The Color Mixing Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the Minimal Audio – Current 2 VSTi [FREE]

Many Current 2 users wanted a different type of preset, here are 201 presets that represent the Current 2 instrument differently and complement its variety of sounds. So far I have created sound banks and presets for 142 different virtual software synthesizers (VSTi), a total of 229 sound sets, from…

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The Sonic Sirus Soundset for the Phuturetone – GR-8 VSTi [FREE]

Hi GR-8 Users, Music Makers, Robots and Aliens. Here are 64 High-Quality-Presets. The Sonic Sirus Soundset for the Phuturetone – GR-8 VSTi – Inside the Download: The Sonic Sirius Soundset with 64 Presets – Genre: Computer generated modern synthesizer music – Format: Presets (*. FXP) & (*.xmlbank) – For: Phuturetone…

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The Acoustic Sound Wave Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the Matt Tytel – Helm VSTi [FREE]

Dear Matt, dear musicians, sound artists, robots and aliens, the helmet is unique in its modulation possibilities and deserves a new, fresh sound bank. The Acoustic Sound Wave Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the Matt Tytel – Helm VSTi Congratulations Matt Tytel on your Helm virtual software synth. The Helm…

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The Tone Colors Soundset by Sonic Sirius for the Blaukraut Engineering – Charlatan 3 VSTi [FREE]

Hello ‚ Charlatan 3 ‚ Virtual Instrument Users, Music makers, Artists, Robots and Aliens. Thanks to the Charlatan 3 Team, for this innovative, highly recommended Synthesizer. As a thank you and appreciation I have created 77 free presets Features • Inside the Download: 1 Tone Colors Soundset by with 77…

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Elemental Child & Frankie Kay – ROBOTS

„Art shows us that human beings still matter in a world where money talks the loudest, where computers know everything about us, and where robots fabricate our next meal and also our ride there.“
„Die Kunst zeigt uns, dass der Mensch in einer Welt, in der Geld am lautesten spricht, in der Computer alles über uns wissen und in der Roboter unsere nächste Mahlzeit und auch unsere Fahrt dorthin fabrizieren, immer noch wichtig ist.“ – John Maeda

Music & Production by Elemental Child & Frankie Kay © 2024

Sound Morph DR01D v1.0 For Standalone Reaktor Max4live WiN Mac [FREE]

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FREE | Standalone Reaktor Max4live WiN Mac | 387 MBFree Retro Sci-Fi Synth – Free Little Robot Voice Simulator DRO1D is our homage to retro sci-fi robots. System Requirements: DRO1D runs in Reaktor 5, Reaktor 6, Max4live, and as a Standalone app. ​DRO1D is compatible with Apple Silicon chips (M1…

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Elemental Child – Artificial Intelligence

“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race….It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.” — Stephen Hawking

„Die Entwicklung einer vollständigen künstlichen Intelligenz könnte das Ende der menschlichen Rasse bedeuten: …. Sie würde sich selbständig machen und sich in immer schnellerem Tempo umgestalten. Der Mensch, der durch die langsame biologische Evolution eingeschränkt ist, könnte da nicht mithalten und würde verdrängt werden.“ – Stephen Hawking

Elemental Child – Disintegration


Disintegration spielt in der nahen Zukunft auf der Erde, wo die einzige Hoffnung für das Überleben der Menschheit die Integration ist, ein Verfahren, das entwickelt wurde, um menschliche Gehirne in Roboterarmaturen zu konservieren. Doch viele rebellieren. Menschen, die sich entschieden haben, sich zu wehren und zu überleben – in eine bessere Zukunft zu führen, in der wir diejenigen schützen, die uns wichtig sind, und hoffen, eines Tages wieder menschlich zu werden.

Disintegration is set in the near future on Earth, where the only hope for humanity’s survival is integration, a process developed to preserve human brains in robotic armatures. But many rebel. Humans who have chosen to fight back and survive – leading to a better future where we protect those we care about and hope to one day become human again.

drumbox by Little Robots[Android]

Drumbox is a fun and powerful drum pad synthesizer & sequencer for your Android device. It features 9 identical, fully customisable voices, with a noise oscillator per voice, a 16-64 step sequencer and built-in presets. With drumbox you can create beats on the go with automatic saving of your changes…

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In the near future, humanity has disappeared, leaving behind a megalopolis devoid of natural life. From the destruction awakes ROSA, a robot part of the KERNEL project, mankind’s last attempt to restore the earth’s ecosystem using recovered samples of long-extinct plant species. Wandering among the ruins of the lifeless city, Rosa will soon discover that she is not the only part of Kernel that has awakened.

In der nahen Zukunft ist die Menschheit verschwunden und hinterlässt eine Megastadt ohne natürliches Leben. Aus der Zerstörung erwacht ROSA, ein Roboter, der Teil des KERNEL- Projektes ist, dem letzten Versuch der Menschheit, das Ökosystem der Erde mithilfe von wieder gefundenen Proben längst ausgestorbener Pflanzenarten wiederherzustellen. Während sie durch die Ruinen der leblosen Stadt wandert, wird Rosa bald entdecken, dass sie nicht der einzige Teil von Kernel ist, der erwacht ist.