Morbid Electronics Ring of Saturn (Modulation Effect) x64 VST VST3 AU WiN MAC

ing of Saturn is our free, single-voice ring modulation plugin. In addition to ring modulation, it doubles as a chorus and stereo spread plugin also. This plugin is the perfect solution for quick, wide, retro-futuristic sounds. FEATURES: Ring Mod (1 Voice) Chorus Stereo Spread Parameter Randomiser  

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Elemental Child – Enceladus


The moon of Saturn, Enceladus, contains a large global ocean of liquid water under a thick protective layer of ice. This makes it one of the most promising objects in the solar system for finding extraterrestrial life.

Der Saturnmond Enceladus enthält einen großen globalen Ozean aus flüssigem Wasser unter einer dicken schützenden Eisschicht. Deshalb ist er eines der vielversprechendsten Objekte im Sonnensystem, um extraterrestrisches Leben zu finden.