KSNXRL XRL Records SVE (Vocal Enhancer) v1.0.0 VST VST3 WiN MAC [FREE]

SVE – Vocal Effects Plugin by KSNXRL (XRL Records) Enhance Your Vocals with Pro-Level Effects SVE is a powerful VST3 vocal processing plugin designed for music producers who want clean, wide, and professional-sounding vocals. With essential controls like Gain, Delay, Reverb, Width, Pan, and Time Shift, SVE makes it easy…

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Ample Sound Ample Percussion Cloudrum APC v1.0.1 VSTI AU AAX STANDALONE WiN MAC [FREE]

Cloudrum is a unique and relaxing Steel Tongue Drum with a range of 3 octaves. It produces wonderful tones, add color and a unique moderation to your music no matter the genre. Specifications: Size: 760 MB, 44.1khz DFD(Direct from disk) Two mic positions with stereo and mono modes. Open, Mute,…

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Tom Wolfe Synth Vault Presets Collection (incl. March 2024) MULTiFORMAT FREE

Tom Wolfes’s Synth Vault includes huge collection of 650 presets for Omnisphere, Kontakt, Massive, Arturia Pigments and other synths presets! IN THE ARCHIVE To celebrate two years of the Synth Vault, I teamed up with Triple Spiral Audio to bring you Into The Vault – a free Kontakt library that…

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Auburn Sounds Graillon v2.8 (Live Voice Changer) Free Edition VST VST3 AU AAX LV2 LiNUX WiN MAC [FREE]

Graillon is a Vocal Live Changer that brings a world of possibilities right into your DAW, with carefully designed features: The Pitch-Tracking Modulation, unique to Graillon, changes the type of speakers, generates throat sounds, creates choruses, make octaver sounds, enriches a voice to make it more masculine. The Pitch Shifter cleanly…

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Bedroom Producers Blog BPB Dirty Filter Plus v1.0 VST3 AU Windows macOS [FREE]

It’s a Distortion Effect BPB Dirty Filter Plus takes the original Dirty Filter’s distortion capabilities a few steps further. We included four different Dirt modes, each delivering a unique flavor of audio degradation. Don’t worry; the original Dirt mode is still there! You can choose between four unique Dirt modes:…

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Elemental Child – Disintegration


Disintegration spielt in der nahen Zukunft auf der Erde, wo die einzige Hoffnung für das Überleben der Menschheit die Integration ist, ein Verfahren, das entwickelt wurde, um menschliche Gehirne in Roboterarmaturen zu konservieren. Doch viele rebellieren. Menschen, die sich entschieden haben, sich zu wehren und zu überleben – in eine bessere Zukunft zu führen, in der wir diejenigen schützen, die uns wichtig sind, und hoffen, eines Tages wieder menschlich zu werden.

Disintegration is set in the near future on Earth, where the only hope for humanity’s survival is integration, a process developed to preserve human brains in robotic armatures. But many rebel. Humans who have chosen to fight back and survive – leading to a better future where we protect those we care about and hope to one day become human again.