Nakst Apricot 1.1.32 x64 x86 CLAP FL STUDIO WIN MAC LINUX [FREE]

Apricot is a free compact hybrid synthesizer with a massive sound. *2 main oscillators, with 6 different subtractive waveforms, modulatable phase offset and panorama, with unison modeled off the JP8000’s supersaw. There is also an additional third oscillator, with less parameters, intended for use as a sub-oscillator. *Sample layer. There…

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Acousmodules MiniTools Collection v2023.11 vst3 vsti3 au WiN Mac [FREE]

ike in a hardware workshop, besides the big machines, we often need little tools that may come handy, one day or another, for a specific task or just to avoid to use the big one for such a thing … Nevertheless, this „MiniTools“ collection can complete the SpatStruments series with…

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Sonigen Modular by Sonigen x86 VSTI Windows No longer available free download

Sonigen modular gives you the freedom and flexibility of classic modular synthesis with high quality sound and efficient cpu usage. Fully modular with as many modules and patch cables as you want. A fast and intuitive user interface. Layout is mostly automatic, cables indicate signal flow, and our (unique as far as…

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The Usual Suspects Xenia (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.4.4 MultiOS + ROM’s [FREE]

The Usual Suspects, the developers of the DSP56300 emulator, have dropped Xenia, a new Synthesizer plugin recreating Waldorf Microwave XT. Changelog: 1.4.4 (2025/03/09): Release Notes 1.4.4 Xenia: – [Imp] Add support to load patches from files that include custom waves and wavetables – [Imp] Wave Editor has been added to…

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Fracture Sounds Blueprint Woodwind Ensemble KONTAKT [FREE]

Six core instruments from the orchestral woodwind section, recorded individually and seamlessly blended into an elegant ensemble patch for effortless sketching. Woodwind Ensemble features piccolo, flute, oboe, cor anglais, clarinet, and bassoon performances, all blended together across the sweet spots in theior ranges. Like our other orchestral libraries in the…

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Ink Audio Harmonica Kontakt [FREE]

Ink harmonica  is a free harmonica chord library for Kontakt. It’s inspired by the sound of singer songwriters playing a harmonica in a neck holder. It’s messy, loose and human. How it works: Use the red key switches in Kontakt to switch between twelve keys. Once you’re in a key,…

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ChristofMuc KnobKraft Orm v2.5.1 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

The KnobKraft Orm – The free modern cross-platform MIDI Sysex Librarian If you are looking for a modern, free Sysex Librarian for your synth, you have found the right place! This is the place where the KnobKraft Orm is created, a modern cross-platform Sysex Librarian for your MIDI gear. Questions…

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Gigmate by Manx Synthesizers x86 vsti windows No longer available free downlad

Gigmate is an emulation of the  1981 Concertmate MG-1 synthesizer. It uses side by side monophonic & polyphonic modes that gives you 3 oscillators under each key and can lead to some amazing and unique sounds. Monosynth with Polyphonic string section. Quirky features which first showed up on the 1981 Concertmate MG-1…

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Zack Steinkamp Note Effects M4L Bundle AMXD [FREE]

Chord Ripper v3: Decompose chords across multiple tracks. Add the device to each track you want to feed off the chord and set the desired voice/group. Play a MIDI chord into any track containing this device, and its notes will be distributed across the tracks sharing the same group. Crisco…

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Ockpii Woodland Piano v1.3 KONTAKT [FREE]

This warm and luscious upright piano combines high technical detail with the essence of the living and breathing woodlands. Inspired by Icelandic and Scandinavian natural beauty, the Woodland Piano was carefully recorded ensuring that the natural wooden tones and resonances of each moving part of the piano were captured. The…

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Dark Steps by KBplugs x86 VSTI Windows Free Download

Dark Steps approximates a group of 3 Doepfer Dark Energy plus a 3×8 / 2×16 stepLFO. It combines features of the DE I and II: Tri/Pulse/Saw waveforms and 4-pole Low Pass as in DE I; Multimode Filter as in DE II. Each module is a complete ‚voice‘ and contains a VCO, VCF,…

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SE Modular ME Analog modular polyphonic synth Plugin by KX77FREE VSTI3 Windows MacOS Free

Stereo routing. Unlimited patch connections. More than 80 patch points with modulation level adjustment. 6 voices of polyphony, adjustable. Oversampling up to 192k. 2 MIDI To CV, one poly and one mono. 1 Matrix of 12 by 12. 3 VCOs, 5 waveforms, with phase modulation and synchronization (VCO1). 1 CV/Gate…

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Orpheus II by B Serrano x86 VSTI Windows Free Download

Orpheus II is a vintage Polyphonic Ensemble analog synthesizer. 2 ensembles. 128 voices polyphonic. Unison. Drift. Auto Bend. Mono mode with portamento. Vibrato. Formants. 3 bands resonators. Chorus. Delay. Phaser. Reverb. Auto-Pan. Tremolo. Mod Matrix. Embedded patch management. No longer available Orpheus-II

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Full Bucket Music MPS v2.0.0 VSTI VSTI3 AU AAX CLAP x86 x64 WiN Mac [FREE]

MPS – short for „Musical Parameter Synthesizer“ – is a polyphonic software synthesizer plug-in for Microsoft Windows (VSTi2/VSTi3/CLAP/AAX) and Apple macOS (VSTi2/VSTi3/AU/CLAP/AAX). It is written in native C++ code for high performance. The aim of MPS is to create sounds fast and easy using a small intuitive set of parameters…

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Ewan Bristow Florah(LITE) v1.2 VST3, LV2, CLAP AU Plugdata Patch FREE

Florah LITE – A free alternative to trackspacer, and the free version of Florah After experimenting with DynamicEQs/Dynamic Resonance supressors, i decided to make my own, using ONLY plugdata. This spectral processing plugdata unit is best described as being a „Multiband Compressor“ , capable of tackling your annoying frequencies and…

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Full Bucket Music Ragnarok 2 (Analog Synthesizer) v2.0.0 x64 x86 VSTi VSTi3 AU CLAP AAX WiN MAC [FREE]

Ragnarök is a software instrument simulating a custom-built one-of-a-kind analog synthesizer from 1980. It is written in native C++ code for high performance and low CPU consumption. Ragnarök is the collaborative work of Hans Peter aka CrimsonWarlock aka TechnoGremlin (synth concept, GUI design, user manual, patch programming) and Björn aka Full…

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Fracture Sounds Blueprint String Trio KONTAKT [FREE]

Strio Trio combines the recordings of a solo violin, viola, and cello into one simple-to-use ensemble patch. With a long sustain, staccato, and pizzicato, it is a great starting point for composing isolated string parts. Recorded at Nave Studios in the Neoclassical style, the library offers close, mid, and far microphone…

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Triumph Audio Tunnel Rocks & Wood Kontakt [FREE]

Tunnel Rocks & Wood is a powerful and unique patch taken from the found sound world of Roadtrip Percussion. Recorded outside of the studio in a large tunnel, add distinctive rock and wood percussive elements to your piece! Features: • Taken from Roadtrip Percussion, Tunnel Rocks & Wood features percussive…

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Wwerkk Transfer (Real Time Timbre Transfer Using RAVE Models) M4L AMXD [FREE]

Max for Live device for easy, real-time timbre transfer in Ableton Live using RAVE. RAVE is an auto-encoder, meaning that it takes sound as an input, generates sound as an output, and trained to reconstruct the incoming sounds of the dataset. This processing is based on two separate processes Requirements:…

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Audible Genius Primer (Learning Synth) v2.0.016 x64 x86 VSTI VSTI3 AU STANDALONE WiN MAC [FREE]

Primer is a synth built for learning. Primer is a synth built for learning. Designed for Syntorial (the award-winning synthesizer training app), it contains the most common controls found on most subtractive/analogue synths, allowing for a wide variety of patches and sounds, while presenting a simple and easy-to-understand interface and…

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Digital Suburban Dexed v0.9. VSTi3 AU CLAP LV2 WiN Mac Linux [FREE]

Dexed is a multi platform, multi format plugin synth that is closely modeled on the Yamaha DX7. Under the hood it uses music-synthesizer-for-android for the synth engine and JUCE as an application/plugin wrapper. The goal of this project is to be a tool/companion for the original DX7. Sound engine with…

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Triumph Audio Alien Transmissions Kontakt [FREE]

An experimental ambient electro sample library created with shortwave radio signals. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Alien Transmissions, a collection of sounds from Short Wave, a groundbreaking sample library meticulously crafted from shortwave radio signals. We listened in around the globe to capture distinct audio snippets from shortwave…

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Triumph Audio Trumpet Terror Kontakt [FREE]

Trumpet Terror is a free sample library that gives you a small taste of one of the many instruments from Cinematic Solo FX. Trumpet Terror focuses on the trumpet with lite versions of a few of our authentic patches from Cinematic Solo FX as well as a dynamic collection of…

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Silver Orbit by HG Fortune x86 vsti windows free download

Silver Orbit is a 2 oscillators synthesizer with 8 waveforms each and option to modify the waveshape plus one oscillator with 5 waveforms, the latter one can be frequency modulated which is synced to osc. 2 thus FM will result in getting harmonic content. 2 oscillators X 8 waveforms. 1 24dB Lowpass…

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GreenWave by ReplicatAudio x64 vsti3 windows free

GreenWave is subtractive dual-oscillating synthesizer. GreenWave is in alpha. This means it is still being built and contains bugs. Keep checking back for bug fixes and more features! GreenWave is flexible modern software synthesizer with classic roots. The goal is to build a tool for crafting organic and otherworldly sounds with…

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The Usual Suspects OsTirus (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.3.15 x86 x64 vsti vsti3 clap lv2 fx MultiOS + ROM’s [FREE]

Motorola DSP563xx Emulation. thats official release, see their discord annoucement. Working Access Virus ROM included: Virus Ti Snow Virus TI2 Changelog: Framework: – [Imp] Patches can now be imported via drag & drop. You can drag .mid, .syx, .vstpreset, .fxb, .fxp files into the plugin to load them. You can…

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Don’t let your pedal distract you from music. Best way to manage your Zoom processor – Tonelib Zoom is an easy-to-use application which allows you to see, change and save all the settings in your Zoom(r) guitar pedal through your computer. You can also create complete back-ups of all the…

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The Usual Suspects Osirus (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.3.15 VSTI VSTI3 AU CLAP LV2 MultiOS + ROM’s [FREE]

Motorola DSP563xx Emulation. Motorola DSP563xx Emulation. Working Access Music Virus ROM’s included! Working Access Virus ROM’s included: Virus A (v2.80) Virus B (4v9) Virus B (Ver. T) Virus C (6v5) Virus C (6v6) Virus Classic Virus GmbH – Virus B & Virus C Virus Rack XL (6v5) Changelog: Framework: –…

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The Usual Suspects Vavra (DSP56300 Emulator) 1.3.15 vsti vsti3 CLAP LV2 AU MultiOS + ROM’s [FREE]

The Usual Suspects, the developers of the DSP56300 emulator, have dropped Vavra, a new Synthesizer plugin recreating Waldorf microQ. Working Waldorf MicroQ ROM’s included! The Usual Suspects, the developers of the DSP56300 emulator, have dropped Vavra, a new Synthesizer plugin recreating Waldorf microQ. Many well-known 90s virtual analog synthesizers are…

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SlapAsSound Magic Flute (DIY PVC Contrabass) v1.0 VSTI VSTI3 AU WiN MAC [Free For Limited Time]

UNIQUE & NATURAL FROM CRAZY IDEA TO REALITY Musical instrument from sewer pipes? Really? Are you serious? Please meet Tarmo, the artist, professional flutist, jack of all trades, handyman, music teacher, programmer, contemporary music enthusiast, a man who wears many hats. My friend! One beautiful day he woke up with…

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