds. This synthesizer comes with a very special morphing feature that gives you the capabilities of up to 8 different programs in one. It’s a perfect instrument for jamming and live performances — and it’s pure fun! See…

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Soundiron Rainsong 2.0 KONTAKT [FREE]

Rainsong is a free instrument library for Kontakt, created from a variety of natural rain ambiences and raindrop sound effects, crafted into playable sound-designed synths, pads, atmospheric soundscapes and percussive sfx. It’s full of playable muscial elements, as well as useful sonic elements and foley for videogames, animation, film and…

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Synful Orchestra now free[Windows,MacOS,VSTI,VSTI3.AU,x64]

Synful Orchestra Technology What is Synful Orchestra Synful Orchestra is a program that simulates symphonic wind and string instruments. It was first released in 2005. It is a plug-in program that requires a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) program such as Apple Logic, Cubase, Protools, Digital Performer, Ableton, Sonar, or Reaper. It supports…

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Session Loops DrumNet Free Version v1.5.0 x64 VSTi3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]

AI-powered drum machine plugin with Infinite Sample Generation DrumNet is not just another sample-based drum machine. Using state-of-art AI technology, it allows you to easily create your own drum samples in any music genre and modify them at will, without any technical knowledge. Simple, yet Powerful built-in Sequencer Whether you’re…

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DUBturbo4 – Samploid2 v2.0 VSTi – Windows x86 – No Longer Available – Free

DUBturbo4 – Samploid2 v2.0 VSTi – Windows 32 Bit – No Longer Available – Free It’s a multi-Sampler – a rompler – a synth – a sound modeller and more ALL-IN-ONE. Simply choose a folder on your machine with .wav files in it and it will span them up your…

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XiiixxiQ Roundels (Euclidean MIDI Sequencer) v1.0.2a VST3 AU LV2 MacOS [FREE]

Euclidean, Non Linear, Poly-metric, Polyrhythmic, Morph-able Step Sequencer Roundels is uniquely based on summing the output of multiple Euclidean rhythm generators to produce new, hybrid rhythmic structures that feature both internal, small scale variation in addition to larger scale repetition. This, in combination with the natural variation provided by using the resultant poly-rhythms to…

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d-lusion DrumStation DT-010 v1.09 EXE WiN [FREE]

DRUMSTATION – Das digitale Schlagzeug- und Rhythmus-Studio für Ihren PC! Based on the concept of the legendary Roland drum synthesizers TR-909, TR-808 and TR-606 whose throbbing bassdrums and crashing hihats sent generations of dance-music enthusiasts into extasy, Drumstation combines cool old drum machine features with cutting-edge software synthesis technology. Drumstation…

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HammerHead Rhythm Station 1.0 WiN EXE [FREE][Standalone,x86]

HammerHead is a simple TR-909-like drum computer program aiming at the dance-scene. You can use it to create perfect Techno loops, Jungle patterns or House beats, but it’s also suitable for Hip Hop, Triphop, Rap, Industrial and almost any other music you can think of. HammerHead features six separate channels,…

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d-lusion RubberDuck H3O+ v2.12 EXE WiN [FREE]

With this bass synthesizer released for Windows 95 in 1996 (way before Propellerheads Rebirth, was available), d-lusion pioneered the market of realtime software synthesizers on standard processors. Roughly based on the the well known TB-303, Rubberduck’s synthesis model consists of an oscillator wave with a resonant filter sweep applied to…

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Full Bucket Music Bucket Pops v1.1.3 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]

The Bucket Pops is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/AU/CLAP) simulating the classic KORG Mini Pops-7 Rhythm Machine from 1966. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: That Oxygene and Equinoxe vibe! 20 original rhythms…

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Full Bucket Music Fury-800 v2.4.2 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]

The Fury-800 is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU) simulating the KORG Poly-800 polyphonic synthesizer from 1983. It is written in native C++ code for high performance even on „lighter“ systems. Main features are: Two band-limited DCOs with individual envelope generators Two waveforms with additive…

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Soundiron Desk Bell 2.0 KONTAKT [FREE]

Desk Bell is a humble library featuring a 3-inch polished brass bell with a simple, yet loud „ding!.“ We sampled this instrument in the lush halls of St. Paul’s Church and up close in a dry studio, and designed warm ambiences to provide maximum playability. The Desk Bell, occasionally known…

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ZRYTHM v1.0.0 BETA 4.9.1 LiNUX macOS WiN [FREE]

A highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation Intuitive Editing Easily select, move, resize, clone, link, loop, delete and cut objects with a single tool or extend its functionality with additional specialized tools, and enjoy adaptive snapping in every arranger. Limitless Automation Automate almost anything with automation events using straight…

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HY-Plugins HY-Slicer2 Free Version v1.0.4 x64 x86 VST VST3 AU WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]

This is a sampler type plugin. You can load 8 different audio samples. And they will be chopped into audio slices. You can also assign sliced samples to individual grid lanes. Each sampler track also has 16 separate grid lanes. You will be able to assign up to 16 different…

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