Ink Audio Ondes Martenot Kontakt [FREE]

This is Ink Audio’s Ondes Martenot. It’s a five part library for Kontakt. And it’s free. Ondes Martenot is often considered one of the earliest electronic instruments. It has keyboard and ribbon controllers, allowing players to manipulate pitch, timbre, and volume with hand gestures. Using vacuum tubes to generate sound,…

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Neutone Morpho (Ai Tone Morphing) v1.1.1 VSTi3 AU STANDALONE WiN MAC [FREE]

Introducing Neutone Morpho – AI Tone Morphing plugin We’re pleased to present Neutone Morpho, a realtime tone morphing plugin. Our cutting-edge machine learning technology can transform any sound into something new and inspiring. Neutone Morpho directly processes audio, capturing even the subtlest details from your input. Unleash your creativity with…

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Ink Audio Harmonica Kontakt [FREE]

Ink harmonica  is a free harmonica chord library for Kontakt. It’s inspired by the sound of singer songwriters playing a harmonica in a neck holder. It’s messy, loose and human. How it works: Use the red key switches in Kontakt to switch between twelve keys. Once you’re in a key,…

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