RMI-EP by AM Music Technology x86 VSTI Windows No longer available free download

RMI-EP reproduces the vintage analog electronic piano from US manufacturer, Rocky Mount Instruments Electra Piano, produced from 1967 until 1980. The sound engine of the RMI-EP is a software emulation of the real analog oscillators and filters used inside the original instrument. The RMI-EP implements the same presets and controls that you…

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Riot Audio Candyfloss Lite Kontakt [FREE]

The idea behind CANDYFLOSS was to create an engine specifically designed to make it easy to instantly produce sweet & glossy sounds with a ton of high frequency detail – all from close-mic’ed organic samples. Innovative Category-based Sound Architecture Candyfloss is based on a combination of three sound categories: BODY,…

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Ronan Fed – VSTi VST VSTI3 VST3 x64 – Bundle Windows – No Longer Available Free Download

01.) Ronan Fed – AIRE v1.0 VST – Stereo Hall – Win 64 – 6,5 MB – Free 02.) Ronan Fed – Essence Plus v1.0 VSTi – Win 64 – 16 MB – Free 03.) Ronan Fed – Essence v1.3 VSTi – Win 64 – 12,9 MB – Free 04.)…

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DarkSkyAudio Socora Lite v1.5.0.7 Kontakt [FREE]

ELECTRONIC-BASED SOUND DESIGN Socora LITE is a powerful mini-synth and ‘motion fx studio’ that enables the creation of unique, complex and futuristic cinematic sounds. Built for sound designers, film, TV and game composers, Socora LITE is perfect for making everything from sci-fi, post-apocalyptic and horror to electro, synthwave and industrial…

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Paralogy Paraphonic Synthesizer Plugin by Full Bucket Music VSTI VSTI3 AU AAX CLAP Windows MacOS Free

Paralogy is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AAX) and Apple macOS (VST2/VST3/CLAP/AU/AAX) simulating the paraphonic Crumar Trilogy and Stratus keyboards from the early 1980s. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features: Close simulation of the original hardware. Fully „polyphonic“ paraphonic madness. Organ, Synthesizer and String sections. Additional Phaser and…

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StringSynth by AlgoMusic x86 VSTI Windows free download

Emulation of those string synthesizers of the late 70’s made famous by ARP and Solina. The characteristic sound of those machines was not realised by adding expensive oscillators, but by using a (at the time) brand new and relative low cost technology: the BBD chip (Bucket Brigade Device), which was basicly a…

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Sonora Cinematic SwishSwoosh Little Amber (Cinematic Horror Tension) v1.2 KONTAKT [FREE]

BUILD CINEMATIC TENSION WITH EASE Little AMBER is a versatile Kontakt Player tool for crafting dark spine-chilling soundscapes with ease. Eerie atmospheres or suspenseful audio is just a touch away – download it for free and when you’re ready for more get AMBER for even more features and sounds! Released…

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DIATONICA Step Sequencer Synthesizer Plugin by OVM Plugin

Free VSTI / VSTI3 Mono Sequencer Synth plugin for Windows by OVM PLUGIN. A / SEQUENCER LEFT : Mute : Set step silent when unchecked. Note : Set note pitch (-48 to 48 semitone range). Gate : Modify Note length (Increase or decrease value). Slide : Tied notes (see Right…

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Orpheus II by B Serrano x86 VSTI Windows Free Download

Orpheus II is a vintage Polyphonic Ensemble analog synthesizer. 2 ensembles. 128 voices polyphonic. Unison. Drift. Auto Bend. Mono mode with portamento. Vibrato. Formants. 3 bands resonators. Chorus. Delay. Phaser. Reverb. Auto-Pan. Tremolo. Mod Matrix. Embedded patch management. No longer available Orpheus-II

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Phuturetone GR-8 (Polyphonic Analog Synthesizer) v1.3.0 VSTI3 AU Win MacOS [FREE]

GR-8 is an 8 voices virtual analog synthesizer with built-in effects and an arpeggiator. Features: Arpeggiator: 5 Modes (Up, Down, Alt 1, Alt 2, Random), 4 Octaves Range. Voice Modes: Mono, Unison (8 voices), Chord (4 stereo notes), Poly (8 voices). Voice Effects: Glide, Legato, Voice Detune, Voice Stereo Spread. Oscillators:…

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Sonora Cinematic SwishSwoosh Little Amber (Cinematic Horror Tension) v1.1.0 KONTAKT [FREE]

BUILD CINEMATIC TENSION WITH EASE Little AMBER is a versatile Kontakt Player tool for crafting dark spine-chilling soundscapes with ease. Eerie atmospheres or suspenseful audio is just a touch away – download it for free and when you’re ready for more get AMBER for even more features and sounds! Released…

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Audible Genius Primer (Learning Synth) v2.0.016 x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 AU STANDALONE WiN MAC [FREE]

Primer is a synth built for learning. Primer is a synth built for learning. Designed for Syntorial (the award-winning synthesizer training app), it contains the most common controls found on most subtractive/analogue synths, allowing for a wide variety of patches and sounds, while presenting a simple and easy-to-understand interface and…

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DistoCore Disto FX v1.7.1 VST3 AU WiN Mac FREE Version [FREE]

Disto::Fx (Dirty Sound Destructor) is an audio multi-fx with filter/ring modulator/distortion/phaser/EQ and Input-Output control units. It is aimed at hard electronic music like hardcore, gabber, drum&bass and Dubstep, but it also gives your guitar tracks and synthlines an interesting, crispy sound. Disto::Fx Version 1.7.1 FREE Filter section: 10 filters with…

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Audacity v3.6.4 Multilingual (WiN macOS LiNUX) [FREE]

Audacity is an open source, cross-platform audio editor and recorder that aims to process the most popular audio formats, podcasts included. Audacity will not disappoint if you need a piece of software that can record live, convert tapes or cut and mix sounds. Seamless setup and clean GUI The installation…

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Zak Sound Orange Dreams 2 Lite Edition VSTI3 AU Win Mac [FREE]

Discover the perfect plugin for creating chill beats that define genres like lofi, hip hop, jazz hop, and chill hop. Orange Dreams 2 is your gateway to a world of smooth vibes and endless creativity. Endless Possibilities at Your Fingertips: Step up your production game with the all-new Orange Dreams…

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OVM Plugin Diatonica (Step Sequencer Synthesizer) v1.0 VST VST3 WiN [FREE]

DIATONICA is a 2 oscillator + Sub mono synthesizer with an advanced sequencer and all the necessay Fx, all displayed on the same panel! A lot of parameters may be randomized, allowing lots of different modulations. The sequencer section offers lots of possibilities to take your sequences to another level once…

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Full Bucket Music Oxid (ARP Omni-2) v1.0.1 x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 CLAP AU AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Oxid is a software instrument for Microsoft Windows (VSTi2/VSTi3/CLAP) and Apple macOS (VSTi2/VSTi3/CLAP/AU) simulating the classic ARP Omni-2 Polyphonic Synthesizer from the 1970s. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Main features are: Close simulation of the original hardware 64 voices polyphony String…

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Audiority Dr Phase (Analog Modeled Vintage Phaser) v1.2 VST VST3 AU AAX CLAP WiN MAC [FREE]

Dr Phase is an analog simulation of the epochal MXR® Phase 90™ phaser pedal introduced in the early 70s and used by countless musicians. Dr Phase will add movement and character to any instrument. Try it with guitar, bass, synths… even on drums! DR PHASE SPECIFICATIONS Analog Modeled Phaser Modulation Speed…

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Ryukau Uhhyou Plugins Bundle v0.61.0 VST3 VSTI3 Win Mac Linux [FREE]

35 VST3 Synthesizers & Effects Plugins: Synthesizers: ClangSynthh CollidingCombSynth CubicPadSynth EnvelopedSine FDNCymbal GenericDrum IterativeSinCluster MaybeSnare MembraneSynth LightPadSynth SyncSawSynth TrapezoidSynth UltraSynth WaveCymbal Effects: AccumulativeRingMod BasicLimiter CombDistortion EsPhaser FDN64Reverb FeedbackPhaser L4Reverb LatticeReverb LongPhaser MiniCliffEQ NarrowingDelay OrdinaryPhaser ParallelComb ParallelDetune PitchShiftDelay RingModSpacer SevenDelay UltrasonicRingMod GenericDrum: GenericDrum is a generic drum synthesizer using delays. This…

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Music Society presents „Spirit of the age – Free Vsti“ by Mira-Katharina – Gui by Achim Ortmann x86 Windows Free for registered User

  2 x double Oscillators with each: 2 displayed Knobs for the different OSC waveforms (Sine, Saw, Ramp, Soft Ramp, Peak Ramp, Square, Triangle, Peak, Octava, Cluster 1 and Cluster 2) 1 none-displayed Button for the Octaves 1 Fine-Tuning 2 Knobs for the OSC Harmonics 1 Button for the OSC-Mix…

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CutThroughRecordings Faradelay (Phaser/Chorus/Tremolo) v2.0.0 x64 VST VST3 AU AAX Windows MacOS Linux [FREE]

Chorus, Phaser, and Tremolo all in one! Why have 3 separate modulated delay plug-ins when you can have one plug-in that does it all? The Chorus, Phaser, and Tremolo are created from the same effect called a modulated delay. Those effects are created by using slight variations for different parameters…

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Tugrulakyuz TugGlicento V3 x64 VST3 Windows MacOS [FREE]

TugGlicento is an audio effect (Glitch effect) plugin for Windows (VST3), Mac (VST3) it can play multiple effects simultaneously, by triggering box TugGlicento can be as gentle or as noisy as you like. TugGlicento devide audio signal to 5 band with different filter setting (Lowpass, BandPass, HighPass) then apply an…

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Tugrulakyuz TugMultiEffect x64 VST3 AU Windows MacOS [FREE]

TugMultiEffect is a versatile audio plugin designed to enhance the sound of audio recordings. it features 11 different effects, which are represented by boxes on the main window of the plugin. These effects include tools such as delay, chorus, reverb, distortion, and more. One of the standout features of Tug…

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Nakst Fluctus (FM Synthesizer) v1.1.7/1.1.10 x64 x86 CLAP AU FL STUDiO STANDALONE WiN MAC LiNUX [FREE]

The ultra simple 3-operator FM synthesizer. Key Features Completely free. No copy protection, DRM or mailing list signups. 3 operators each with variable brightness control, arranged in a loop: Op 3 modulates Op 2, Op 2 modulates Op 1, and Op 1 modulates Op 3. There’s some really interesting sounds…

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Fluidshell Design Krischer Mini Kontakt [FREE]

An ambient/drone synth with multiple effects & a full studio setup. The KRISCHER_MINI is a complete recreation of John KRISCHER’s MINI analogue synthesizer handmade in France. This sample-based instrument is running in Kontakt 6.7 Full (not the Player). Sampled by Fluidshell Design & fully endorsed by John KRISCHER. It’s a…

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GuitarML Proteus v1.2.0 VST3 AU AAX Win Mac Linux [FREE]

Guitar amp and pedal capture plugin using neural networks. Capture your own amps/pedals/plugins with Proteus. Can capture a drive/tone knob, or snapshot of the sound at a specific setting. Use the Proteus Capture Utility to quickly train models in the cloud with Colab. Effective for Amps/PreAmps, Distortion/Overdrive/Boost pedals (non-time based,…

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Horus mkII by B Serrano x86 VSTI Windows Free Download

Horus mkII is a remade version of Horus string machine. MkII new features: Waveform choice for Strings and LFO. Phaser’s speed coefficient (a pop-up menu by clicking on „Speed“ label. Mono mode with portamento. Vibrato by Mod-wheel, Breath or pedal. Fake LCD display for patch management. New appearence. Horus basic specifications:…

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music-society specialpack by AM Music Technology x86 VSTI Windows bundle Free download

Pro-SoloVst Pro SoloVst  reproduces the monophonic analog preset synthesizer ARP Pro Soloist. The sound engine of the Pro SoloVst is a software emulation of the real analog algorithms implemented inside the original instrument: VCO, resonators, filters, VCF, VCA and analog effects. So you can hear and feel analog-like warm sounds coming…

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Soonth Blocks (Modular Synthesizer) VSTI3 AU STANDALONE Win Mac [FREE]

Blocks is a virtual modular synthesizer instrument that is designed to be both fun and simple. blocks is a modular synthesizer available as standalone, VST3 & AU for Windows, macOS. Housed in a GUI that comes with light and dark themes, Blocks features a grid in which you can add…

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Blaukraut Charlatan 3 v3.0.0 Final x86 x64 VSTI VSTI3 CLAP WIN LINUX [FREE]

Charlatan is a virtual analog (VA) synthesizer with focus on sound quality and easy usability. Thanks to its streamlined UI, Charlatan never gets in your way when you like to move fast in your production workflow. Under the hood, a powerful yet not overwhelming synth engine is ready to be…

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